New to Western Hunting-Seeking advice


New Member
My family and I have picked up tags for Colorado GMU 34 in 3rd season. We are unable to take from work for early scouting, but would be very appreciative of any advice or help. No one in the party has ever hunted mule deer before, One of our hunters is 75 years old with somewhat limited mobility. Does anyone have any advice on where to start or general tips?
I'm a non-resident and no nothing about GMU34. However, I often hunt western states totally blind as you are about to do. There is a ton of information on the web if you look for it.
1. E scout - either onX or Go Hunt.
2. Watch the Colorado DOW videos on youtube about GMU34 - then email the warden that made the video and ask your questions - I have found most DOW wardens in CO will provide you with great insight for the areas that they patrol.
3. Get good glass & tripod - let the glass do the walking for the older hunter with limited mobility.
4. When you arrive visit national forest office, BLM office, DOW office closest to GMU 74 - ask questions and get maps - they are more than willing to point you in the right direction. Looks like there is an office in Glenwood Springs.
5. Bring tire chains
JPC6000 just wanted to say excellent advise and for taking the time to share your experience. I would comment but I really don't know anything about Unit 34 and I couldn't add to what you printed.
Ah, good old unit 34 :eek::eek:. If youre lucky the weather will be fair and you wont get stranded up there. If youre unlucky, you may never hunt again after a unit 34 experience as your first. Bring chains, winches, and anything you may need to fix/get unstuck a broken rig. I know a guy who used to hunt 34, never could get anyone to go with him. Not trying to be a d!ck (although its what I do best), but you should be prepared for a difficult time that time of year up there.

HOWEVER, IF the current indian summer conditions persist and some deer stay up high because they havent been pushed down by the wraths of he!!, you could have a decent time. Itll be one or the other.
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