Pinedale Meat Processor


Very Active Member
Any advice/review for meat processors in or near Pinedale, expecting to have a moose and cow elk?

Feel free to PM me if you don't want to post a review on the Net.


I have always taken all of my stuff to buffalo meats in Jackson but this year a friend of mine is going to be opening a processing shop just north of town near Cora. His name is Neal Nelson and he went to school to be a butcher and currently is a butcher at Ridley's in Pinedale. They are currently building their shop now and plan to have it operational by the end of next month. From what I have heard it will be much cheaper than Jackson as well. When he gets it up and operational I will try to remember to post his phone number.
Last year we drove twice up to JHole to Jackson Buffalo Meats to have our Antelope processed, they did a good job and was ready when we were ready to leave to head home in Sept.

Glad to hear that your friend Neal Nelson is going to open a NEW place up there in that area. I will make a note of this and check back with you later to see if he is done and address/phone as well.

Thank you for the information that is very helpful, I am very interested in the new shop opening up there. I will look for their information in late August.

Anyone ever been to Hog Island Meats just south of Jackson?

I also am looking forward to Neal getting up and running. The Pinedale area is in much need of a quality meat cutter. I know the family very well, and they are very good people.

With a little luck I will be taking over me and my wife's buffalo this year.
>I also am looking forward to
>Neal getting up and running.
>The Pinedale area is in
>much need of a quality
>meat cutter. I know the
>family very well, and they
>are very good people.
>With a little luck I will
>be taking over me and
>my wife's buffalo this year.

I'm hoping to get my Buffalo ,and having it processed in Jackson as well.What month are you going to hunt,and are you using an outfitter. My son in law and i are going January 3rd. Good luck...

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