New Uncompahgre Fire


Long Time Member
There’s a new fire burning on the Uncompahgre. It appears to be in Dominguez Canyon.
Sure wish the gooberment would spend money on something useful. Like a fleet of fire bombers that can fly 24/7 under all conditions and contain these fires. Instead of all the useless stuff they spend our money on to increase their voter base.
There was a forest service truck and trailer and the 4 wheeler was gone today at the Dominguez turn off on Divide. I haven’t seen any smoke tho.
I will look closer when I head back up tonight after a wedding
There was a forest service truck and trailer and the 4 wheeler was gone today at the Dominguez turn off on Divide. I haven’t seen any smoke tho.
I will look closer when I head back up tonight after a wedding
I’ve been shuttling back and forth between Delta and Grand Junction hospitals. Mother in law broke her hip and is in Delta. Father in law had heart issues and just got a pacemaker at St Mary’s. Screwed up my early season archery plans. I’ll look for smoke on the next run.
I’ve been shuttling back and forth between Delta and Grand Junction hospitals. Mother in law broke her hip and is in Delta. Father in law had heart issues and just got a pacemaker at St Mary’s. Screwed up my early season archery plans. I’ll look for smoke on the next run.
Man that sucks!
Hope they heal up soon!
Sure wish the gooberment would spend money on something useful. Like a fleet of fire bombers that can fly 24/7 under all conditions and contain these fires. Instead of all the useless stuff they spend our money on to increase their voter base.
Under all conditions” I’m confused how they will drop retardant or water in heavy winds?
I’ve been shuttling back and forth between Delta and Grand Junction hospitals. Mother in law broke her hip and is in Delta. Father in law had heart issues and just got a pacemaker at St Mary’s. Screwed up my early season archery plans. I’ll look for smoke on the next run.
Fill for you Fred. Keep it up and best of luck and a quick recovery for both of them.
We were out today. From Lands-End, it looks like it is in 62 and amount of smoke appears to be about the same.

Are they gonna close roads?
I saw that while driving to Grand Junction from Montrose yesterday. Ya gotta be 62. One more day recuperating the virus from hell and I'll be driving by again.

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