Nancy Pelosi downplays Coronavirus


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Nancy Pelosi visits San Francisco’s Chinatown to encourage people amid fears of coronavirus
by: Charles Clifford
Posted: Feb 24, 2020 / 05:57 PM PST / Updated: Feb 24, 2020 / 05:57 PM PST

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was in San Francisco on Monday spending several hours visiting Chinatown to encourage people to visit the shops and restaurants there amid fears of the coronavirus.
Business in Chinatown has really slowed down over the last month, mainly due to concerns about the coronavirus.
Pelosi did a walking tour of the area starting in the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Shop.
She also visited several other businesses and talked to people.
Neighbors, including the owner of the cookie shop, who says the last month has been difficult.
“Business is slow. People don’t want to come, they are scared,” Kevin Chan said.
Pelosi also took this opportunity to encourage people to come back to Chinatown.
“You should come to Chinatown. Precautions have been taken by our city. We know there is concern about tourism throughout the world but we think it’s very safe to be in Chinatown and hopefully, others will come,” Pelosi said.

The good news is that not all of the carnage will be scored in our column. Many of the dead will be "undocumented". Playing by the Chinese rules I guess.
Things have changed a lot in the 5 weeks since that article was written..... Now we acknowledge there will likely be 250,000 fatalities in the US
The reason things have changed is the fact we have found out that the Chinese Government put out false information concerning the severity of the virus and it's death rate. Just as Nancy Pelosi put out her false information and even berated Trump for installing tighter controls on people from China coming here.
The reason things have changed is the fact we have found out that the Chinese Government put out false information concerning the severity of the virus and it's death rate. Just as Nancy Pelosi put out her false information and even berated Trump for installing tighter controls on people from China coming here.
I get the impression that you wouldn't hesitate to unplug Nancy's life support to plug in your coffee pot. :)
Of course pill face pelosi downplayed it. How else are you going to get the ball rolling on a crisis to not let go to waste...?
....and now Schitft is calling for investigations of the administrations handling of this mess. Oh boy, here we go again.
I get the impression that you wouldn't hesitate to unplug Nancy's life support to plug in your coffee pot.
Nancy Pelosi could teach Hillary about dirty dealings and how to get rich off the backs of the fools that voted her into office and keep voting for her. She now has her nephew in office as our governor making backroom deals to enrich the family.
....and now Schitft is calling for investigations of the administrations handling of this mess. Oh boy, here we go again.

They failed on impeachment, and now that group is calling for investigations. How many people were accused of wearing tin foil hats...?
Anybody want me to post what Trump was saying on February 24th when this article was written?

Or would that destroy your narrative?

Never let honesty get in the way of your hate!
Grizzly go ahead and post it. Bottom line was that Trump was one of the first to recognize the possible danger and took steps to slow the spread down and was chastised by the Democrats who accused him of being a racist. You should follow your own advice about honesty and hate.
10 days AFTER Nancy said to go shopping, Trump said to go to work and that it wasn't serious.

"They'll get better very rapidly, they don't even see a doctor, they don't even call a doctor. So if, you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better."

He called it a "regular flu" that was a "hoax" and that it will just disappear "like a miracle" and would be gone.

Thank goodness he closed some flights (in hindsight, he should've done more), because if he actually had believed the garbage he was spewing we'd be a lot worse off today.

And sadly, people did believe him until he gave FNC permission to join in and change their tune. But, of course, we already know there are millions with TDS that think Trump can do no wrong and is the first perfect President.

PS. I can post video mashups of FNC's shoddy reporting and altering reality too... if you'd like.
Bottom line is China lied to everyone about the serious nature of the virus. Trump fell for it like a lot of others did. He changed his tune well in advance of most Democrat politicians. I guess you have never made a mistake or bad judgement call and expect our President to do the same. Trump is not perfect and there is some things about him i do not agree with, but I am glad he is the one calling the shots instead of crooked Hillary and we all know how much she will lie to us.
PS. I can post video mashups of FNC's shoddy reporting and altering reality too... if you'd like.

