
Long Time Member
I'll start this off simple and will end it simple when it's over the exact same way...GO KOBE GO!!

Some intriguing first round matchups...Chicago aint gittin out the second round against Dwight...their defense is good but not Superman style!!

Boston's going to do the same thing they did last year and meet LA for a rematch...

Sorry Lebron...

OKC DENVER is going to be awesome!!

Portland will take out the Mavs!!

Hey who do the Jazz play??[/IMG] ~Z~
Here I'll even hook you thug haters up...the first song on this video put me in tears laughing!![/IMG] ~Z~
I think you got the bulls wrong. I think the bulls will win the east and I'm gonna say OKC or LA in the west. Overall I'd like to see the bulls pull it off, but if LA is playing at the top of their game it will be tough for anybody to beat them. But again that is IF. If Bynum stays healthy they should do well, but I think Bynum, Gasol and even Odom (one of the NBA's most underrated players)are more vital to the Lakers than Kobe!
I would be knee knocking on Bynum every chance I could, Lets see if those weak knees can hold up.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
You guys out west seem to forget.... THE SPURS will make some noise and may wind up in the finals versus Boston where it will be a toss up. 4 rings and still ya'll don't get it but you might in a month or so.

I don't think the Spurs have quite enuf without Ginobli to get past the Lakers. I do think they are the second best team in the West. I really would have liked to see Utah in the mix....but they sucked too bad this year. Maybe next year.

I think the East is tough to really pick a winner. If you're going on consistancy, I think the Bulls are the team. Boston has lost quite a few games here the last few weeks. Is there age showing? Look at Chicago....young! It's one of those two teams meeting either the Spurs or Lakers in the finals. Lakers in 6 against whoever their opponent is.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
And whoever plays the Ducks!!
That is Goo Predators, for now. Preds 1 Ducks 1
Red Wings gonna put the smack on Phoenix in about 5 minutes, just like last year!!!
Wings 1 Yote's 1
The Lakers will be tough to beat if Andrew Bynum is able to continue to play the way he has this past month or so. Knee injury aside, he is supposed to start Sundays game. If he's good to go, that's bad news for anyone thinking to slide in there and be the new Champ.

Uh both L.A and Spurs go down in game one.

L.A wont make it the finals this year. They aint playing worth a shiz lately.
In the east nobody can beat the bulls right now.
Habs hit a snag last night but still have a 2-1 series lead and still have home ice advantage. You can bet the boys will perform better for Game 4.

Go Habs Go!

LAST EDITED ON Apr-19-11 AT 04:51PM (MST)[p]I admit, Chicago is out of their league, they will be done tonight. Boston just can't seem to get their sheeeit together, allthough Thomas is one of the best. Buffalo has 1 more chance to get it together or stay home. Red Wings and Canucks are the only two series right now at 3-0.
Have those p u ssys in the NBA even played their second game of their series yet? Do they really need a week between games in their non contact, crying foul every 30 second sport?


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I'm with ya shotgunjim, football, basketball, baseball, all of em are overpaid whiners. Put them up against a hockey player and see who runs out of steem and begins the whining crying boohoo bullsheet first.
Chicago shocked everyone last night in their arse whooping they gave to Vancouver.Luongo didn't even show up. Poor performance on their part (Canucks). Makes one wonder if they can actually pull off the same thing as last year.
How about the Sharks!! L.A. had a 4-0 lead in the 2nd period and Sharks brought it back to tie it up and then went for another goal, wich L.A. answered with one more of their own. 5-5 to start the 3rd and went to OT. They are talking the first comeback of it's kind in the playoff history. Sharks end up winning 6-5..}>
Game 4 tonight in Phoenix. Red Wings to win!!!!
WOOOHOOOOO. Things are looking good for the Red Wings. Cleaned up last night and swept the Yote's out the backdoor!! Red Wings need some time to heal all the injuries before the next round. Hopefully they don't play San Jose, could be a repeat of last year.
Vancouver better have their sheeit in one sock if they're to make the Blackhawks go home. I think they will do it. Just can't see Chicago doin what they did last year. But then again Hossa just put one in the net ! Duncan Keith just scored another and he still has what's left of his teeth. Blackhawks score 2 in 20 seconds!! Canucks to win.
Boston and Montreal will continue the battle, looks like at least 2 more games in that series.
Pittsburg still sucks!! Even if CryBaby Crosby was playin , they still suck!}>
The Grizzlies lost last night in Victoria, they hold the lead 3-0. Grizzlies doubtfully will do any good Friday night , but hey, I will cheer them on anyway.

Habs took another one in the chin. The series is tied and going to Boston where Montreal has played better. Typical Habs-Bruins playoff series that will likely go seven.

