Nevada FCFS

Sparks Shooter

Active Member
Ok, I'm going to open a can of worms here. After the first year of the FCFS, there are things that I like and things that I think should be changed for next year. First off, I love the opportunity to get these tags in the hands of sportsmen, even on short notice. That being said, I don't like that FCFS tags are not designated resident/non-resident. Tags are a premium in Nevada and we already have a pretty generous allocation to NR hunters in both the regular draw as well as the guide draw. Anyone who has tried to get a FCFS tag knows that there is no shortage of demand for them and most tags are gone in a matter of seconds. I think that tags from the resident pool should remain available to residents only. Returned NR tags should be available to non-residents. Even if this change is made, it would still be challenging to get one of these tags in your cart but at least resident hunters would retain the tags that were originally allotted to them. It will be interesting to see if they post statistics on FCFS tags but I would be willing to bet that NRs took a large percentage of the resident-returned tags that came available.

Interested in your thoughts. --------SS
No I like they are able to go to nores I’m born and raised in Nevada. The poor nonresident guys paying big money for a chance in Nevada. I’m torn on sheep tags but anything else it’s a good opportunity for those guys to cash out. Plus if they get one of those tags they have to drop everything they have going and drive or fly.
I see your point. Reality from my perspective though is that most of these changes made this year were financially driven. Ndow is going to make a ton more money selling these tags to non residents so I highly doubt they will change it.
I’ll be a resident very soon, and I’m excited about the opportunities as a Resident. The only thing I will say, is I think it’s laughable to say that Nevada is generous to Non Residents. As a non Res, I hoped to draw maybe 1 Deer, Elk and Antelope tag in my lifetime. I believe Nevada manages as well or better than any state, and seems to be pretty good to residents in general. I look forward to landing there.
Buddy of mine is a non resident, in the last 4 years he’s drawn 2 deer tags and an elk tag. I know he’s more the exception than the rule but I don’t think it’s a horrible system for non residents. Because we have bonus points rather than preference points a non resident’s chances to draw are much higher than a lot of other western states.
I've been on the fcfs almost every night for several hours at a time and I have yet to even see a tag on the list.

On draw tags ive drawn 1 antelope 2 bow deer tags for unit 10 and a sheep tag in 161 in 18 years of applying, i dont know how that averages with other non-res but I feel its been decent for myself, 1 tag every 4.5 years.
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I am also a non-resident. I was born and raised approximately 50 miles from the Nevada border and have spent most of my life enjoying spotting mule deer and antelope in the northwest portion of the State. I have always been impressed with the management strategies and the emphasis Nevada has put into the outdoorsman (both resident and nonresident). It is definately tough to draw a tag as a non resident in the State, as I have only drawn 2 deer tags and an elk tag in the last 30 years. I always wished their would be more opportunities in the State for non residents but at the same time I knew if there was more opportunities for non-residents there would be a drastic shift in management strategies that could ultimately affect what I love so much about Nevada, the fact every unit has the potential to produce a bomber buck or bull.

This year Nevada came up with a brilliant idea with the FCFS for both residents and nonresidents. They actually came up with a way to provide opportunity for non resident and resident hunters while at the same time finding a way to come closer to meeting thier harvest objectives and making a boat load of money. All of these things are great for the future of NDOW and the herds of the State.

