My 2010 Pahvant Bull

Ticks N Tines

Very Active Member
Sorry for the wait, I was having fun watching you guys get all stresed out about it. LOL!


You can see the other pics and story on my hunt adventure post. I will post more when I get a few minutes.
Great bull, can't wait to hear the rest of the story when it is posted in the HC, cool that you were able to get pictures and video of him before hand as well. Thanks for taking us along!

?The bugle of the bull elk echo?s through the pines, the north wind moans her lonesome lullaby, he hungers for the freedom of an eagle as she flies?somewhere beyond the great divide?
Thats a sweet bull! congrats, Now update your hunt challenge and quit making us suffer

<Stu Padasso Pro Staff

<Dixie Nourmous Field Staff
That is an awsome bull -- Congratulations!

My brother has a muzzleloader tag for this year on the Pahvant and due to his wife having a high risk pregnancy (twin boys that were born 6 weeks early) he hasn't been able to scout much. I know the unit fairly well and I will going along to help him. I would love to talk to you if you would be willing to share some info to help him out.

I got to call BS the picture is Photoshopped. HJB isn't that good looking from want I have been told. But That a nice Bull.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Congrats man! What a beautiful bull! and to have video and trailcam pictures of him makes it even better
LAST EDITED ON Sep-21-10 AT 06:29PM (MST)[p]Matt:

I was wondering how your hunt went! Congrat's on a true trophy that most of us could only dream about. Great job!

I just put your pic's on the HAC. What an awesome bull!!!!
Great bull and story Matt. I'd say you picked a great bull and to have the pics and video of him will make it special.

That thing makes me sick!
PM sent!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Great story and great bull. I love that you knocked one down that was on the "list". Great job.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-21-10 AT 08:42PM (MST)[p]Yeah, I never thought I would see one of those bulls that were on the "List".

Dr. Evil went into hiding (Or death) after he got hit.
Captain Hook lost his harem and was rarley seen.
And the old Colonel was spotted in a canyon several miles down from where I was hunting (guess he decided to come back).

The Scouting payed off, but there's always a little luck involved.

I'm thrilled to have had the chance to hunt such a beautiful area and harvest this awesome bull.

Thanks for all the replies,
Nice bull HJB!!!! I need to come and drool on him!!! Maybe you could even let me hold him. That would be way cool after 3 weeks of chasing the Colonal the DR. and others on that rock pile will be all I get!!!

Great job and a super bull!! Sounds like a storybook, but you did your work and it all came together. Congrats!! Put him on the wall and you can relive this till the end of days....and it will make you smile like a fool everytime you look over at him.

P.S. - congrats on the kiddo too. He'll make you smile too! But sometimes not.....LOL!
I really liked keeping track of your hunt, you did a fine job and he's an awesome bull!!
Your lifestyle and the way you hunted is inspirational! Give hope to the common man that doesn't have an army helping him out thats for sure.
Thank you
Congratulations on an incredible bull. Thank you for taking us along for the ride.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-22-10 AT 10:06PM (MST)[p]
Elk Hunters.

The US Congress is considering passing HR 6028 which simply says "The Gray Wolf (canis lupis) shall not be treated as an endangered species or threatened specis for the purupose of this Act.

This action, if passed would immediately give every state, all 48 the right to manage wolves by the Fish and Game commisoin, and the anti hunters could not use the courts to keep them on teh list to destroy our herds of elk, deer, moose, and bighorns in the west and the Midwest.

this action is supported by RMEF, SCI, SFW, MDF, NRA and everyone who is a true hunters.

Please get everysportsmen in America to contact their Senators and Congressman in every US State to Support HR 6028.

It is co-sponsored by Dems. Chet Edwards of Texas and Jim Matheson of Utah and Republicans Denny Rheberg of Montana and Jason Chafetz of Utah.

PLEASE post this in a new post on MM under every category.

i am in DC working 24/7, it could be done in 8 days.

Richard Childress, NASCAR kingpin, Jeff Foxworthy, Karl Malone and other industry icons are weighing in in a big way

i will try and keep the MM blog posted as time allows


Don Peay
Great job HJB !! I was really hoping you would kill Captain Hook but i guess the Colonel will do! Ha Ha
It was truly an awesome experience to just be part of this hunt with HJB. We saw some awesome bulls, and all 3 on the list are trophies, but I was really happy that this bull happened to bugle when Matt was stalking some other bulls.

Now packing a quarter out of that canyon... I could have done without that! ;-)
I bow hunted this year and actually missed this bull @ 30 yds. Worst day of my life, but I realized he must be meant for someone else. Took some good pictures of him though. Congratulations on a great bull. I estimated him to be 370". E-mail me and I will send the pics I have: [email protected].

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