My Colorado Buck


Active Member



This was a 3rd season buck from Colorado unit 22. The hunt was too warm, no snow and full moon. However, it was a great hunt. We seen a number of bucks each day and passed on a few willowy mid-twenties bucks early on. This guy showed up on a hillside where I was watching some does one evening. 220 yard shot and he was mine. I haven't done any measurements on him, he is already at the taxidermist. He was one big bodied deer. Can't wait until next year!

good job, 'smoke'...a shooter for sure....congratulations and thank you for the pics...get us a pic when the taxi is done...
Nicely done smoke! I would say he is a pretty good scorer? None the less, a very nice buck! If you stick a tape to him please pm the numbers to me? It is for my own judging education.

If he was mine I would have it at the taxi also!
Much congrats, love those mains with the tips curving slightly.
Nice buck for sure.

"I Love Animals...They're Delicious!"
Very nice buck smokepole! Looks like he has a lot of stickers around the bases.

BOHNTR )))---------->
Awesome buck, looks tall, and those G4's are awesome. Congratulations, and thanks for sharing it with us.

Keep the Sun at Your Back and the Wind in Your Face

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