NYT McCain smear


Long Time Member
The NYT is out of line big time on this one. This is old news that was nothing then and is nothing now. The NYT is in the tank for the Dems and are part of the vast Left Wing conspiracy. Sickening.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
Calm down 02, macain did something wrong, what that was still is up in the air, you cant tell me that you trust Mcain, you know the gig, mcain is no different. instead of calling out the paper, why not call out mcain, you trust a slimy politician over a news paper? I'm more inclined to believe the paper at least for now, than I am a Mcain, who has everything to lose, except miss cat eyes. . .
Why is this a smear but everything negative about a dem candidate that comes out a revelation? McCain is not off limits so expect more dirt on all the candidates even republicans.

The 2000 campaign letters detailing how this matter needed to be kept under the rug suggest there's some fire under the smoke to me.
The thing of it is this has been investigated to death and nothing came of it. Plus the woman he suposedly banged denies it as well. You guys know as well as I do that the NYT is in the tank for the Dems. There is no denying it.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
No doubt about it, and FAUX News is for the republicans. if the story is bunk it will be discredited, welcome to politics.
Just incase you had not heard. There was an independant study that Hillary has been quoting that says FOX has been the most fair to the candidates.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
Ole Slick Willie was a cheatin liar too and you guys profess your love for him everyday....if its true I guess you lefties will be voting for McCain :)

By the way, did'nt the NYT endorse McCain just before Super tuesday? Could'nt remember, If they did it's even more hilarious.
The timing on this story says it all. NYT endorses McCain while trying to shoot down Rudy and Romney. Now that the competition is all but gone, they have turned their sights on the republican nominee.
Expect the rest of the media/press to follow. McCain is now in the crosshairs. The media wants to elect a democrat, and they will stop at nothing to accomplish it.
Below are the exerpts from the NYT article that mentions romantic wrong doings. You will notice this is all inuendo and here say along with hidden sources. What a crock and totaly unprofessional. This is on the level of tabloid news at best!!!

"Convinced the relationship had become romantic, some of his top advisers intervened to protect the candidate from himself ? instructing staff members to block the woman?s access, privately warning her away and repeatedly confronting him, several people involved in the campaign said on the condition of anonymity."

"Mr. Black said Mr. McCain and Ms. Iseman were friends and nothing more. But in 1999 she began showing up so frequently in his offices and at campaign events that staff members took notice. One recalled asking, ?Why is she always around??

That February, Mr. McCain and Ms. Iseman attended a small fund-raising dinner with several clients at the Miami-area home of a cruise-line executive and then flew back to Washington along with a campaign aide on the corporate jet of one of her clients, Paxson Communications. By then, according to two former McCain associates, some of the senator?s advisers had grown so concerned that the relationship had become romantic that they took steps to intervene.

A former campaign adviser described being instructed to keep Ms. Iseman away from the senator at public events, while a Senate aide recalled plans to limit Ms. Iseman?s access to his offices. "

"In interviews, the two former associates said they joined in a series of confrontations with Mr. McCain, warning him that he was risking his campaign and career. Both said Mr. McCain acknowledged behaving inappropriately and pledged to keep his distance from Ms. Iseman. The two associates, who said they had become disillusioned with the senator, spoke independently of each other and provided details that were corroborated by others."

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
Dude wrote: "No doubt about it, and FAUX News is for the republicans. if the story is bunk it will be discredited, welcome to politics."

That is some serious spin, even for you dude. The NYT puts out a 'story' with no evidence, no blue dress, no woman admitting she had the affair, NOTHING, and you want to compare that to Fox News? WTF is wrong with your head? This is tabloid journalism at it's worst, to say the NYT is a 'news' paper is no longer factual. The smear campaign from the left, and yes the media is part of the left, has started and will only get worse as we get closer to November. I predict this will back fire big time on the left and this kind of CHIT will help McCain more than it will hurt him. If the left keeps it up, you will be eating your words about the dems getting the white house, you heard it hear first!


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
Like McCain is the first one to get grilled by the media ? politiians on both sides get it all the time stop your sniveling it just makes you look desparate for a free pass.

McCain might be in his golden years but he's not the golden child so expect more dirt on him to come out both true and false, Obama will face the same music. like I said already Hillary is going to be the safest in times like this because her dirt has been poured over for 20 years by the national media.
So what you are saying Dude is that it does not bother you that a news organization that claims to be "The news papper of America" has no ethical standards what so ever when reporting a story. They can just make up what ever their pea brains come up with and thats fine by you!
There has got to be some evidence if a news paper is going to make acusations like this. C'mon!!!

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
Perhaps though forgets Climate/Poly Sci PHD 202 but McCain has had a past ethics problem. He was a member of the Keating 5 or does he get a pass on that since he's a Republican. He's dead in the water in the general election. It will a huge landslide maybe he should pull out and turn it over to Huckleberry, I kind of like that guy.
The media can report what ever they want to, if they're wrong and you can prove it then sue them. what are we supposed to do about it? don't expect Obama and Hillary to quit the race because some NYC paper runs a story with questionable facts. get a grip, gripe at the ones who ran the story not the rest of the world we didn't write it.