I know it might be crazy for me to say but I do believe the sheep tags should be limited to residents only but the deer, elk and antelope tags offered should remain the same. Everyone has the same opportunities to be quick to click and if it just so happens to be a non resident who is quicker...well then, NDOW just made a bunch off of a single tag. I am totally good with NDOW making a bunch of money off of us. They do a phenomenal job putting it back into areas that need it. In addition to the tag money, I myself spent no less than $1200.00 on food, gas and supplies in the State due to the last minute trip for my FCFS 7's deer hunt when normally I will purchase all my food and supplies before leaving my home town for a hunt. The same occurred when I left with my buddy for his FCFS 221-223 deer hunt. I spent no less than $800 on gas, food and supplies in the State for his hunt and I plan to spend just as much or more for my 14 year old daughters 261-268 FCFS deer hunt during Thanksgiving break. It should be noted, this is the first big game tag she has ever had and I have put her in for deer, elk and antelope in 7 different States for the last couple of years. This was all possible by the opportunity presented to us all with the FCFS process. I am a big fan of the FCFS tag opportunities and wouldn't change anything other than offering the sheep tags to residents only.
I really like the new FCFS tag process that Nevada is doing. I was able to get a buck antelope as well as a buck deer tag this year. Both tags were for great areas that in reality I would probably never have drawn if I applied for those same tags my entire life as a non-resident. It definitely took a lot of time and effort to get them which is fine in my book. I spent every second that I could that I wasn’t working watching the screen day and night. I lost a lot of sleep, but it was worth it in my opinion. I had chances at tons of tags as they popped up and I past them over and held out for what I wanted. You definitely only have 1 or 2 seconds on most tags before they are gone and there were days when nothing would come up for 10 hours or more, but I still love the system. If you are very dedicated to getting a tag, you can get one. Can’t always say that about the draw for non-residents.
I like the system as in. You ever try to buy a tag in a different state? You’re either screwed on license costs, draw odds, or tag allocation percentages. They’re still buying hunting licenses and as previously stated, NDOW is a genius for it both financially and management wise as far as their quota.

The only change I would make is let the buyer see where the heck the tag is for if you are fortunate enough to get one in your cart. With how quickly they disappear it’s kind of a mad dash to throw it in.
I like it. As a resident though, I'm all for anything to make it easier to hunt whether it's "fair" to NR's or not. The FCFS is pretty good. I've seen 3 ALW bull tags pop up since I've been watching. I wasn't eligible, but still exciting. Can't believe I haven't seen one cow tag though.

On a tangent, the waiting periods need to be shortened for residents. That irks me more than anything. No way a resident should have to wait 7 years between elk and 3 for pronghorn. At least let us start accumulating points a few years before the period is over. I think this is by far the worst managed aspect of tag allocation toward residents.

As a NR who hunts my home state of Idaho, I can see the other side of the coin as that state is starting to royally screw over NR's with severely increased tag fees and confining all hunts to individual units. It's almost not worth it anymore for someone who makes a modest living. More and more they're trying to keep poor people from hunting. Government entities in general don't want us self sustained in ANY way. I definitely see a rise in poaching coming in the next decade (mainly for meat) given the inevitable debt market bubble popping and rising tag fees.
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I think they should just go down the list of whoever put in for that unit until someone takes it. Plus all resident tags should stay resident. Hell all other states are trying to squeeze out the NR so why shouldn’t we. It shouldn’t be where you have to monitor a computer for hours on end to get a tag.
I think they should just go down the list of whoever put in for that unit until someone takes it. Plus all resident tags should stay resident. Hell all other states are trying to squeeze out the NR so why shouldn’t we. It shouldn’t be where you have to monitor a computer for hours on end to get a tag.
Its called work, the more committed are rewarded. Weeds out the wannabes and cupcakes. Got enough draws where everyone is equal, lets the dedicated separate from the pack!
I've been on the fcfs almost every night for several hours at a time and I have yet to even see a tag on the list.

