Pimping Points


Very Active Member
Seems to be more open offers to provide something in order to bypass the standard draw waits. Applying for a non hunting relative is sort of standard practice to jump wait years. Apply with me with your more points and you get......???? I know some states have landowner tags to bypass the draw and the price in cash is negotiable. Is enough points to draw X tag worth the equivalent landowner tag price? Is it legal to take money or provide whatever to do that? I won't comment on the ethics:)

That being said, what if the state changes the rules and you just want to get your money back? Does that change ethics? There are states I have given up on and would love to recoup a bit.... ;)

What you all say?
Don't agree with the averaging of points myself rather see low point on totum pole is what ya enter drawing with. JMO!!
When you get a Refund for Points in TARDville Let me know!

Hey Elkass, I am kinda new to the forums here but have noticed your comments on almost every post and all are very heavy with sarcasm and low on content or usable information. Just wondering if you get paid for each post or you are just dealing with boredom.
Get used to it or not...thats the internet and MM. Its a hobby for some and almost a life of its own for others. Sarcasm is hard to read over the internet..pm..or just a normal text. As my wife about the last one....lol
LAST EDITED ON May-04-16 AT 11:37PM (MST)[p]elkassassin is a great guy DoubleDropMuley, nobody, I mean nobody, on here will throw you a line, if your in a bind, quicker than the old BobCat.

He's old, like a lot of us. Cynical by nature and over 50 years living watching and feeling the consequences of a whole lot of smoke and mirrors. It does start to come out your pores after that many years, if you care enough to even pat attention anymore.

We all have our "persona" here 'bouts. If you ever have the good fortune to spend a few hours with the elk killer, you'll find a very different person than you think you know, off the MM forum. Most likely true from many that frequent this nonsense. It helps if you can allow a good deal of the banter to float over, and keep what few tidbits of real value that come and go, from time to time.

ElmerF, you're one gentleman I've come to respect, the come here to play. I think you have more of it pretty much figured out.

Regarding your question.

I have 9 Wyoming antelope points and have know knowledge here in Wyoming to go to find a mature, large horned antelope. I'm 69 in June. I've killed a few antelope but never a better than average sized horned one. (At least since I cared. I killed 2 really big ones in 1964 and 1965 in Alberta, but in those days I was hunting for meat and threw the heads to the dogs, without a second thought.) I've wanted to get one more, before all the air goes out of my lungs, so I've been building pref point to try and accomplish that goal, along with a few others I'm still working on.

A gentleman, without any pref points, offered to provide access to a ranch in Wyoming, he say's have a few better than average pronghorns. I did a little home work and called him. We made a trade, he gets me access, I add him to my application. Be both benefit. He gets to hunt, in a place, at a time he couldn't, without my (or someone else's) points. I get to hunt a location that I couldn't hunt without him providing the information on which ranch to hunt. It's a win, win, as far as Im concerned.

Is it ethical. It may not be to someone else but I have no problem whatever with it. They are my points, the system allows groups to apply together, knowing that groups will apply together. Averaging the points allows what we are doing to work. If they change the rules, and no longer use the average, but use lowest points, as the points for all in the group, I have no problem with that either. I've never found fault with sportsmen using rules and regulations to their benefit. If rules or regulations become counter productive, or unpopular, for that matter, the rules can and should be changed. But to know there is a problem, and leave it as is, is either lazy, or incompetent. Remember, many of these issues are "social in nature" and have nothing to do with right or wrong.

So.....no, I have no problem sharing points.

Selling points is simply another term for sharing, IMO. What is the difference in getting access or getting cash, to buy access, for providing the ability for someone to put in on "my" points. A transaction is taking place between two or more people, be they complete strangers, or all family members, it's still a transaction that benefits someone.

I've got 10 Wyoming deer points. I'll be watching for a similar arrangement in the next year or two with those points as well, unless Wyoming decides to change the regulations, which they certainly have every right to do. If they do, I'll adjust. I won't violate any laws, but I will try to determine my best chance at hunting the kind of deer I've been investing for.

LAST EDITED ON May-05-16 AT 00:55AM (MST)[p]I have the opinion that I paid for them and if I am allowed to average them to suit my hunting desires then so be it...really if you are not strategizing the point game then you are missing out. No its not unethical in my opinion
LAST EDITED ON May-05-16 AT 05:08AM (MST)[p]2 Lumpy is right. Bobcat is a good cat. He's a ornery cat but a cat with a heart. Like Clint Eastwood except he is not movie star good looking or very smart cat. He is a Jerk off cat and a little weird too. ( just razzing you elkass).
People get frustrated in the point system and poaching and illegal activities in Utah.
America's good Ol days are waning and it's ok to complain or make comments here. I've seen him help people and that was all I needed to see.
Yup your right 2 lumpy there is a few guys on here such as elk that I chuckle at every time I read one of his post. Makes my day. Gotta love!!!! Personally I wished the point systems no matter what system they used was ever put in place. Straight out draw is my preference. Places like strip or henries is a place I would love to hunt but being so far behind I never see that happening. I may never draw in the straight out draw either but my slim odds would still be somewhat better.
Hey Lumpy & DM!

Please don't Tell them about Me being the JACK-ASS I Really Am!:D

LAST EDITED ON May-05-16 AT 08:00AM (MST)[p]>Hey Elkass, I am kinda new
>to the forums here but
>have noticed your comments on
>almost every post and all
>are very heavy with sarcasm
>and low on content or
>usable information. Just wondering if
>you get paid for each
>post or you are just
>dealing with boredom.

Bahahahahhahahaha ^ I like this guy!
You gotta realize he is from uintah basin and severely lacks certain motor skills for typing to engage in useful conversations!
Haha in all seriousness elkass just likes to stir the pot. He is pretty harmless. Unless you drive an atv off the road then he might be a bit dangerous with his words
Just read his posts with a grain of salt and chuckle
>Your are correct with the number
>of posts...........how many ya gotta
>have before expressing an opinion?

Well it is not so much you have to have before expressing an opinion, but more how many do you need before anyone really gives a crap....
There is nothing wrong with using the system. They made the rules and now you can use them for your gain.

Currently I am buying point for myself, wife, dad, mom and if I could someone else I would for them as well. I will blow my points on a top unit. My wife is splitting hers with our daughter for her first hunt, my dad is splitting with my son for his first hunt and by then I will be back up to split again. Kind of every 2 years we will be able to split 6 for average of 3.
doesn't bother me a bit people do that. Its legal so no cares, I don't like the way colorado hands out points and tags to the same individual then wonders why there is point creep. Yet I do it cause its the way the system is.

If they changed it to where you couldn't sell your points to go split them I wouldn't care that way either. Pimping points isn't a big deal to me, many other more important things out there.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Your right. The system creates the behavior, as it is supposed to do. After all, that's what systems are put in place to do. However, some people make a greater effort to learn and utilize the system, to best met their needs.

Consider the following, as you approach this, very legitimate question, asked by ElmerF.

It is part of the benefit of wanting to hunt and wanting your family to hunt, where you want to hunt, when you want to hunt and what you want to hunt, and therefore studying and leveraging all of the opinions that you can, to do what you love to do.
I certainly remember three fellows learning the system on the Paunsaugunt. They had four points each, the system was changed where you could put in for all three hunts. Everyone else was putting in for the rifle hunt with the maximum points being around 10 points. Those dog-gone buggers put in for the archery hunt and drew with an average of 4 points. "Ya See" 4 points was the maximum for archery at that time.

Those boys went hunting all three seasons down there. You snooze, you loose. :)

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