That series ends tonight. I don't know if Detroit can win 3 consecutive games against a very good SJ team. They are different this year and perhaps are ready to contend for the Cup. Will see tomorrow night if Detroit can turn this into a series again.

LAST EDITED ON May-07-11 AT 11:33PM (MST)[p]Preds showed a lot of character tonight. It's now a series, returning back to Nashville for Game 6. Still think the Canucks will win the series.

Eldorado and buttshot. This was a NBA thread. Look at lebrons face at the top. If you wanted a hockey thread then you should have started one. FAGS
Last nights game was pretty cool for what I saw of it. Caught the last 10 minutes and after the Canucks scored their last point, it was still Nashville all the way. Gotta love it when a series goes more than 5 games. Does'nt matter who it is playing.
Red Wings and Sharks start in a couple hours yet. Be nice to see Datsyuk score a couple before the end.
Hey Whiskey and others, maybe this will help ya. LOL.

And to think this all started over some crybabythugpussy named KOBE...... LA got swept right through the cracks...}>
I filled out the paper! Where do I send it in? Or do I just dry my eyes with it? Haha I Was buzzed off my ass when I posted that! Hell hockey is still gay tho! Hahahaha
Gay?? There is a heckofalotmore arse slappin in basketball than hockey, heck in hockey they shake hands after the game instead of feeling up some man muscle... }>
3rd period coming up.
Incredible. The Redwings showed the character of a champion in that 3rd period to send the series back to Detroit. Great goaltending and clutch scoring by the Redwings.

If the Sedins don't get their act together you will not only have a Game 7, but the possibility of a long summer if they lose that game. Imagine the pressure they must be feeling to win this series.

Well, the sedin twins showed up and put an end to a very good series. Vancouver will go to the conference finals. Who will be the other team?
Game 6 tommorrow night.
LAST EDITED ON May-09-11 AT 11:55PM (MST)[p]Redwings must be careful of a let down, especially after their gut wrenching Game 5 win. They will be playing with a great deal of confidence and momentum. I see them winning tonight in a very close game.

I am not confident of a win by the Wings tonight, however, being glued to the couch and tube with beer in hand I will either rejoice or have tears in me beer.
Be nice to see a game 7 Thursday night! }>

Nice game tonight , scoreless into the 3rd period, then Detroit , then San Jose, then Detroit, and then Detroit again.
Game 7 in San Jose Thursday night. If the Wings play like they did tonight,Sharks better get tuff.}> }>
Big game tonight. If SJ scores first then I can see them routing the Redwings in this game. But, if Detroit score first watch out. Should be a great game.

Definetely gonna be a good game, whoever wins. Red Wings are gonna kick arse. Datsyuk will set up the winning goal and Lidstrom will score it. This game will be a low scoring game, quite possibly into OT.
GO SHARKS!!! And somebody please knock the crap out of Datsyuk and Holstrom and Bertuzzi and Zetterberg and Korndick, also I think Howard needs some snow spray to the face every chance they get. Man I hate the Wings.

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Couture is just like Thornton , a thug!!!
Damnnnn ,, if the Wings don't get it together, they are gonna be sad, and that just ain't right!!
Sharks win, congratulations Pavelski and McClellan. Wings will be back next year. The winningest team in NHL history.
OK, now on to the finals. Sharks win in 6. Tampa wins in 7. Although Boston may win in 5. Then ,if Sharks play Tampa for the Stanley Cup, Sharks will win . But if Boston plays the Sharks for the cup, Boston will take the Stanley!
It's been a good playoff series so far. Absolutely game 7, Sharks and Detroit has been the best game so far.
It still sounds good.
Thank God the Wings are out. You are right BS, it's not healthy to hate. I actually lost sleep the night of game 5 when the Wings scored 3 3rd period goals to win the game and the Sharks aren't even my favorite team. Hit of the series goes to Jiri Hudler for knocking Cleary unconscious, he wasn't on my hit list but he'll do. It was great watching game 7 with a bunch of trash talking Wing fans. Just curious, why is Thorton a Thug and why shouldn't that goal counted?

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Finally the conference finals begin. Tonight TB will be at Boston and SJ at Vancouver tomorrow night. Both will be great series.

One down and three to go for my Eastern Conference pick. Boston's PP is just dreadful and Thomas looks like a rebound machine. Game 2 is next Tuesday night.

