

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Seen better days of Lion Huntin in TARDville but it's still fun & beats the Hell out of work!

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!

I actually bought a bear tag about 10 years ago with intentions but i passed up a chance to use it cause i didn't really want the bear meat and finally figured out that i didn't really care to kill a bear. My good bud had great dogs, i went on the hunt, but in the end i refused to use my tag. I see good Bear, while buck hunting, all the time.

If i could legally take a lion here in Kali, i would. Mainly though, it would be to help out the blacktail and mule deer herds. To take a lion just to take a lion, doesn't interest me. As far as following the hounds on a outa state hunt, i'm to old and outa shape for that but hound hunts in my younger day were a lot of fun.


Bear, no. I've never had any desire to kill a bear.

Lion, yes. It would be nice to kill one legally.

I've killed several bears (spot & stalk)......would DEFINITELY like to go lion hunting!

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Joey- You oughta have BESS build you a 4 wheel drive Hover-round! :)

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
OK......IN MY OPINION, I probably would decline the offer. I personally have no desire to kill some dumbazz, fat ol' bear.

Been on several bear hunts with hounds and spot and stalk, but it just ain't my thing. Bear meat is NASTY, and I have no use for it.

On the other hand, I offer for FREE... advice, directions, ammo as required, and drop off and pick up service, to any hunter who comes to my area and hunts lions.

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
LAST EDITED ON Mar-08-11 AT 02:59AM (MST)[p]Steve said, Joey- You oughta have BESS build you a 4 wheel drive Hover-round! :)"

Why would that be Wiz? You don't think i can still get around to hunt? I'll admit i've slowed down, even gave a thought or two of getting a quad but i've gotten by fairly well these past 47 years of buck hunting without one.

Come to think of it, you haven't been doing all that well hunting wise these last few years yourself. Maybe you should get Bessy to help build something for you! :)

I already have a Mnt. Lion #6 at the time but it has fallen a few numbers over the years (not archery harvest)

I have hunted bear spot and stalk so .........

I guess I would take a bear hunt......

i baited bear back in the 80's. molassas , honey and marshmellows in a bucket. i had a tree stand. i had so much fun watching them i never shot one. i have no problem with anyone shooting them. i just liked watching them.

the mountain lions? maybe. i have seen only three in the wild. and they were hauling arse. maybe a spot and stalk.

i have tried bear a few ways hated it all. lion isn't to bad.
why wouldnt you!?
id love to have a bear rug someday and a full body lion mount as well
Without hesitation! I've been on a few pursuits but never been there when one was shot. Raccoons are a blast to chase with hounds and shoot though!

I love to watch dogs work! Bird, bear, lion, coyote, coon I've seen all of those first hand!

Yes to both since I have never hunted either, it would probably be great fun and a new experience for me and who I was with.
Hard to pass up on a hunt where you can learn something new.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
I shot a bear a few years ago. Skining it felt like I had my hands in a bucket of crisco.....meat was nasty. I dont have any desire to shoot another one but I'm glad some people do. They prey on fawns just as bad as mt lions and need killin just the same. Lions are so bad in Ca they are just like yotes. We could have an open season and never get rid of them.....a guy could shoot one and let it lay as far as I'm concerned.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I have killed a few black bears and although it didnt do much for me I dont get all the whining about the meat!?! Had mine made into pepper sticks and teriaki sticks at Taylor Sausage Co. in Cave Junction OR. I cant even posess a lion mount or parts!
Bears any day! Their meat is nasty. Brother killed one and you had to wash your hands after eating the jerky caused it smelled like you wiped yourself with your hand! Lions also. I am not picky in my hunting......it's all game.
Hunting a bear or cat is great fun and real sport-hunting.
I've had the luck to have taken several bears while the rest of you guys chase the gobblers.

Bear or bird?.....hmmm....I'll take a bear hunt (spot and stalk) any ole day over a bird hunt.

Nobody talked about the cougar meat. Am I the only one who has eaten it and LOVED it? "Cougar, the other white meat" No joke, it's really good!

Never thought that a lion hunt would be for me but just had a patient offer to take me and I am now obsessedwith it. I find myself out driving around during my lunch breaks lately looking for fresh tracks.

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