What a bunch of post hi-jackers!! This was an NBA post. Who gives a rats arse about hockey? It's like the 7th most watched sport on TV....just behind swimming.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
If basketball is such a fantastic sport, how did this post turn into a hockey post? BTW, what is a "kobe" anyway. Sounds like a foo foo drink, kinda like "SOBE".}>
WEll heck, Canouks got the win in OT. Kinda nice to see the end of Toews and Kane. Till next fall Duncan..
Sabres as a whole, fell apart from the drop of the puck in the 1st. Once they lost Pominville, they kinda went downhill. Miller still rocks the net and remains a legend in Buffalo.
2 more games in the east and on to round 2.
The NHL kicks A$$ and the NBA licks A$$.

Great game last night. Vancouver & Chicago. Nothing like a game 7 OT.
Looks like the Wings are playing the Sharks. GO SHARKS!!!

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Well, my team was eliminated tonight in OT but have to say that the boys played their butts of this entire series. Thanks for a memorable season.

What do you think of Subban? That dude has been hot, hot, hot. One of the better things to do, pulling him up from the AHL last year. Wasn't that durring the playoffs last year or right before?
Red Wings / Sharks, 1st game tommorrow night. Did not want to see this again, from last year, but hey. They played the Yote's last year as well. This year , they beat Phoenix a whole lot better and faster.
Red Wings/ Sharks will be a good series this year. The Wings have more depth and playoff experience, but the fishheads are playing damn good right now. Sorry shotgunjimmy,}>Wings in 5
Subban is a dynamic D-man who is going to add speed, skill, and offense to the blueline.
That bomb from the point to tie the game late in the 3rd period was just wicked. He has "star" written all over him.

Tamp Bay beats the Capitals, kinda gave em a spanking really. Ovechkin wasn't even awarded a single point in the game. I want to see Tampa make the finals but me thinks it will be Washington.;-)
On a lighter note, Lidstrom scoooresss. End of the first period , Detroit 1 Sharks 0:D
Ok, so Howard gives Pavelski a little facerub for the snow spray in the face, they both get 2 minutes and Pavelski's penalty is bullsheeit, then Pavelski draws(dives) the boarding Penalty from Bertuzzi,let's go to OT so the Sharks can get another power play for another bullsheeit penalty. Sharks win in OT.
Good thing that was just game 1!!
There was no mention of Hockey at all by the original poster. I fail to see why one or several here can be so smug about hi-jacking a thread for their own enjoyment. I keep coming back hare to see if there are any further comments of the BASKETBALL PAYOFFS yet it seems to be bullied about by those who are either to stupid or too lazy, or be decent enough, to start a thread and topic of their own.

Nothing against Hockey mind you, i just don't care for the sport, never have acquired the interest.

All that said, i believe this thread ruined so i'll start another NBA thread for the fans of that sport. You Hockey pucks go ahead and keep this one you seemed so bent on destroying, i'll not return.

The name of the post is "playoffs", where in that name does it imply anyone sport? Just cause more comments come in on another sport than what you thought should be here does not make it what you want.

Check out the post titled "next" , check the date it was posted. Joey, you are a little late and it doesn't appear to have the interest to keep it up in the top 10.
Great game between Nashville and Vancouver, won by the Preds in double OT. The save by Rinne on Bieska in the 1st OT was simply sick. Series now tied 1-1, with Game 3 and 4 in Nashville.

Got to listen to the last 5 minutes of the game on the radio. Preds to win this series in 6. Either way the Wings are gonna have trouble in the next round playing either team. Preds beat the Wings 4 of 6 times this season and Canucks have wipped the snot out of everyone.
game 2 Wings and Sharks 30 minutes away.
Both teams are very deep on the forwards and I think the Red Wings are better on the defense. I feel the same with the outcome as you but the Wings better play with a little more enthusiasm today.}>
Sharks score in the 1st , Babcock better build a fire before the 2nd starts....
McClellan otta be happy with the Sharks.
Red Wings are looking a little old and slower, need more aggression. Damn Thornton and Pavelski are the devil!!

Sharks in 5. Knuckleheads in 6. It sure was snowing hard in San Jose today, in Howards face anyway. ; )

Never, This is a hockey thread now, quit trying to hijack it.

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chancho sucio.
that's funny never_catch, You have to go and do that after the little tizzy joey had the other day. He did make his own post about joke' kobe', but look at the response' and we are having more fun.
TB is one tough, hard working team. I think Washington is done. Hard to come back after losing like they did tonight in OT. TB looks like the most likely team to emerge from the East. There that good IMO.

The Sharks have a tendency of being unable to close the deal during much of their playoff history. The Redwings however, have been here before and have a history of winning tight series. Still a lot of hockey to be played between these two teams.

LAST EDITED ON May-02-11 AT 00:01AM (MST)[p]You guys are borderline gay...just lettin ya know!![/IMG]

Hey Never, that's odd coming from someone who has such a man crush for Kobe. Something we don't know????

Not a man crush, just a solid fan!! Your best buddy on here is named "buttshot"...something you wanna tell us but can't?? :)[/IMG] ~Z~
Never, you act like a child with you're antics and innuendos. Why can't you respect his username and leave it at that.