THEY OWE ME!!!! I want the "CUP"
I got my 1st World Series ring now... I want the cup!!


My pick to win the Western Conference took a hit tonight. SJ was simply outworked and outplayed in the 3rd period. Game 2 is next Wednesday night.

Its like being a Vikings or BILLS even a SAINTS (scratch the Staints)..FAN!

Sorry, haven't been watching much of the finals, Sarueday we retrieved the horses and threw a few ton of hay a couple times and only caught the end of TB and Boston. TB scored their 4th and then Boston got their 2nd, went for the extra player to allow an empty net goal. Very SWEEET. Yesterday was a family event at my brothers ,caught the last 3 minutes,needless to say I was bummed that the Canuckleheads took that one. Gonna be some good games coming up.
Shotgunjim, Thornton's skating stop to throw snow in Howards face and acting like "what ,, i din't do nothin" an expecting a penalty for the little bit of roughing, then giving Datsyuk the shoulder after the whistle, knocking him almost over and wanting a penalty for Datsyuk hitting him in the headf as he glided away, dumping Franzen and smacking his ankle and then flopping like a fish when he was hit in the ankle in retaliation from Franzen. Those are just a few thug moments for him, but that is how you play hockey.
After having won 8 straight games, TB finally ran out of gas tonight and yet managed to make it a game. If you loved scoring, this was you're game. Series is now tied at 1 game apiece.

LAST EDITED ON May-19-11 AT 00:55AM (MST)[p]

My choice to win the Western Conference is being picked apart by the seemingly better Canucks. It also doesn't help that you self destruct with selfish penalties. SJ is now down 2 games with the next 2 back home. It's put up or shut up if you ask me.

Boston seems to be finding their stride and are now up 2-1 in their series. Game 4 is next Saturday night.

LAST EDITED ON May-20-11 AT 10:06PM (MST)[p]

SJ wins a penalty marred game to jump back into the series and now trails 2-1. Game 4 is Sunday afternoon.

San Jose actually played like they wanted to win last night. Vancouver is gonna be hard to win against. Sharks win last night was a fun game to watch.
Watch out, Boston may take this series. Thomas's shutout the other night was freaking awesome. I am kinda on the Tampa side, simply because of the Yzerman factor..
TB survives a slow start winning going away and tying the series at 2 games apiece. Boston with another monumental collapse, giving up 5 unanswered goals. Game 5 is next Monday night.

My Western Conference pick is about to become toast. SJ simply went brain dead in the 2nd period with all their penalties and payed dearly by giving up 3 consecutive PP goals. They now find themselves down 3-1, with Game 5 in Vancouver next Tuesday night.

Boston takes another game, next game is an elimination game. If Tammpa doesn't put forth a little more energy.....then they are toast.
OK ,, everybody knows I'm a Red Wing fan, so the Wings are done till next year but keeping with the Red Wings Alumni, McClellan should take the western conference and play for the Stanley Cup next month. Alas, we know that ain't happening,they just can't stay out of the penalty box. Vanouver Canuckleheads will be in the Championship round.
Switching to the Eastern conference, Tampa, led by another Red Wing alumni, Yzerman, should play against the Canuckleheads(I like that name) but again, me thinks Boston will be playing next month against Vancouver.
My picks to play for the Cup are San Jose and Tampa. All in for the Red Wings!! }>
Well, the Western Conference is settled and Vancouver has advanced to the Stanley Cup finals. Congrats to the Canucks.

Feel bad for McClellan , but not real bad.. Ya I'm still sore about the Red Wings losing to thug Thornton. But ,,,,congrats Canuckleheads!!!
Meanwhile ,, Here we go Tampa Here we go...Tampa leads by 2 again!!10 minutes to go and game 7 coming up!!
BOOOOOOYEAAAAAAAaaaaaa, Tampa wins by 1, hey that's enough to go to game 7. Comon Tampa.
I really want to see Tampa spank Vancouver in 2 weeks but , Boston will most likely be the team to do it. Gerriatrick Thomas( a name given him by my wifes doctor, who is a big Boston fan) will play better in game 7. I love game 7's, whoever is playing. Always good hockey in game 7..
Either Boston will advance or will suffer another stinging defeat and be denied again playing in the finals. Should be a great Game 7.

The Eastern Conference has been settled and Boston will meet Vancouver in the finals. I'm picking the Canucks in 6.