I'd like
What was the expert telling us and Trump on January 26th?

On January 31 Trump stopped all travel from China.

Ten days after Nazi Pelosi was strolling through China town in SF would be March 5th. almost a week after the POTUS took action. Her, Nadler, Schiff and Schumer were busy with the impeachment BS.

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NIH Expert Fauci: Coronavirus 'No Worry' for Americans
dr. anthony fauci speaks to reporters about the coronavirus

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, arrives to a senators' briefing on the coronavirus, January 24, 2020. (Photo By Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call via AP Images)
By Eric Mack | Sunday, 26 January 2020 08:43 AM

As media reports increase the awareness, if not hysteria, of the coronavirus outbreak in China, a top U.S. heath official is tamping down on the perceived threat to Americans.
"It isn't something the American public needs to worry about or be frightened about, because we have ways of preparing and screening of people coming in [from China]," National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director Anthony Fauci told "The Cats Roundtable" on 970 AM-N.Y., per The Hill.

"And we have ways of responding – like we did with this one case in Seattle, Washington, who had traveled to China and brought back the infection."
There are thus far only two cases in the U.S. among the 1,320 confirmed worldwide, according to The World Health Organization (WHO) Saturday, The Hill reported.

"It's a very, very low risk to the United States, but it's something that we as public health officials need to take very seriously," Fauci added to host John Catsimatidis, per The Hill.
A NIAID vaccine for the coronavirus would be about three months away from being ready to test on humans, according to Fauci.

"We've just got to make sure that we are totally prepared," Fauci said, per the report. "Infectious diseases will continue to emerge on the human species. And we've got to be essentially perpetually prepared."
Things to remember this November:

January 15, House marches impeachment paperwork over to senate after one month delay following earlier 6 months of "investigation" and one month hearing where Trump was denied defense..

January 23, House impeachment managers made their opening arguments for removing the president to the Senate.

January 27, Trump formed White House Coronavirus Task Force.

January 29, First meeting of White House Coronavirus Task Force.

January 30, senators began asking two days of questions during the impeachment trial.

January 31, Trump declared a ban on travel to the U.S. from China, which Democrats criticized as xenophobic.

February 4, In State of Union, Trump stated America coordinating with China to protect US from

February 5, Trump was acquitted on both counts by the Senate
Not really telling the whole story. Nancy went to Chinatown to make it look like Trump was a racist, not to say the CoronaVirus wasnt a bit deal. That's it. Trump said go to work because he didnt want to wreck the economy. It also wasnt China lieing, it was WHO (which apparently is bought and paid for by China) who at first stated this virus was not transferrable between humans. Also covered up the spread and how deadly it was.

Given the initial data, I didn't understand why everything was shutting down, the numbers did not justify the actions taken (still not sure if they do). What is scary is the virus has shown the ability to mutate quickly, that is not something that can be planned for.

So the narrative changed, it will change again. There is a possibility malaria drugs work, or a vaccine, or summer slows it down in the northern hemisphere. Hindsight is an amazing thing.

...but this will all be over if they say they are going to postpone the presidential election, suddenly democrats will be saying it is not a big deal and actually stop hyping fear and panic.
The Chinese gov't doesn't have to rely on WHO to make a statement for them. Chinese leadership can call up the POTUS anytime they want to chat.
Things to remember this November:

January 15, House marches impeachment paperwork over to senate after one month delay following earlier 6 months of "investigation" and one month hearing where Trump was denied defense..

January 23, House impeachment managers made their opening arguments for removing the president to the Senate.

January 27, Trump formed White House Coronavirus Task Force.

January 29, First meeting of White House Coronavirus Task Force.

January 30, senators began asking two days of questions during the impeachment trial.

January 31, Trump declared a ban on travel to the U.S. from China, which Democrats criticized as xenophobic.

February 4, In State of Union, Trump stated America coordinating with China to protect US from

February 5, Trump was acquitted on both counts by the Senate

Huh! Imagine that, democrats stalled progress again and now everyone else is paying the price for it.