On draw tags ive drawn 1 antelope 2 bow deer tags for unit 10 and a sheep tag in 161 in 18 years of applying, i dont know how that averages with other non-res but I feel its been decent for myself, 1 tag every 4.5 years.
2 rifle deer
2 rifle antelope
1 rifle bull
1 desert ram
19 yrs of applying.
I like Nevada.
Only thing I don't like about this program is that you lose your points. But that's just me and as such, wouldn't take a FCFS tag unless it was worth the points I'd burn to get it. My acquaintance pulled a late bull tag that I've been putting in for for 10 years..I'd a grabbed that one if I saw it!
I think they should just go down the list of whoever put in for that unit until someone takes it. Plus all resident tags should stay resident. Hell all other states are trying to squeeze out the NR so why shouldn’t we. It shouldn’t be where you have to monitor a computer for hours on end to get a tag.
Colorado allows NR to get re issued tags every week. The problem with going down the list until someone takes it failed last year. 9 sheep tags were not issued last year because of that method. That’s the exact reason NDOW came up with this system. I believe it’s a great system and opportunities for people that may never draw a tag. Oh and for anyone that says Nevada is generous to NR for tags must think a deer tag every 10-15 years, 1 bull tag in your life and a couple antelope tags in your life is generous. Only thing I will say that is generous and not great odds are sheep for NR. I say keep the system how it is.
I think its easy to confuse 'hard to get' with 'not generous to NR'. Nevada tags are hard to get for everyone....resident, non-resident, and even non-resident guided. In one of the more popular deer units, there are 950 resident tags, 75 regular NR tags and 31 NR guided tags. Non residents are allocated over 11% of the total tags available.
In my opinion, I consider this is generous and I think that tags allocated to residents should remain with residents, even in the FCFS system. Residents should at least have first opportunity at them.
As far as the comment above about not losing points when purchasing a FCFS tag..... please review the Nevada draw odds. Its totally unfeasible to obtain a tag and retain points in this state. -----SS
I think its easy to confuse 'hard to get' with 'not generous to NR'. Nevada tags are hard to get for everyone....resident, non-resident, and even non-resident guided. In one of the more popular deer units, there are 950 resident tags, 75 regular NR tags and 31 NR guided tags. Non residents are allocated over 11% of the total tags available.
In my opinion, I consider this is generous and I think that tags allocated to residents should remain with residents, even in the FCFS system. Residents should at least have first opportunity at them.
As far as the comment above about not losing points when purchasing a FCFS tag..... please review the Nevada draw odds. Its totally unfeasible to obtain a tag and retain points in this state. -----SS
Maybe some of these tags popping up on the FCFS list are coming from non residents and not residents. Or it could be a combination, and one we will never know. I think it’s hard to say “residents should get first crack” considering non of us know exactly if the tag popping up came from a resident or non resident in the first place. Statistics would show obviously more than likely they are coming from residents but who really knows. Just saying
Maybe some of these tags popping up on the FCFS list are coming from non residents and not residents. Or it could be a combination, and one we will never know. I think it’s hard to say “residents should get first crack” considering non of us know exactly if the tag popping up came from a resident or non resident in the first place. Statistics would show obviously more than likely they are coming from residents but who really knows. Just saying
I think its easy to confuse 'hard to get' with 'not generous to NR'. Nevada tags are hard to get for everyone....resident, non-resident, and even non-resident guided. In one of the more popular deer units, there are 950 resident tags, 75 regular NR tags and 31 NR guided tags. Non residents are allocated over 11% of the total tags available.
In my opinion, I consider this is generous and I think that tags allocated to residents should remain with residents, even in the FCFS system. Residents should at least have first opportunity at them.
As far as the comment above about not losing points when purchasing a FCFS tag..... please review the Nevada draw odds. Its totally unfeasible to obtain a tag and retain points in this state. -----SS
The 11% is also one unit with those stats. There are plenty of other units that give way percentage of tags to non residents
Maybe some of these tags popping up on the FCFS list are coming from non residents and not residents. Or it could be a combination, and one we will never know. I think it’s hard to say “residents should get first crack” considering non of us know exactly if the tag popping up came from a resident or non resident in the first place. Statistics would show obviously more than likely they are coming from residents but who really knows. Just saying
I agree with you. It would be very easy to base tags that pop up on eligibility, they already do that. I'm just saying I think that only residents should have access to resident tags and only non residents should have access to that pool.
In other words, if you log in as a non resident, only non resident tags would pop up in your queue.