Until it's proven false I'm not going to say he did or didn't do it, if it was just an affair and he did nothing illegal like I give a crap anyway.
Eel, lets hear about that lesbo affair? uuhhh nevermind it was prolly with that guy Janet Reno.
The NYT is just throwin boogers on the wall to see if something is snotty enough to stick. I didn't see any facts presented in the front page article, but I didn't expect to, it's the NYT a far left liberal paper catering to a primarily left liberal audience. They buried on the back page all of Bill's affairs with Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey, Louinski and probably a whole host of others. And they also gave us that fine factual journalist Jayson Blair.
is it just me or does she have a quarter in her panties.....


Cornhusker I am no great defender of John McCain or the bulk of the taint in the GOP. However, McCain was cleared of all charges in the Keating S & L scandal.

The press and the dems have also repeatedly stated that McCain has flip-flopped on the Bush's tax cuts. McCain at the time did vote against the tax cuts because they were not balanced by cutting spending.

The fact that he currently supports the tax cuts, without matching cuts in spending is a flip-flop.

I will not vote for McCain in 2008 due to other areas where he has flip-flopped or blantantly lied within the last couple of years. Not to mention the fact that he has zero presidential qualities that I feel could unite our country.

If McCain has had an extra-marital affair he will only join the likes of other outspoken republican moral crusaders that wrap themselves in the soiled linens of family values.

Given the division over McCain within the party I would suspect GOP operatives of spurring the NYT story more than DNC operatives.
T is right on this one! We should trust the bipartisan, completely middle of the road, fairness no matter what, do the right thing, media known as the New York Times.

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Isn't it funny to read 'dudes perception of this issue, and then read his comments about Michelle Obama's "for the first time, I'm proud to be an American" comment?

'Dude, you're a funny guy, but so predictable!
What's funny about it? I don't judge either one of them by what the media says. if McCain did anything with his lobbist that's going to upset you neocons a lot more than me, as long as he didn't break the law it's a non issue.

That is unless he's a dem then we need to bring Ken Star in and spend a few billion on tabloid gossip, you guys are the funny ones, and so predictable.
Exactly, I agree with dud.

If our leaders are immoral people in their own lives who cares. It's not like dishonest people who cheat on their wife would ever cheat strangers. I mean why would we care if people lie to the ones closest to them, let alone the public. People who lie to their wife really never ever lie to complete strangers. Plus who needs leaders with integrity? Who needs leaders that have moral backbones? Who needs leaders that are ethical in their relationships with thier wife?


"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Let me see we have immorality, flip flopping, adultry, plagerism, liars, cheaters, thieves, bribery, whitewater travelers and evaders, murderers, pardoners, tax evaders and drunks, all of which are redeeming qualities on their own and then we have pedophiles and gays and racists to throw in there to add a little color to the mix. Yep these are a few of the endearing qualities that makeup the majority of the leadership of our country and then we wonder why in the hell we're in the mess we're in. Go figure!
FTW I disagree with you that he was cleared he was not cleared.

"After a lengthy investigation, the Senate Ethics Committee determined in 1991 that Alan Cranston, Dennis DeConcini, and Donald Riegle had substantially and improperly interfered with the FHLBB in its investigation of Lincoln Savings, while John Glenn and John McCain had been only minimally involved. The Committee recommended censure for Cranston and criticized the other four for "questionable conduct."

All five of the senators involved served out their terms, but only Glenn and McCain were subsequently re-elected

I believe and its been a while since I've read the whole thing but they basically the ethics committee couldn't prove he had any more than a small part, not innocent. Questionable conduct allegations for one of their fellow Senators is a good slap on the wrist.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-08 AT 03:35PM (MST)[p]Cornhusker,

I remembered the Keating 5 scandal coming up in the 99 election and for some reason I thought McCain was cleared of the charges.
When I went to confirm my recollection I must admit I didn't dig too deep. McCain is not my guy so there was a certain amount of laziness on my part I only checked one website to corraborate my memory.


After a little more research I found this site. Which does validate more of a key role than I remembered. Although it does appear to state he was cleared of charges, apparently there is more to the story than I recalled.


In any case I was making an attempt of being fair handed, given the references that he was cleared.
As long as the smoking gun wasn't in his hand when they caught him that's close enough to innocent to call a him cleared.

Watch for dirt on Obama to start coming out and that will be nothing more than good information to the same crowd whining about this story.
Here's what you are missing dude, if McCain and/or another candidate 'leaks' a story it is DIFFERENT than a supposed NEWSPAPER 'leaking' a story that has NO proof, no wrong doing, but does exactly what they hope, and that is for pinheads like you to take it as gospel. Journalists are supposed to be neutral, do you know what that means? It means they don't do the dirty work of one party or the dirty work of a candidate. Spin this all you want, but what the NYT has done is taking tabloid journalism to a new low, which is saying something. The funny thing is folks like you and cornhusker and others truly believe the NYT is 'mainstream' and not an agenda driven PR tool for ONE party. Say what you want about Fox, but they have nowhere near the audience of the NYT. And the other 'mainstream' media outlets are running with this as if it is in indictment of McCain. Thank God for the internet, cable news, and talk radio, or we would be all in the dark on what is going on. And no, I don't believe everything out there, but it is good to know the truth is out there if you are willing to look for it. I heard a NBC 'news' anchor say, "where there is smoke there is fire", implying that McCain is 'shady'. Funny how the only 'smoke' I see is coming from the editors office at the NYT, and dudes arse!