When will people learn that the democrat platform is a complete and utter failure...?
It also wasnt China lieing, it was WHO (which apparently is bought and paid for by China) who at first stated this virus was not transferrable between humans. Also covered up the spread and how deadly it was.

Not meant to defend the WHO, as there is plenty to criticize about their response, but early on they had very little real data to work with because china was suppressing that information. At initial outbreak, the virus very well may have not been transmissible human to human. An emerging virus that takes off like this doesn’t neccesarily “start” as a virus that is this easily transmissible. Mutations change characteristics, and that is likely still going on. In the medical community (and as somewhat reported in media), there is a lot of conflicting data on whether this virus is capable of airborne transmission. That is probably because slightly different strains have slightly different characteristics And we’re not talking about apples to apples comparison.
When will people learn that the democrat platform is a complete and utter failure...?

$2 Trillion of borrowed and printed money just upped the democrat platform goals in the minds of millions of Americans, mainly the idea that government can pay for their needs. The democrats could have never gotten a bill more than twice the size of TARP through.

It is a shame it has come to this but here we are.

$2 Trillion of borrowed and printed money just upped the democrat platform goals in the minds of millions of Americans, mainly the idea that government can pay for their needs. The democrats could have never gotten a bill more than twice the size of TARP through.

It is a shame it has come to this but here we are.


Very difficult to not fall in step with the "tinfoil hat" crowd, but man, if it doesn't seem this whole thing was planned from the start...
Not meant to defend the WHO, as there is plenty to criticize about their response, but early on they had very little real data to work with because china was suppressing that information. At initial outbreak, the virus very well may have not been transmissible human to human. An emerging virus that takes off like this doesn’t neccesarily “start” as a virus that is this easily transmissible. Mutations change characteristics, and that is likely still going on. In the medical community (and as somewhat reported in media), there is a lot of conflicting data on whether this virus is capable of airborne transmission. That is probably because slightly different strains have slightly different characteristics And we’re not talking about apples to apples comparison.

I read the archived summary report on the CDC's website about H1N1 2009. 4 different genetic signature's on that virus. Difference is, the response was better because the CDC was better staffed, had more resources, and better funded. The virus was also identified in the US and information shared quickly after genetic sequencing was done.

Oh yeah, in Jan 2009, BO and rum dumb biden took office and were able to take credit for the previous administrations efforts...
Very difficult to not fall in step with the "tinfoil hat" crowd, but man, if it doesn't seem this whole thing was planned from the start...

Believe as you wish but my life is way too short to be in the tin foil hat crowd.

The boring truth will end up being China lied and continues to lie avoid looking like they screwed the world over by attempting to hide what was happening.

Vast conspiracies never can be hidden completely because somebody will talk.

I have to agree with Nemont about laying it at China's doorstep. They lied and tried to cover up to keep from looking incompetent with their citizens and the world.
Maintaining face is very important with the Asian crowd.

Believe as you wish but my life is way too short to be in the tin foil hat crowd.

The intent of my post was not to say "they" were right. It was to say that it would be easy to draw those conclusions.

But yes, China holds sole international responsibility in this. The only honorable thing for the president of China to do is what the disgraced used to do back in the day...
Not meant to defend the WHO, as there is plenty to criticize about their response, but early on they had very little real data to work with because china was suppressing that information. At initial outbreak, the virus very well may have not been transmissible human to human. An emerging virus that takes off like this doesn’t neccesarily “start” as a virus that is this easily transmissible. Mutations change characteristics, and that is likely still going on. In the medical community (and as somewhat reported in media), there is a lot of conflicting data on whether this virus is capable of airborne transmission. That is probably because slightly different strains have slightly different characteristics And we’re not talking about apples to apples comparison.