I checked the numbers on a few more hunts for deer, elk, and antelope and all had at least 11% with some up to 15% allotted to non residents. I did notice a few hunts with very limited numbers, 2-3 tags, where there were no NR tags allotted. -------SS
How about they update the system to use your billing address on your profile for residency, rather than fill it out every freaking time you log on? :ROFLMAO:
Well, I just got a cow tag. I instantly put in my cart when it popped up without looking at the unit, but after I did that it didn't show what unit/hunt. I proceeded the checkout process hoping the tag info would show somewhere but it didn't. Anyway, I just decided to grab it as I need the meat. Well, even after I purchased it I STILL don't have info on what unit it's in.
Edit: Figured it out after digging around on my account page:
078, 105-107, 109 from Nov 21 to January 1st. Apparently this hunt last year was an early hunt and not a late hunt. Excited to check out some new country! I'm glad it wasn't 72-75. My wife's cousin couldn't even access the same hunt last winter due to too much snow.
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Well, I just got a cow tag. I instantly put in my cart when it popped up without looking at the unit, but after I did that it didn't show what unit/hunt. I proceeded the checkout process hoping the tag info would show somewhere but it didn't. Anyway, I just decided to grab it as I need the meat. Well, even after I purchased it I STILL don't have info on what unit it's in.
Edit: Figured it out after digging around on my account page:
078, 105-107, 109 from Nov 21 to January 1st. Apparently this hunt last year was an early hunt and not a late hunt. Excited to check out some new country! I'm glad it wasn't 72-75. My wife's cousin couldn't even access the same hunt last winter due to too much snow.
Great hunt. You will have fun and might get the chance to see a bunch of elk. Sometimes they're close to the road that time of year too.----SS
Great hunt. You will have fun and might get the chance to see a bunch of elk. Sometimes they're close to the road that time of year too.----SS
Awesome! Looks like a cool little range. I might hit you up for some info. My empty freezer has it's fingers crossed.
@BGnight congrats! I saw that one earlier and just missed it apparently. Good luck!
I had the laptop open right in front of me eating dinner on the couch. I had it in the cart pretty quick! I'm sure more will be showing up. I wonder if they show up more the day or two before the openers?
So someone will probably not be happy with me for saying this, but I think a lot of the reason this tread was started was because people are frustrated by not being able to get a tag on the FCFS system. So without coming out and telling everyone the trick to having more chances at tags I figured I would drop a few hints. The key to it is the fact that while the system leads some people to believe it is constantly updated with available tags…it’s not. It only updates every 30 seconds based on when you logged in. So it doesn’t take a computer expert to figure out that if you figure out the simple way of seeing available tags say every 4 or 5 seconds then, you will see way more tags before they are gone. Another hint is it not by hitting the refresh button over and over again. It’s actually really simple to figure out. If your just opening a browser window and logging in and waiting for something to pop up then chances are you will most likely never get a tag. Also the trick is not trying to hurry and hit the “add to cart” button and then deciding if you think you got what you wanted or not. I’m only telling this on here because I think there are going to be so many whining people calling the NDOW about how unfair they think the system is that this was the first and last year for the FCFS system. Also I think many people already know the “trick” if you can even call it that it’s so simple. It’s called First Come First Served for a reason. It’s not a third draw. Also, it can’t be called First Come First Served if you start being selective about who can and can’t get tags.
So someone will probably not be happy with me for saying this, but I think a lot of the reason this tread was started was because people are frustrated by not being able to get a tag on the FCFS system. So without coming out and telling everyone the trick to having more chances at tags I figured I would drop a few hints. The key to it is the fact that while the system leads some people to believe it is constantly updated with available tags…it’s not. It only updates every 30 seconds based on when you logged in. So it doesn’t take a computer expert to figure out that if you figure out the simple way of seeing available tags say every 4 or 5 seconds then, you will see way more tags before they are gone. Another hint is it not by hitting the refresh button over and over again. It’s actually really simple to figure out. If your just opening a browser window and logging in and waiting for something to pop up then chances are you will most likely never get a tag. Also the trick is not trying to hurry and hit the “add to cart” button and then deciding if you think you got what you wanted or not. I’m only telling this on here because I think there are going to be so many whining people calling the NDOW about how unfair they think the system is that this was the first and last year for the FCFS system. Also I think many people already know the “trick” if you can even call it that it’s so simple. It’s called First Come First Served for a reason. It’s not a third draw. Also, it can’t be called First Come First Served if you start being selective about who can and can’t get tags.
Speaking for myself, I'm not confused or frustrated at all with the system and I actually got a great FCFS tag this year so it has nothing to do with that. My gripe is that tags that are designated for Nevada residents should not be available to non residents. I disagree with your final statement that they can't be FCFS if there is a pre-selection process because there already is. If you are not eligible for a tag because you are on a waiting period, then the FCFS tags for that species don't even show up in your queue. You can't buy them because they are not available to you. I'm suggesting that we do the same thing with tags designated for Nevada residents. FCFS tags would only show up in the queue for residents to buy using all the secret methods you alluded to above. NR tags would only show up in the NR queue for them to buy. This would keep the current tag allocations in line and not take opportunity away from residents. I love the system and am not suggesting it be discontinued. I just want to change the eligibility requirements to keep resident/non resident tags allotted the same as they are in the main draw.