Cuz you hijacked my thread you sorry SOB!! :) Now I'm just going to piss you off cuz that's how I roll!! Fag!![/IMG] ~Z~
Never catch, you are funny,if this thread has been hijacked, it is no fault of the hockey crowd. You pansy arse basketball freaks just completely quit commenting. You have nobody to blame cept your selves..LOL.
Now go throw another tizzy back over there on Joey's post and fondle all those b-ball boys.
Works both ways you FAG....
LAST EDITED ON May-02-11 AT 06:30PM (MST)[p]Philly 1 Boston 0 1st period ... Boston will make the come back and spank Briere and Hartnell like the redheaded step child that he is. I think nit will be Boston in 5. Then Boston will lose to Yzermans team. The Thunder will then play for the cup, but I dare not make the call on who in the west will beat the Lightning.}>
There isn't a thing about my MM name that should skeer you, but if you really want to be that way, so be it. I have been on this sight for almost 10 years and I know for a fact that I splained my monnicer, Bobcat gave me a lot a chit , so go ahead, check the archives , find out for yourself how far offbase you are . Go ahed ya FAG...HAHAHAHAA;-)
Oh ,, I have supported your share of single moms before you were in diapers, not that long ago is it..HAHAHA :* :* :*
Go Celtics go! Even tho they're down one. And Also I'd rather eat the as$ out of a skunk then agree with hornkiller! I really hate the heat!
Boston wins in overtime, even if the ref is on the Flyers payroll. Boston leads the series 2-0.sweeet.

Sharks 2 games, Wings ZERO!!! Remember back in the day when the Wings had Colorado 2 games to none, then Colorado wins 4 straight? I hope that don't happen to the Sharks. GO SHARKS!!!!!!!!

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Flyers are a mess. Boston's on a roll and on a mission to avenge last year's playoff collapse. I see Boston and TB playing in the Eastern Conference finals.

Not really an NBA fan, haven't really watched it since the Stockton, Malone,and Hornisek(?) days, but I'm glad the Lakers lost too. If I had to choose an NBA team again , hmmm, nope, can't do it.
I'm seeing Boston and Tampa playing in the eastern conference finals too.
Sharks have made some good comebacks too. I just want the Wings in there till the end.
I dont't really care for the red wings.. I've always thought there boots were overpriced :)
Not only is Washington done but so is Bodreau. All that talent and still they are unable to reach the conference finals.

Vancouver and Nashville is turning into a real nailbiter, good playing on both sides. Tampa looks to sweep the Capitals, kinda like Detroit did to the Yote's. Boston is set to slap Hartnell with another loss tonight, as we are now, Boston leads the series 2-0. Game 3 tonight in Detroit.

Your celtics are looking pretty damn pathetic right about now hornkiller!!
Looks like Boston and TB in the East and SJ and Vancouver in the West with TB playing SJ for the Cup. That would be a great series.

0-2 lakers I'm starting to like where this is going.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Yes, I believe the Lightning will be playing for the Stanley Cup on the east side. It still is a tossup for the west however, I would like to see the Sharks win that one as well.;-)

I thought Hockey was the only sport that the refs were on a teams payroll, you have that problem in the NBA??
I love watching the Wings lose OT playoff games at home. The silence coming from the crowd is awesome. The brooms will be out in Detroit, but not for the home team.

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Tonight's either win or go home for the Flyers and Redwings. I have a feeling that one of these two teams will win to play another day.

That Lidstrom is about as good of a "D" guy you could ask for. All time highest postseason goals scored. They have talked about him going into the NHL Hall of Fame, and I am sure he will.I doubt he will be retiring this year.
Bertuzzi's backhand opening goal was sweeeet!!
End of the 2nd and Dan Boyle snuck one in past Howard, BS if ya ask me but Howard left that little hole open.Sharks picked up the tempo and the Wings had to dig hard to match em. 3rd pewriod coming up.
Red Wings win !!!! Scored right at the end of the 3rd. Then they had to play like it was a power play and they killed off the remaining time.WOOOOHOOOOO
Next game in San Jose on Sunday!!

Detroit wins to play another day. Let's see if Philadelphia can do the same. They are tied 1-1 after 2 periods played.

I'm thinking Boston will take the series tonight.....
The only reason I don't like the Flyers is the color orange. My wife hates them with a passion because they rooint Buffalo's chance for the last 2 years.HAHAHAHA
LAST EDITED ON May-06-11 AT 09:44PM (MST)[p]Of the 3 goalies used, not one started and finished a game durring this series. I'd say that is on coaching.
Laviolette is no slouch. He's a seasoned veteran coach who unfortunately had IMO, piss poor goaltending.

Can't win a game without a good goaly. Think Philly can turn Miller?
Tonights game could be the end of the Predators, if the Sedin brothers decide to play again....


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