muzzy broadheads



Here is a general question for muzzy shooters. I am an avid bowhunter I shoot as much as I can. I shoot only when the shot is perfect no less. My question is Muzzy broadhead claim to penetrate through bone, has anyone experienced this and if so what grain of arrow, what speed and how far. I shot thunderhead for a long time and moved over to muzzy a while back. Just thought of the question and thought I would pass this on to you folks. thanks
I have been very happy with my muzzy's. The last deer I killed was a clean pass through although it did not hit bone. The deer had no idea what happened. He just looked up and continued to mill around. Got really sick and just fell over a few yards from where I shot him. My bro-in-law killed a bull in 2001. It was at 40 yards with a 125 grain Muzzy. Went all the way through breaking a rib in the process. The bull went about 40 yards and was dead.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-04 AT 08:45AM (MST)[p]I shoot the 100gr three blade LOVE them,last year on a pig hunt shot a pig about thirty yards away hit him in the front shoulder and it came out the back side, pig went about ten feet and fell over. The blades were in great shape after the shot, put new blades on this year and I am leaving this friday on a another pig hunt down south, I shoot a PSE fire flight about 70 pounds carbon arrows very fast bow, when I elk hunt I will switch to a 125gr 4 blade muzzy this works great on bigger game, will talk to you when I get back.
I shot an elk 4 years ago with a muzzy at about 45 yards. It went in behind his shoulder and hit the shoulder on the other side. Put a hole thru the shoulder bone that looked like a bullet hole. It totaled the blades but the point still looked new. I was pretty impressed
I set aside three broadheads to practice with, they do come with pracice blades. It's important to practice with your broadheads. I noticed some difference in flight from a field tip, but not a lot. It's a bigger difference at further distances.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-04 AT 09:43PM (MST)[p]I'm just getting started, thanks for the advice.

When I shot Muzzys which was up to last year, I did the same as Legacy, I held out several Broadheads and used them exclusively along with the practice heads. As hunting season gets closer I shoot all heads a couple of times before they go in my quiver to make sure of alignment and flight. I touch the blades up some after I shoot them!

As far as "Bad Through The Bone" forget it on Elk sized animals. I don't consider ribs as solid bone, most heads that hit that area will either penetrate or skip off an edge of a rib & continue on into the animal, no problem on well tuned equipment.

But to force a Muzzy type head through scapula area with poundages of 75lbs or less is a bad idea, for any poundage for that matter! I've hit elk there with a muzzy 125 3-blade at 74lbs, the arrow never penetrated the scapula. No I wasn't aiming there, I flat out crowded the shoulder and was high, bad deal!! I've also wittnessed it on more than one occassion with similar heads. NEVER try to intentionaly drive a head of any sort through those gray areas, you'll be sorry more times than happy!--Hitem where they live!!!
Not to be a knucklehead but Muzzy claims to be "Bad to the Bone" I don't think they say can penetrate bone.. This issue came up on archerytalk and people went rounds...

Ya know, Muzzy's have worked well for me. I agree, if you're looking to penatrate an elk's scapula, you shouldn't be using a bow. There's a lot of broadheads that will get the job done. If you put holes in important stuff...things die!
Thanks everyone, not planning on putting an arrow into any scapula, just curious in case an arrow with a muzzy does hit bone what would it do. thanks
I have shot a Satalite Mach 110 (no longer available) throught the shoulder of a fork horn deer at 31 yards. He piled up in 80 yards.

I shot a small 4x4 buck through the scapula at 25 yards on a deep quartering away shot with a Muzzy 100 3-blade. It lodged between the scapula and the ribs. It wouldn't have killed the deer right away by any means.

While I think the muzzy's are a decent broad head, I don't shoot them anymore due to their being very difficult to get to tune "exactly" with field points.

I have been shooting 4 blade 130gr Muzzys for years now. I have put holes in the outer part of shoulder blades, but they were shots I missed on. I have shot through the spine of a cow elk also, again a miss. The 3 animals that I had this happen on I killed with that shot. With a 490gr arrow shot at 70lbs, it will go through light bone, not heavy bone, it will just burry in heavy bone. And Muzzys hold up well to hard impact also. This is my choice for a broadhead, but I don't care for a broadhead under 125grs. I also don't care for 3 blade broadheads. I have never had a blade come out of a 130gr Muzzy. I am sold on them.
I switched from Rocky Mountain Premiers to the Muzzys. I use the 100grn. 3 blade. I think they are about as good as it gets however. I had to buy a couple extra sets of tips to get all of my heads to tune. That aside I am sure I will be using Muzzy's forever.
I have shot Muzzy's for years. Excellent strength, durability and flight characteristics. Just plain deadly. They are not much different than the Thunderheads that you have been shooting IMO.
Has anyone ever purchased replacement practice blades for Muzzy 125 4 blades a few of mine are wearing out?
I have shot a couple differt broad heads, rocky mountain, Savora, Etc. I had a friend introduce me to muzzys. He had a strange way of "testing" broad heads. I acidentally shot a cinder block while tuning up my bow, my broad head blew up!! Blades went everywhere. He got an old muzzy 125 4 blade and shot the brick!!! (He is a little on the CRAZY side)I was surprised to see how well it held up. The blades all stayed in place. The tip was bent a little! I was sold. I went on to shoot a Big Bull elk Later that year. The broad head broke one rib and the elk went 60! I don't know about the bone but they are bad the Brick!

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