Call it whining if you want but I want to protect opportunity for those who live and work in Nevada. Those are our tags by policy and I want to keep them for us. -------SS
Speaking for myself, I'm not confused or frustrated at all with the system and I actually got a great FCFS tag this year so it has nothing to do with that. My gripe is that tags that are designated for Nevada residents should not be available to non residents. I disagree with your final statement that they can't be FCFS if there is a pre-selection process because there already is. If you are not eligible for a tag because you are on a waiting period, then the FCFS tags for that species don't even show up in your queue. You can't buy them because they are not available to you. I'm suggesting that we do the same thing with tags designated for Nevada residents. FCFS tags would only show up in the queue for residents to buy using all the secret methods you alluded to above. NR tags would only show up in the NR queue for them to buy. This would keep the current tag allocations in line and not take opportunity away from residents. I love the system and am not suggesting it be discontinued. I just want to change the eligibility requirements to keep resident/non resident tags allotted the same as they are in the main draw.

Call it whining if you want but I want to protect opportunity for those who live and work in Nevada. Those are our tags by policy and I want to keep them for us. -------SS
I actually understand where your coming from. While I’m not a resident of Nevada now, I lived there for a while and used to work in the mining industry there. I actually think Nevada does the best job of any state with how they manage the animals and also they way the draw works. My post probably doesn’t go along with what you started this tread for. I don’t have an opinion one way or the other as to how the tags get allotted. That’s up to Nevada and it’s residents. I’m just grateful that I have had a few chances to hunt there in my life. I actually wish other states would follow Nevada’s example and do such a good job with wildlife management. Most states keep giving out more and more “opportunities” to go hunting and it has ruined the hunting in those states in the fact that there are no less animals and you can’t get away from other hunters no matter what you do. Lastly by whining I wasn’t meaning about resident and non resident and who gets the tags, just simply that some people seem to be frustrated with the system and are calling in complaining about it. I like having that small extra chance at tags and hope the keep the FCFS going.
I actually understand where your coming from. While I’m not a resident of Nevada now, I lived there for a while and used to work in the mining industry there. I actually think Nevada does the best job of any state with how they manage the animals and also they way the draw works. My post probably doesn’t go along with what you started this tread for. I don’t have an opinion one way or the other as to how the tags get allotted. That’s up to Nevada and it’s residents. I’m just grateful that I have had a few chances to hunt there in my life. I actually wish other states would follow Nevada’s example and do such a good job with wildlife management. Most states keep giving out more and more “opportunities” to go hunting and it has ruined the hunting in those states in the fact that there are no less animals and you can’t get away from other hunters no matter what you do. Lastly by whining I wasn’t meaning about resident and non resident and who gets the tags, just simply that some people seem to be frustrated with the system and are calling in complaining about it. I like having that small extra chance at tags and hope the keep the FCFS going.
I have no opinion on the FCFS system one way or another. If someone turns the tag in I personally could care less whether it should be allocated only to residents or nonresidents.

This is off the topic of the thread but my biggest gripe is the perception NDOW has created with sportsman that their management system is actually working. I can only speak for Elko County but the tag quota’s and pressure have become a sad joke. NDOW takes less heat because we have a “draw” system. I understand the balance of providing quality with opportunity but even Utah has the common sense to manage a select few areas for trophy quality. The truth is it’s all about the money and the FCFS isn’t really about opportunity or harvest objectives but about getting a couple extra dollars.
So someone will probably not be happy with me for saying this, but I think a lot of the reason this tread was started was because people are frustrated by not being able to get a tag on the FCFS system. So without coming out and telling everyone the trick to having more chances at tags I figured I would drop a few hints. The key to it is the fact that while the system leads some people to believe it is constantly updated with available tags…it’s not. It only updates every 30 seconds based on when you logged in. So it doesn’t take a computer expert to figure out that if you figure out the simple way of seeing available tags say every 4 or 5 seconds then, you will see way more tags before they are gone. Another hint is it not by hitting the refresh button over and over again. It’s actually really simple to figure out. If your just opening a browser window and logging in and waiting for something to pop up then chances are you will most likely never get a tag. Also the trick is not trying to hurry and hit the “add to cart” button and then deciding if you think you got what you wanted or not. I’m only telling this on here because I think there are going to be so many whining people calling the NDOW about how unfair they think the system is that this was the first and last year for the FCFS system. Also I think many people already know the “trick” if you can even call it that it’s so simple. It’s called First Come First Served for a reason. It’s not a third draw. Also, it can’t be called First Come First Served if you start being selective about who can and can’t get tags.
I'm even more confused after reading this. And I don't think half of what you said is correct. I've seen a ton of tags pop up just having the page open and I'm pretty sure if you don't get it in the cart quicker than the other guy you're s.o.l.