Agree on the mutations as I think that is what is scaring the medical community so much is that this virus mutates very quick and there are already quite a few different strains.
Founder deleted my post. What a’’hole you are!! I guess if you call out a liberal he deletes your post. Done with this website!!
So much winning! 168,000 dead Americans, and over 1000 more bodies per day. Yes, we are quickly heading to 250,000 dead, probably more. Testing is hard to come by and takes a week to get a result. So many lies from this president, and how easily he fools those incapable of critical thinking or the ability to understand the difference between science and facts vs opinions and wishes. Good luck to you all.
AZ you are a miss informed individual! I know 5 people that have personally been tested more than once here in the chit hole of comifornia and they have never had to wait more than 36 hours for the results! Try looking into some facts and not just what the tv tells you! Things aren’t near as scary as people lead you to believe! Of course people like you won’t believe anything cnn doesn’t spoon feed you!
So many lies from this president, and how easily he fools those incapable of critical thinking or the ability to understand the difference between science and facts vs opinions and wishes. Good luck to you all.

Only a damn fool would think biden/harris has what it takes and only a damn fool would think a president is soley responsible for the stupidity of demonrat governors' decisions. Only a damn fool thinks another "common cold" virus is a global killer and the only thing that plagues mankind.

Only a damn fool would vote for an extreme socialist party and screw life up for everyone else.
So much winning! 168,000 dead Americans, and over 1000 more bodies per day. Yes, we are quickly heading to 250,000 dead, probably more. Testing is hard to come by and takes a week to get a result. So many lies from this president, and how easily he fools those incapable of critical thinking or the ability to understand the difference between science and facts vs opinions and wishes. Good luck to you all.
Booooyyyyyy you couldn’t be MORE WRONG. My father is in the hospital right now. Was TESTED FOUR TIMES for China flu. Four times, before they started actually testing to see what was wrong. Want to know what he has?!!!! A URINARY TRACT INFECTION from being dehydrated. All of his test results for CF came back in less than an hour. Keep spreading the lies of liberal politicians there AZ. Also, keep making yourself look more ignorant to people who actually see what is going on.
Well good I am glad you have quick turn around testing.
On 9/11 we had about 3000 deaths and we took it pretty seriously. Now, with 50 times the deaths in the US you all seem to think it’s a joke.
AZ, it is to the well informed, people died from it without question! To shut this country down was moronic, all the data is over inflated for a reason! I’m sorry if you lost a family member but that’s no reason mine shouldn’t be able to work! People need to grow up and think for themselves, rationally would help tremendously!
Well good I am glad you have quick turn around testing.
On 9/11 we had about 3000 deaths and we took it pretty seriously. Now, with 50 times the deaths in the US you all seem to think it’s a joke.

9/11 was an act of terror and an act of war on the sovereign soil of the United States of America.

Are you suggesting this dempanic is an act of terror as well...?

Difference is that pelosi on the DC F Troop of demonrat imbeciles were so wrapped up in their impeachement sham, it was near impossible to discuss the outbreak and take focused measures to prevent.
Cali4x4 said:
Nazi Piglosi with an annual salary of $223,500 has a net worth of 120 Million Dollars.

How does that happen?

Very simple she used her position of power in Congress to enrich her family.
Her family and our previous governor Jerry Brown had close family ties. Jerry Brown pushed the "bullet train" amounting to billions of dollars to leave as his legacy as Governor. Nancy Pelosi's husband happen to be high up in a company that was granted several very large contracts concerning the bullet train. You can bet the company paid him millions for his wife's influence on the contracts.
Our present governor, Gavin Newsome is Nancy Pelosi's nephew. Even though the bullet train was written off by experts to be a financial bust, he has refused to write off the entire train ideal for a large section of track from the Bay area to Bakersfield.
Sounds like the Joe Biden and Hunter Biden story with the Ukraine deal does it.
It would just be nice to see them answer some real questions and not let them skate on anything! Us Americans will never get that satisfaction unfortunately, they all protect each other!
It would just be nice to see them answer some real questions and not let them skate on anything! Us Americans will never get that satisfaction unfortunately, they all protect each other!

