No More Deer Dogs


Active Member
Its been pretty much confirmed that we won't be able to hunt deer with dogs this coming season. They screwed the bear hunters years ago, so its only normal we would be next. No lead no dogs. I did hear that over 40 states don't allow dogs while deer hunting...interesting.
We're you at HEI yearly instruction on Saturday? I heard about it there and it doesn't sound promising for hunters.
I agree with no dogs for deer hunting. I'd be pissed if I was out in the mountains and I see some hunter running dogs for deer scaring everything for miles while I am trying to sneak through the forest.
That’s right I forgot your hunting style takes president over everyone else.
You probably didn’t understand the comment about 1000 cuts....Look it up.
I really liked the comment that basically said that due to a canines lung volume, the dog will catch the weaker deer and maul it to death. What a hoax.
With more years than most hunting deer, I can say I've never seen dogs being used to pursu deer on public land. I have witnessed dogs being used in private acreage running thru thick brush.
We use dogs with great success at recovering wounded game in thick country. Not anymore after this takes effect I'm sure.

Hopefully there will be language allowing the use in recovery of game, but being Kali I doubt it.

Dont know many people who use them to run healthy deer but some do it in the thick stuff. It works.

I had a rat terrier years ago that was great at stirring up big brush thickets....hell....I thought it was illegal wasn't??
Trump has 3 more seats to flip the 9th circuit liberal majority. Maybe we’ll get some bandaids for some cuts.
That will be a great thing........but the ninth doesn't make california game law...or any law....

...are you thinking of a lawsuit??
Those of you who see this as a ‘dogs and deer’ issue are definitely missing what is going on here. First, it was no dogs for bears, now no dogs for deer, next it’ll be no dogs for upland birds, then no dogs for ducks.

A great analogy is lead Bullets. First, it was no lead Bullets for hunting in condor range. Then, it was no lead shot or bullets for hunting anywhere in California. Now, the proposal is to mandate that ALL Bullets AND shot for even target shooting on ranges must be non-toxic. It’s a “Camel’s nose under the tent“ scenario. They get a narrow and specific ban, then gradually expand it. They keep expanding it until we look up and...

It’s ALL gone.

You all need to wake up and put up huge resistance if you want to be able to hunt, fish or shoot much longer in CA. There will be Assembly and Senate hearings on these bills in April. We need HUNDREDS of sportsmen to show up and oppose these bills. Enough is ENOUGH, it’s time to fight back.
lol....we all need to wake up??

next you'll be telling us how to fly an airplane....
I totally understand and am in favor of using dogs to recover wounded deer. But doing drives with them to push brush just isn't sporting, at all.
lol....we all need to wake up??

next you'll be telling us how to fly an airplane....

YES, Homer, you/we all need to wake up. You may not like the way I put it, but people on our side don’t take this stuff seriously enough. When Senator Stern’s African wildlife ban Bill was being heard in committee, there were only 6 or 7 people there to testify against the bill, but around 60-70 to testify in favor. Every single person testifying in favor was a woman or girl. I was there to testify against, were you there too? If not, you need to ’wake up’ and get involved. As I recall, I was the only person testifying against who wasn’t a lobbyist for SCI, Mzuri, NRA or other hunting/gun groups.
There must be a misconception out there with the issue of using dogs to hunt deer. People don't turn their dogs loose and chase deer like they would with cats or bears where the goal is to tree a deer. That doesn't work. If dogs were chasing deer all over the county, the owners or other hunters would shoot the dog themselves.

The ignorance of some people to make stupid laws in California never ceases to amaze me.
Actually, they do.... along the sac river I've seen folks run multiple dogs through riparian jungle, with guns at the river edge, shooting at bucks as they burst from the jungle to cross the river.......not sporting at all in my opinion :(

Although, nearby that area, I will slowly hunt a jungle area, with a friend posted ahead along known deer trail/escape route in case deer scoot out ahead of no real difference, except not as disruptive.

With that said, I think any ban on dogs is a slippery slope, and yes...I believe bird dogs are next on the anti's list to limit. We gotta stick together....
Along the Sac River is probably private property and they're only taking bucks during season.

The same people who feel using dogs should be illegal can't wait to get wolves that will do the same thing year around, killing bucks, does, and fawns. They think that's just fine.

I'm not a dog owner or user, but I think it needs to be kept in perspective.
Deer in tree.jpg
I last hunted bears in 2011 in California. 2012 they banned that. (Hounds)

Many other bans have come down since then as well.

As far as using a dog vs a human for driving a thicket? Either way the deer is being pushed from their bed and comfort zone.

I have a buddy in Marysville that uses dogs for deer. Just one more nail in the coffin for hunting.

I use hounds for lions, bobcats and hopefully bear here in NV. The antis have been trying to get rid of it for years here.

Keep fighting fellas.

And stick together. You are either for (all) hunting or against any type of legal hunting is against hunting in my book.

I dont trap, dont much care for it, but we buy trapping licenses to support the sport.
We used a dog when we would hunt the thick brush patches. No way a person could get through some of them and the dog did the trick. Pretty awesome to hunt with a good deer dog.
The way to undo bad laws is litigation. Not just game laws. I really hate the ammunition background checks.
Hey hopeful I just went down to buy some ammunition with my new California ID and got turned down.
I am red badged in three nuclear facilities and court badges in the California courts system. I have a current hunting license and have bought a gun in the last five years. But they turned my down and the guys at the guns shop told me that one guy hired an lawyer to get it all straighten out.
This is the problem with the Gun Control they implement in this state, no common sense.
I am not the bad guy but just low hanging fruit and the Democrats want to seem like they are doing something about gun control so they go after us hunters who are in plain sight.
This is all political with these politicians they don't care they just want votes
Frickin hate this state
When I asked why they said they can't tell me but I could go online so I went online and it was so convoluted that there is no way to clearly straighten this out.
Also when my son helped me out it still would not say what the issue was. So I am screwed I can buy a hunting license and an gun but I can't buy ammo. Maybe this was the plan all along
Crap deal! I think eventually this ammo law will get changed in time. It’s that bad. But we’re screwed on so many other laws. Too bad the liberals have a choke hold on this state. Lots of fine people reside here, even in LA. Just a lot more that can’t see reality of certain things but still have an opinion.

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