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
FTW In my opinion you're one of the most fair unbiased guys on here. I really can't remember something that you posted that was incorrect or much I even disagreed with. Thanks for the link it was worth reading hopefully made me a little smarter. I can use it to keep up with some on this site.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-08 AT 08:14PM (MST)[p]Pro the problem is tards like you keep it going so you can keep crying, most of the media has moved on. as I've said but you're too dense to take in is I didn't break the story and if McCain broke no laws then I don't care.

If you don't like it don't buy the NY Times I don't, just like I don't listen to much Rush fatbutt. if Mccain was pure as the driven snow he should sue them , that's his only recourse if the story is false. if you can help him then off you go, if you can't then take a pill.

While visiting one of the liberal democrat web sites, I was surprised to see comments about how Fox news had surpassed several of the so called "mainstream" news agencies in number of viewers. They even had a blurp about Hillary making the statement that Fox news has been more fair to all the candidates then the other so called more liberal "mainstream" news agencies. Won't wonders cease. Since Hillary said it, maybe Dude and Tfinal might believe it and start watching Fox news for the real "truth" about the elections. Sorry Dude, I had to get that little poke in for old times sake.

You guys are really entertaining.

You are trying to make this a serious matter and in reality it is about a real as a Batman movie.

The truth is, Batman can't really fly and politicians can't be moral, truthful, forthright, or dependable.
The new FAUX News poll still shows Obama beating McCain in the General, now are you worried? you can't trust the other polls but FAUX you can, because they're fairly unbalanced news.

I have only one question about that. Are these the same polls that stated Hillary would be the forefront winner of the Democrats for President????

Probably, but they're from FAUX so are you going to question them?

Obama has surprised us all, Hillary more than anyone else. the polls are not wrong it's just that people change their minds, that's why they take them weekly. once Hillary and Obama stop punching on each other and start on McCain more people will move to Obama, because he doesn't put them to sleep. I'm not saying that's good but I'm saying I think it will happen.
they are not from Fox, most news agencies use the same private organizations that conduct the polls. That is one reason different news agencies qoute the same results.
They have proven to be about the same as a weather forecast, right sometimes, way off the mark the rest of the time.
I think the run off is going to be a lot closer then you think just like my perdiction that Hillary would loose when she was ahead in the polls!!!!


As I also perdicted, Hillary is against the ropes and she has taken the gloves off according to her most recent attacks on her fellow democrat Obama. This is going to get very very ugly and I think it will cause a severe riff between the democrats that support Hillary and Obama.
the NY times mud slinging article appears to have backfired. Reports are coming in that McCain has had a recent surge of funds and some of the right wing are now beginning to back him after the mud slinging by a liberal left wing newspaper.
Going to be interesting as the time goes by.

We'll see, I think I hope you're right but I'm not sure that's what I want but it could be maybe I guess.

If McCain wasn't such a Bush bunny I'd just support him and be done with it, if Obama wasn't a 99% probability of a tax machine I'd just go with him and put the mistakes of Bush behind me.

Niether one of them will be a president I like I've come to accept that, which one will I like the least is the question. I disagree with more of McCains ignorant stands on issues than I do Obama but in the end as they say you vote your pocket book. I guess if McCain wants to blow more money in a war with no end in Iraq but is willing to let your kids pay for it by adding debt rather than tax me today then what the heck. Obama would end the war but tax me to pay the debt down and fund his other programs. the notion of looking out for myself before anything else is why I registered as a republican when I turned 18, that instinct will probably make me hold my nose and vote for McCain in the end but I'm not proud of it. like they say you can't be both proud and rich. Nader just said he's running again, maybe there's an idea.
It will never happen, but if the voters would all write in "Elmer Fudd" both parties might get the hint.

Thanks for the chuckle, I never gave that a thought, but I believe you are right on the nail head. at lease with him you will never have to worry about any bad safety features with buying a new John Deere harvester.

The question on this NYT story is whether McCain did or did not possibly almost do something immoral a decade ago.

The bigger question should be why this story, why now, and who would it benefit the most?

It is so early in the process it certainly does not benefit either of the Dem candidates. As we all know Americans have ADD when it comes to history, politics, or the topics of the day. The story places into question McCain's moral fiber, leaving only one person to benefit from raising such a topic....Mike Huckabee.

202 has implied a left wing conspiracy, no big surprise there. But think about it, if it were the Dems why break such a non-story so early before the general election? There is only one person in the world that could benefit in the slightest from this non-story.
I just wonder if this information was part of the criteria that the Times used to select him for their endorsement.

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