New Movie


Long Time Member
I enjoy a good movie now and then and this looks like sure fire hit.

Just received word that Eel will be played by Anthony Quin and Roy will be played by Chuck Norris!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I sure hope it gos over better than Mel Gibson's flop "the beaver". With a name like that who wouldn't want to watch it:) nice f-pup!!
You got it wrong Roy. Eel will be played by Tom Hanks and Roy played by Jim Carey. (you have to remember it's the 1st one)
Feleno sent me a directors cut of the film.

I enjoyed it....the hunting action anyway.

I had planned to show it to the Grandkids, but due to the "campfire" action, I just couldn't do it.

Let me just say, I have $200 cowboy hats with fewer X's than the rating on this flick!

Old MM guys being seen naked and CLOSE to each others.......
"Mr Happy"!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
LAST EDITED ON May-10-11 AT 11:40PM (MST)[p]I hear they got most of the ideas for this film from the love story Brokeback Mountain???
LAST EDITED ON May-11-11 AT 11:06AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-11-11 AT 11:05?AM (MST)

I heard it was brainstormed and screenplay written at Founders Secret Club House? ?? Eel I heared you were being played by Tom Hanks and Roy by "Wilson" from Castaway. Feleno said Roy and Wilson have the same phenomenal acting skills and it was a natural easy decision in the casting room.

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