Panguitch Lake Unit Archery Mule Deer

  • Thread starter hothuntinchick21
  • Start date


First time bow hunter headed to the Panguitch Lake area for Mule Deer and was hoping someone could give me some tips on areas to go. I know there's a lot of ground to cover but I don't mind hiking in to places, going to be there for 10 days so plan on covering some ground. Any help I could get would be greatly appreciated!!
>First time bow hunter headed to
>the Panguitch Lake area for
>Mule Deer and was hoping
>someone could give me some
>tips on areas to go.
> I know there's a
>lot of ground to cover
>but I don't mind hiking
>in to places, going to
>be there for 10 days
>so plan on covering some
>ground. Any help I
>could get would be greatly

Normally, new members post a picture of themselves.
No speedo shots either, new members with downed game preferred.

?If men were angels, no government would be
necessary.? John Adams
obviously Deerslayer88 didnt notice the name of the original poster. LOL

Jake H. BIG BONE HUNTING Page on Facebook.
Hey man this is the internet I don't wanna take my chances lol.

?If men were angels, no government would be
necessary.? John Adams
I use to hunt around there and I know several good area's for archery.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
LAST EDITED ON Aug-10-14 AT 07:45PM (MST)[p]You'll find deer almost everywhere you go on that unit, but they'll be scattered, with not a lot of them in any one place, especially with a wet spring like we've had down here. But they do stay a bit higher this time of year. Yankee Meadows, Red Desert, Tippits Valley, hills above Bear Valley, Uinta Flat, Summit Mountain are some good places to look, but you'll not be the only one looking because, except for the Red Desert, those roads are in great shape. Sorry, but I have the same tag and I'm not going to give away my general location, let alone my honey hole(s), so you now know where I'm not!

In any case, you should be able to find deer rather easily.
There are deer almost everywhere on that unit. You will have the chance to kill a two point or spike every few miles on about any road from Ikes Valley to the Cedar Breaks and Brian Head Turn off on about any dirt road along Highway 14. If you are looking for a bigger buck you are going to have to get out of your truck or off your four wheeler because 95% of the hunters don't get off the roads more than 100 yards more than twice during the whole hunt (okay I made up that statistic). Honestly, it is a fun hunt. Most hunters will only be on the mountain opening weekend over Labor Day weekend. If you can hunt week days you will be way better off and will see a lot more deer. Good luck. I would listen to elkfromabove on better locations to start your search.

Also be aware that the Panguitch Lake unit is 3,200 deer OVER population objective and with a 19 bucks to 100 doe ratio, which is also OVER objective, there are about 512 more bucks on that unit than they want. But they issued only 200 more tags, and with a 20/20/60 Archery/Muzzy/Rifle split and a 25% archery success rate, that means that 40 new archers will kill about 10 more deer this year than last year. I don't know what the DWR will do next year, but this is a great year to hunt deer there!

Plus, there are elk there too and the archery elk tags are unlimited and the archery elk season runs at the same time as the archery deer season. You'll only be able to hunt spikes and antlerless on that unit but you might as well try for elk while you're at it!

Good luck and be safe!
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