The system is fine. Of course ppl will whine cuz they can't sit in front a screen all day.

And Original 775 is correct. It's always about the money. It's just gonna get harder and harder for people on fixed incomes to hunt.
So someone will probably not be happy with me for saying this, but I think a lot of the reason this tread was started was because people are frustrated by not being able to get a tag on the FCFS system. So without coming out and telling everyone the trick to having more chances at tags I figured I would drop a few hints. The key to it is the fact that while the system leads some people to believe it is constantly updated with available tags…it’s not. It only updates every 30 seconds based on when you logged in. So it doesn’t take a computer expert to figure out that if you figure out the simple way of seeing available tags say every 4 or 5 seconds then, you will see way more tags before they are gone. Another hint is it not by hitting the refresh button over and over again. It’s actually really simple to figure out. If your just opening a browser window and logging in and waiting for something to pop up then chances are you will most likely never get a tag. Also the trick is not trying to hurry and hit the “add to cart” button and then deciding if you think you got what you wanted or not. I’m only telling this on here because I think there are going to be so many whining people calling the NDOW about how unfair they think the system is that this was the first and last year for the FCFS system. Also I think many people already know the “trick” if you can even call it that it’s so simple. It’s called First Come First Served for a reason. It’s not a third draw. Also, it can’t be called First Come First Served if you start being selective about who can and can’t get tags.
Dude....hush ?‍♂️?
I just read this in another thread:

"I just called NDOW and was told this:

Returned tags that are not re-issued to alternates, either because there is no alternate or it is close to or during the season will go up on Kalkomey randomly starting next week. They will be randomly offered upon login so not everyone will even get the offer."

Then why have I seen nothing but bull elk tags pop up that I'm ineligible for??
I just read this in another thread:

"I just called NDOW and was told this:

Returned tags that are not re-issued to alternates, either because there is no alternate or it is close to or during the season will go up on Kalkomey randomly starting next week. They will be randomly offered upon login so not everyone will even get the offer."

