New member



Hello my name is Alex, I am 12 years old and love to hunt. My dad is on here a-lot Rugarm77. He can't spell. I enjoy looking at the pictures on here. I hope one day I can get a buck. I am excited to be able to talk with other hunters. I have 4 guns, a shotgun, a 22 rifle and pistol and my 270 that my dad got me for christmas last year. I have been shooting guns since I was 6 years old. Thanks Alex
Welcome to the site little man!! It's offical we got kids on this site!! The best years of your life are just about to begin buddy!! :)


I know for a fact this is RUGSTERS Son!

First words out of his mouth: My dad can't spell!:D

We officially have kids on here younger than 50 now!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And one more thing RUGSTER JR!

You're gonna get a Buck before your Dad does!:D


God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
LOL Bess!!! Not sure how much he will actually log in but he wanted to have an account here. He loves looking at the photo gallery and now he is of age to hunt I guess he wants to be apart of this to, with a name. Remember this is a family sight!!! LOL
He got such a kick out if signing on!!!
He's a smart kid RUG!

His Grammar is way better than yours!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Hey Alex!! Maybe your Dad can't spell very good but i've long figured him for a pretty good guy! Good luck on your hunting career, seems like you have the makings of a great start.

I'll be looking forward to seeing pic's of your first Buck!!

YOUNGRUG, you have a pretty nice Dad! I think he showed us a photo of you guys fishing awhile back.

I hope you have good luck hunting! Your 270 is a real good gun. Remember to always be safe when shooting. That's the most important thing.

Looking forward to many years of great posts from you son. Is your .270 a Ruger M77? Your dad is a great guy but he hangs out with some real weirdos......

Never - Ever look at anything posted by D13er until you are at least 16.

And then be careful too...welcome aboard Alex and even Rack spells better than your dad..LOL

YOUNGRUG- Nice to see that you are interested in hunting as your Dad is. Along with his lack of knowledge in spelling....his hunting knowledge follows suit. If you need some advice, ignore Dad and log in! HaHa...just kidding, of course. Your Dad's a good guy and will guide you in the right direction. You'll hear this same piece of advice from anyone and everyone that hunts or shoots guns....BE SAFE AND TREAT EVERY FIREARM AS IF IT WERE LOADED. The last thing you want is to have an accident that may hurt you, your Dad or anyone else. Good luck,'re about to start a life long ride. Enjoy it!

"Get that corn out of my face"
Thank's for the kind responses and good advice you all gave YOUNGRUG... I had to laugh this morning when I got to work and found a PM he sent me. Great way to start of my work day!!! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!
When is MS RUG coming on to BS the boys?:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Happy thanksgiving to you too Rug!! If you're feeling bummed about working this morning you can always go down to the drunk tank and beat some fools :)

I wanna go on a ride-along with Rug! He gets to beat fools? Count me in...

"I bet you wish your nose was a d!ck so you could use it to f*ck butts" -MacGruber
Welcome aboard YOUNGRUG . You sure are growing up fast . Seems like only yesterday that you where knee high , and I made you that sling shot .
So YOUNGRUG, your pa has gotten you a nice selection of hunting guns and I imagine he takes you out shooting some too. So who is the better shot?
Hi Alex,

Oh my, we have much to talk about son. Where to begin?

Are you the young man who is the BMX stud? See, I would know this but your mom unfriended me on Facebook. And your Dad apparently doesn't allow people to look at his other friends so I can't even look at your Mom's pictures of you being a BMX stud any more.

Soooo... do you realize what your Dad does at his job? Disgusting. but someone has to do it. I am positive he has money but he claims he doesn't. ;-)

Please let me pre-apologize for some of the many things you may see here on Monster Muleys and please do not take any of the pictures to school or talk like some guys on here do. And do not feel like it's OK to ridicule people simply because they post pistures on here. Of course, stinkystomper is the exception to the rule. He is fair game any time.

Also, unlike your Dad apparently you CAN spell, so please keep the words "stalk" vs "stock" clear in your head and use them correctly. And if you ever come on here and use "are" when you should be using "our" I will drive to Utah and tan your hide myself.

No matter what your Dad may tell you in some beverage induced moment of weakness, never, ever, go to the Chatroom. A guy named JB hangs out there and will corrupt you in a heartbeat. NEVER open an email from him either.

Now, if you have any ideas on how to bring back the Utah deer herd to pre-19something-something levels, by all means, go up on the mule deer forum and present them. You couldn't be any further out in left field than half of the "biologists" on this site.

Seriously Alex, welcome aboard!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-01-10 AT 09:34PM (MST)[p]Thank you all for the nice complements.

NV my dad says to call you horn. And I still race bmx.

I will always be a better shot than my dad I hope. lol

I can see it next year------

Lil' Rug and Lil' Founder harvesting some gagger bucks!

Welcome to the site youngrug-----

Your dad is a great guy by the way.

See ya in Wyoming next year.

Alex just remember you can pick your friends but NOT your relatives. I still got some hope that you will look pass it all and grow up to be Nice Guy who can outshoot his dad no matter what weapon he chooses.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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