The new organized crime. And, we have let it happen.
It sure is amazing that the pneumonia death toll is lower than it’s ever been? The thing I don’t understand is how someone that is involved in a fatal vehicle accident dies of covid and not the accident? Something just doesn’t seem to add up, I guess they could have died of the 19 seconds before the accident happened? Just seems odd?
There has been interviews with two doctors from S. CA. that were upset because their hospital admin. ordered them to list Covid-19 as the cause of death on patients that had died from other causes.
You can guess where that hospital admin. got their instructions from in the state gov.
Yes, now passing 200,000 American fatalities in the USA. Another 500 to 1000 a day we will indeed exceed 250,000 American deaths by New Years, like I said on April 2. For those of you that believe that the virus can distinguish between political parties and that your loved ones will not be affected, good luck with that. For those of you that find pleasure in insulting me and facts and science and believe Trump’s lies, he believes you all are just like the military, “suckers and losers” in his words.
Yes, now passing 200,000 American fatalities in the USA. Another 500 to 1000 a day we will indeed exceed 250,000 American deaths by New Years, like I said on April 2. For those of you that believe that the virus can distinguish between political parties and that your loved ones will not be affected, good luck with that. For those of you that find pleasure in insulting me and facts and science and believe Trump’s lies, he believes you all are just like the military, “suckers and losers” in his words.
Keep your mask on
Yes, now passing 200,000 American fatalities in the USA. Another 500 to 1000 a day we will indeed exceed 250,000 American deaths by New Years, like I said on April 2. For those of you that believe that the virus can distinguish between political parties and that your loved ones will not be affected, good luck with that. For those of you that find pleasure in insulting me and facts and science and believe Trump’s lies, he believes you all are just like the military, “suckers and losers” in his words.

Except, according to the cdc, up to 60% of those deaths are inflated, not caused by corona. So keep believing that democratic and msm agenda.
Yes, now passing 200,000 American fatalities in the USA. Another 500 to 1000 a day we will indeed exceed 250,000 American deaths by New Years, like I said on April 2. For those of you that believe that the virus can distinguish between political parties and that your loved ones will not be affected, good luck with that. For those of you that find pleasure in insulting me and facts and science and believe Trump’s lies, he believes you all are just like the military, “suckers and losers” in his words.

Here's a little science.

We created a depression. A virus didnt. We. The supposed shining star of democracy and freedom, followed China lead. We dumbed our own kids. Destroyed our own economy. Stolen decades of hard work.

No virus encroached on American liberty. WE did.

And what was accomplished? Nothing. Those susceptible to death from this virus, died. Somehow the "science" couldn't stop that.

Nor will it stop the next one.

Only dumbazz libs look to a real estate developer, community organizer, baseball team owner, or lifelong politician and believe that one man can save them.

330 million people. But Washington DC will save them.

So here is the FACT. If you think. Trump or Biden will save you. YOU ARE A TOOL.

The Chairman Xi. That one man could have saved you. He didnt. He is now entering Hitler, Stalin, Mao territory for death count.

And that's A FACT
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Here's a little science.

We created a depression. A virus didnt. We. The supposed shining star of democracy and freedom, followed China lead. We dumbed our own kids. Destroyed our own economy. Stolen decades of hard work.

No virus encroached on American liberty. WE did.

And what was accomplished? Nothing. Those susceptible to death from this virus, died. Somehow the "science" couldn't stop that.

Nor will it stop the next one.

Only dumbazz libs look to a real estate developer, community organizer, baseball team owner, or lifelong politician and believe that one man can save them.

330 million people. But Washington DC will save them.

So here is the FACT. If you think. Trump or Biden will save you. YOU ARE A TOOL.

The Chairman Xi. That one man could have saved you. He didnt. He is now entering Hitler, Stalin, Mao territory for death count.

And that's A FACT

It's worth a membership to MM just to hear Hoss spread the gospel truth.
As opposed to you thinking Trump "failed". Because why? His phd in virology ? His ability to bubble wrap your home?

Get real.

Call your friends in China. They seem real concerned about creating a virus then spreading it worldwide.

Oh except NY. Apparently they got a European Covid.

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