Then why have I seen nothing but bull elk tags pop up that I'm ineligible for??
If your talking within the last few days or so it’s probably because that’s all that’s open right now, and you must be ineligible because your on a waiting period. If your looking for a sheep tag or something then those will be very very very few and far between if any. Same for a really late deer hunt. Very unlikely show up. If you want a FCFS tag best chances are during September and October to get one.
Heres a idea.
How about you draw a tag it’s YOURS!
There are way too many people turning tags back in the first place.
Too many guys playing games with the system.
All based on maybe too hot or too cold or too dry or too wet.
Since tags are so hard to draw I’m guess most of these turn backs are residents I would think.
Heres a idea.
How about you draw a tag it’s YOURS!
There are way too many people turning tags back in the first place.
Too many guys playing games with the system.
All based on maybe too hot or too cold or too dry or too wet.
Since tags are so hard to draw I’m guess most of these turn backs are residents I would think.
I don’t think people are playing games now. The fact that everyone in a group has to turn their tag back in to get their points back was a much needed change to stop the games. Last year as a NR I was forced to return a bull tag in due to health reasons, so not all are residents and things do come up.
I feel the system is fair and works well if you can dedicate the time in front of your monitor! I reside in Nevada yet keep residency in another state to keep my VA education benefits for my kids attending trade schools. I was lucky enough to get an FCFS archery Bull tag this year after strking out during the regular lottery. There are obviously pros and cons to any regulated tag system and I don't believe we will ever see any system that will garner everyone's approval; this system is pretty solid. My biggest complaint is not being able to see information on the tag once it is in your cart beyond what species you snagged. FYI BGnight, my tag was in the same unit you got!
I feel the system is fair and works well if you can dedicate the time in front of your monitor! I reside in Nevada yet keep residency in another state to keep my VA education benefits for my kids attending trade schools. I was lucky enough to get an FCFS archery Bull tag this year after strking out during the regular lottery. There are obviously pros and cons to any regulated tag system and I don't believe we will ever see any system that will garner everyone's approval; this system is pretty solid. My biggest complaint is not being able to see information on the tag once it is in your cart beyond what species you snagged. FYI BGnight, my tag was in the same unit you got
I feel the system is fair and works well if you can dedicate the time in front of your monitor! I reside in Nevada yet keep residency in another state to keep my VA education benefits for my kids attending trade schools. I was lucky enough to get an FCFS archery Bull tag this year after strking out during the regular lottery. There are obviously pros and cons to any regulated tag system and I don't believe we will ever see any system that will garner everyone's approval; this system is pretty solid. My biggest complaint is not being able to see information on the tag once it is in your cart beyond what species you snagged. FYI BGnight, my tag was in the same unit you got!
The reason for this is because it keeps people from adding anything and everything to their cart without actually knowing what tag it is. It also keeps people from having programs that automatically add a tag to your cart once it pops up. If that got changed, you would dislike the system a lot more.
The reason for this is because it keeps people from adding anything and everything to their cart without actually knowing what tag it is. It also keeps people from having programs that automatically add a tag to your cart once it pops up. If that got changed, you would dislike the system a lot more.
You can only have one item in your cart until purchased.
Can someone please explain how you do not know what tag you grabbed. Since all the times I looked nothing was even available.
Everyone is trying to work there own angle.
If you are a person who has a computer job sitting at a desk all day you have a huge advantage.
If you are working the same job but pulling all nighters on grave yard you get a different advantage.
Obviously there are a few computer guys who seem to know little tricks.
How many guys know how to run a special program to grab tags.Obviously the ability is out there.
Depending on your internet speed some guys will never get a tag before it’s grabbed.Why is it some guys get tons of opportunities at tags and others don’t even see them come up?
Nope not a fair system.
Everyone is trying to work there own angle.
If you are a person who has a computer job sitting at a desk all day you have a huge advantage.
If you are working the same job but pulling all nighters on grave yard you get a different advantage.
Obviously there are a few computer guys who seem to know little tricks.
How many guys know how to run a special program to grab tags.Obviously the ability is out there.
Depending on your internet speed some guys will never get a tag before it’s grabbed.Why is it some guys get tons of opportunities at tags and others don’t even see them come up?
Nope not a fair system.
There are so many factors that affect the success of FCFS for everyone. Internet speed, work, the list is endless. Ultimately it is called FCFS for a reason, are they expected to base it off of snail mail? Most tag turn ins happen close to the end of said season; I acquired mine 11 days before said season closed; timing! I logged in during speed goat season and saw 8 tags available right off the bat, Muley and Elk good luck, they disappear in a blink. Imagine you have a tag and are not sure you can make the hunt, pretty sure you're going to hold out until the latest possible date....who wouldn't. The system works, and yes it generates $$$ for NDOW; imagine that they are a business! And as far as Resident/Non, pretty sure more nons are turning in tags as they can't put the hunt together.
you only see the unit and season before you add it to your cart......once in your cart it only says "deer tag".....then you start questioning yourself....did that say 131 or 113???
Or rifle, archery, muzzle, cow, bull, buck, doe?????
There are so many factors that affect the success of FCFS for everyone. Internet speed, work, the list is endless. Ultimately it is called FCFS for a reason, are they expected to base it off of snail mail? Most tag turn ins happen close to the end of said season; I acquired mine 11 days before said season closed; timing! I logged in during speed goat season and saw 8 tags available right off the bat, Muley and Elk good luck, they disappear in a blink. Imagine you have a tag and are not sure you can make the hunt, pretty sure you're going to hold out until the latest possible date....who wouldn't. The system works, and yes it generates $$$ for NDOW; imagine that they are a business! And as far as Resident/Non, pretty sure more nons are turning in tags as they can't put the hunt together.
more resident than nonresident tags get turned in......way cheaper for residents....
Like I said before.You get a tag it’s yours.
Let’s stop the game of turning them back.I don’t believe Non residents turn in very many tags.
I would be courteous to see the numbers after the season is complete.
MIG I believe you are the exception to the rule
I hope you are feeling better!
I agree with you chump !!!!!
NDOW is a business.So they should operate like a business.
Tag prices should increase x 5.
Guys throw Hugh money at trucks, optics,guns
People can afford to pay much more!
Following your reasoning they should put all tags turned back in and put them up for Auction every day.
Highest bidder gets the tag.
It’s all fair then everyone can bid every day there is a tag available!!!!
Speaking for myself, I'm not confused or frustrated at all with the system and I actually got a great FCFS tag this year so it has nothing to do with that. My gripe is that tags that are designated for Nevada residents should not be available to non residents. I disagree with your final statement that they can't be FCFS if there is a pre-selection process because there already is. If you are not eligible for a tag because you are on a waiting period, then the FCFS tags for that species don't even show up in your queue. You can't buy them because they are not available to you. I'm suggesting that we do the same thing with tags designated for Nevada residents. FCFS tags would only show up in the queue for residents to buy using all the secret methods you alluded to above. NR tags would only show up in the NR queue for them to buy. This would keep the current tag allocations in line and not take opportunity away from residents. I love the system and am not suggesting it be discontinued. I just want to change the eligibility requirements to keep resident/non resident tags allotted the same as they are in the main draw.

