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Just wanted to introduce myself. I’m a meat hunter who identifies as a trophy hunter. As much as I’ve tried I can never seem to pass on medium sized deer. Hoping to hang around here enough that you guys can be a good influence on me! This year I’ll most likely have an archery tag in southern Utah and a general tag for Wyoming again. The goal is to kill my best deer ever this year...something in the 160s would be ideal! But Ill have to hold onto my tag longer than opening day which I am not very good at...
Yep don’t get caught up in the keyboard tough guys welcome it’s a good site where are u hunting in WY
Welcome. Awesome site and members. Enjoy and stay away from a few of the posts that try to drag you into a internet argument.

Enjoy the stories, advice and experience that is shared here and share some of your own.
"I’m a meat hunter who identifies as a trophy hunter" HAHA....well put. Welcome to the club !
Yep don’t get caught up in the keyboard tough guys welcome it’s a good site where are u hunting in WY

Sagebrush foothill country centralish Wyoming. Had some enjoyable hunts with friends and family the past few years with lots of of tags filled and lots of deer seen, but no “monster muleys”. Hoping to get wifey on her first mule deer. She’s a crack shot with bow and gun but has only killed whitetails so far.
Welcome and if ya wanna kill a 160+ buck.. get er done!! Resist the kill and focus on a goal. If ya want meat let er rip..
Hello , being thick hided is a must around here ! I’ve got some great advice and made some great purchases from here , enjoy
Just wanted to introduce myself. I’m a meat hunter who identifies as a trophy hunter. As much as I’ve tried I can never seem to pass on medium sized deer. Hoping to hang around here enough that you guys can be a good influence on me! This year I’ll most likely have an archery tag in southern Utah and a general tag for Wyoming again. The goal is to kill my best deer ever this year...something in the 160s would be ideal! But Ill have to hold onto my tag longer than opening day which I am not very good at...
Welcome to the forum!!! There are some great folks here & plenty to learn from.
If nothing else, you will get some good laughs once you learn the different personalities & perspectives.

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