That was an awesome game last night.Thomas is every bit an honorable athlete and has held himself to the highest standards of the game. Except when he has the occasional meltdown. The hand shake between him and St. Louis was graceful as well as heartfelt by both. Oh well, Boston will now have to go up against the Canuckleheads. I agree with the outcome Eldorado, but maybe game 7, However, I will be holding out for Boston just because I like Thomas a little more than Loungo.....
LAST EDITED ON Jun-02-11 AT 00:49AM (MST)[p]
What a dramatic end to Game 1. With only 18 seconds remaining in the game, Vancouver burns Boston for the only goal scored in the game and takes a 1-0 series lead. Game 2 is Saturday night.

Wednseday's game found me at my buddies cabin, remodeling, and trying to get his laptop connected to the NHL network pissed me off so baad I just drank beer, tore out walls and watched 0-0 until after the game ended. My buddy finally told me about the score after I thought they would be in OT for 5 minutes.
I am home for the weekend and will be watching tonight, hope to see Boston take it to OT and win in the 3rd OT period. BUUUUYAAAA

Canuckleheads win game 1 with seconds to spare and game 2 a few seconds into OT.
Boston might want to put geriatrick Thomas on the bench and let Rask have a try for game 3.
Just sayin.....

WTF was Thomas thinking. That was perhaps the easiest goal you will ever see scored in OT. Vancouver is up 2-0 and heading to Boston for Game 3 on Monday night. Boston has lost both games either very late or early and you have to wonder how this will affect them.

Thomas has lost site of the goal.....winning the Cup!!
He can only beat himself up so much and pretend that he has his ##### together....Coaches better take a hard look at who's gonna be in the net for game 3..

LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-11 AT 09:29AM (MST)[p]This series is getting uglier by the game. Way to much post whistle stick work and face washing. Now Horton is carried off the ice after a questionable hit. The league needs to step in and establish order or else this series is going to blow up.

Wow, This is the meanest Stanley Cup Finals I've seen. I love it. Screw Horton, what comes around goes around, he's a Goon, a fighter, and a hitter, he should know better then to watch his pass instead of looking for someone who's about to take his head off. How about Thomas tomahawk chopping Burrows at the end of the game. Series now tied at 2. Way more entertaining then watching a bunch of tattooed up Gangsta pu ssys bouncing a ball around.

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Vancouver is becoming unglued and lucky for them that Game 5 is back home. The Canucks need to get their stars back on track and that begins with the Sedin twins.

Another poorly played rebound by Thomas cost Boston the only goal of the game and now Vancouver is one win away from winning their 1st Stanley Cup. Game 6 is Monday night.

Yea, Luongo had to talk a little cheet about Thomas and look at the first goal he let by. And the 2nd and 3rd also...
I still want Boston to win, give the Stanley Cup to Thomas. Not sure they can do it in Vancouver though.}>
One thing I do know is, win or lose they will riot in Vancouver.

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Vancouver is pretty stoked, HOPE THEY LOSE!!!
Last 3 years the visiting team won. Looks good for Boston! Absolutely in front of NBC tommorrow night

What a monumental collapse by the Canucks. Luongo's insecurities and the non-factor of the Sedin's were the reasons for Vancouver's ultimate downfall. Congrats to the Bruins.

WoooHoooo, Tim Thomas gets the Conn Smythe MVP award and the Stanley Cup!!
Congratulations to Boston Bruins and Tim Thomas respectively. Last nights game was awesome..
Well the season's over and summer finally made it. Time for camping and scouting and fishing.
My boy has 2 more hockey camps to go before the season starts again and I have to learn how to skate.
Congratulations Beautiful British Columbia, you just showed us all what a bunch of f$@#ing Classless, douche bags you all really are.

Who ever put a giant TV in Downtown Vancouver, the Police Chief and the Mayor should all be fired. I saw that coming as soon as the Canuckleheads made it to the Finals.

Stay Classy BC!

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What happened to the TV? I seen a clip on the news where the POS fans turned over a couple vehicles but that was about it.
I don't know what happened to the TV, but I'm pretty sure it got destroyed. What I meant was putting a giant TV in Downtown Vancouver for a crowd to gather around was just asking for trouble, especially after what happened in '94.
They turned over a couple vehicles alright, then set them on fire, then set more fires, broke windows, looted, assaults, mob beatings on Bruin fans, clashes with police you know your everyday riot kind of stuff.

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