Call it whining if you want but I want to protect opportunity for those who live and work in Nevada. Those are our tags by policy and I want to keep them for us. -------SS
Well stated, I’ve stopped posting about the fcfs tags that pop up due to non-residents getting the same chance at this tags as Nevada Residents, Nevada tags should be offered to Nevada Residents who I there were first meant for!
Why don't you all quit crying about it and get ready for next year? RES/NONRES who cares! We all Americans and bitchin about this stuff is stupid. Do your best to get a tag if that's what you want and if you don't, suck it up and move on. Nevada is far and away the best run state for wildlife (not saying much) and guys will always find a way to get the hunt they want or settle for one they can get.
This is getting ready for next year.
This forum lets ideas get tossed around to improve hunter and DWR engagement.
It lets us know what works and what doesn’t in
The application process.
Bottom line guys have figured out how to manipulate the FCFS system.
With the volume of complaints Called into DWR
They will have to make changes.
Your comment is spot on.
I have the tags I wanted this season and scored 100%, that doesn’t change the FACT that I personally would like Nevada residents getting first chance at the second chance available tags as they become available.
Your comment is spot on.
I have the tags I wanted this season and scored 100%, that doesn’t change the FACT that I personally would like Nevada residents getting first chance at the second chance available tags as they become available.
sure you would.....a resident had their chance and didn't want the tag....I'm pretty sure NR returned tags are available to residents....
sure you would.....a resident had their chance and didn't want the tag....I'm pretty sure NR returned tags are available to residents....
I think this post sums up the whole point. Residents should have the opportunity at tags allotted to them during the initial draw, any additional draws, and the FCFS distribution. Non residents should have the same opportunities at tags allotted to them. It's really simple and fair. The only reason non residents would have an issue with this is because they want to take tags that otherwise wouldn't be available to them.

Like Homer says, "sure you would" want to do this. Lets face it, the demand for tags is much more than the supply. That's why almost all western states have allotments for residents and non residents. It all boils down to what resident constituents are willing to allow. I know that I have expressed my views to receptive authorities at NDOW as well as my elected representative and I'm hoping for some reasonable changes to an otherwise good system. ------SS
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Does anyone know if they refund you when a FCFS tag is returned? I know they will reinstate your points if the tag is received 1 day prior to the start of the season.
Just saying that I know for sure the tag I got was returned by a resident. Is this an issue for you?
I think it is an issue for most NV resident hunters. You are probably not the only CA resident that snagged a ram tag (or other on FCFS (exceeding the NR cap). I doubt CDFW took a returned ram tag and sold it to a NV resident for $1201.
I think it is an issue for most NV resident hunters. You are probably not the only CA resident that snagged a ram tag (or other on FCFS (exceeding the NR cap). I doubt CDFW took a returned ram tag and sold it to a NV resident for $1201.
who said it was a ram tag?
How does the system work? Do you have to continuously watch for FCFS tags to appear on the website?
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Just saying that I know for sure the tag I got was returned by a resident. Is this an issue for you?
It is an issue for me but my issue is with the game, not the players. I hope you have a safe, enjoyable, and successful Nevada hunt. In the meantime, I will continue to fight as hard as I can to make sure that NV resident tags go to NV residents ONLY in future FCFS programs. So far, my concerns have been well received and I am hoping for a resolution as soon as next year.--------SS

First one I’ve seen since 9/10
That’s a real decent hunt especially with the weather we’re having. I tore my ac joint at the end of June or else it would be in my cart. Good luck.

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