Mueller Indicts Another Dozen Comrades

I must have missed the part connecting Trump to the hack of Hillary and the DNC. It is true that Putin hated the old hag as well as Obama so I am sure he wanted her to lose. When will all of the Russkies be here to testify? Keep us posted if you can take the time from your crying and screaming at the sky.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-13-18 AT 12:06PM (MST)[p]

Mueller's lookin more like a fool everyday.

Indict- "A formal charge or accusation of a serious crime".
What are we going to do, ask Putin to give them up so we can prosecute them? The Chicoms and Ruskies have been hacking us for years. Nothing new and nothing will come of this. JMHO
Hey Ocho, when are we gonna meet up and have that IPA and talk about hunting stuff?

The truth really hurt Hillary in the election. Does it matter where the truth came from? I haven't heard any Dems disputing the content of the documents.

If one drug dealer rolls over on another drug dealer, is it reprehensible?
Priceless. the " witch hunt " indicts another dozen Trump supporters and all you can say is if we can't prosecute them because they're in Russia it means nothing. love it.

Nobody said this leads directly to Trump. but it's getting closer. and who says Trump has to be directly implicated for this to be news anyway? get real you morons this is serious chit to real Americans. any collusion in Trump's campaign involves Trump, he was the leader and he reaped the rewards there is no way he can distance himself far enough to save his presidency. and lets not forget Cohen flipping, oh my.

What it absolutely does is make Mueller's investigation even more and justified and patriotic than ever. if you are dumb enough to have ever doubted it in the first place.

Keep it up comrades. it makes watching you fall all the more enjoyable.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Eel you have a very valid point. The Dems will not go there and do not want to speak about it. This is due to the fact it went well beyond Hillary and placed a very dark cloud on the DNC and other Democrats.

What is the content of the documents and how serious was it ? give Gowdy a call he doesn't seem to know either.

This is not about Hillary dipchit. Russia helped Trump win so now it's about Trump.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Says the guy who's OK with the former administration weaponizing our intelligence and law enforcement apparatus against the opposition party's candidate. You're gonna luv the new rules.
We can't prosecute the Russians for hacking us! The facts show the Russians had support for Trump as well as Bernie Sanders, and the hacking did not influence the vote or vote count in any way.
You're running out of ammo, Ocho.
Trumps ratings are up,
The stormy stripper story is done,
Unemployment is at its lowest in almost 2 decades,
No collusion,
One conservative Justice on the bench, and you've conceded on a second conservative, Catholic, pro-life, pro- second amendment ( including AR's) Justice to be,
And watching Trump on tv, I think he's less orange! He's changed his tanning style so you'll quit picking on him. The economy takes time to turn around, and wait for it, you'll be wrong on that too. Cheers my friend.
Dude, you are wrong as usual. It is all about Hillary and how the Russians caught her cheating by hacking her emails and the DNC emails. You know those emails that was sent to a un-secured server and even contained classified information that she was allowed to skate on.
But that is ok, we have accepted the fact a drunk dirt farmer can not see past their nose to accept the facts.

Dude the Democrats are trying to get Trump to not meet with Putin. I wonder if they are worried that Trump might just talk Putin in to giving up the copies of the 33 thousand emails that Hillary destroyed on her end after being advised of the FBI investigation on her.
Putin's hatred for Hillary is very great and he is a very vindictive person who would love to put the last nail into Hillary's political ambitions and be able to crow about it.

>Dude the Democrats are trying to
>get Trump to not meet
>with Putin. I wonder if
>they are worried that Trump
>might just talk Putin in
>to giving up the copies
>of the 33 thousand emails
>that Hillary destroyed on her
>end after being advised of
>the FBI investigation on her.
>Putin's hatred for Hillary is
>very great and he is
>a very vindictive person who
>would love to put the
>last nail into Hillary's political
>ambitions and be able to
>crow about it.
+ 1
Don't you just love it when your hear McStain telling the president what to say to Putin. LMAO
I'm hoping he tells Putin "I'll have more flexibility after the mid-term election"
Demo heads would explode
>I'm hoping he tells Putin "I'll
>have more flexibility after the
>mid-term election"
>Demo heads would explode



Nervous about what?

Not one thing is going to happen to Trump, and unfortunately, Hillary either. If you think you have a grasp on what happened or what is going to happen, you are less intelligent than I originally thought. At the end of the day none of us will ever know exactly what happened or who did it, and nothing but a bunch of meaningless indictments will surface.

One thing we all DO know is Hillary and the democrats are a bunch of crooked, sorry azz losers. You fit very well in that category as well.
>Nervous about what?
>Not one thing is going to
>happen to Trump, and unfortunately,
>Hillary either. If you think
>you have a grasp on
>what happened or what is
>going to happen, you are
>less intelligent than I originally
>thought. At the end of
>the day none of us
>will ever know exactly what
>happened or who did it,
>and nothing but a bunch
>of meaningless indictments will surface.
>One thing we all DO know
>is Hillary and the democrats
>are a bunch of crooked,
>sorry azz losers. You fit
>very well in that category
>as well.

Well I happen to agree with the above statement.

But if you don't think that Trump and his cronies, or for that matter 90% of politicians are crooked.... than you my friend are delusional!
Funny how all those Russkie spies started operating during the Obama administration. Must of been his liberal immigration policy that allowed them to enter. Maybe that was what he meant with the "hot mike" SNAFU when he said he would have more flexibility after the mid term elections.

I dont think anybody at that level is clean. Its all about the money, obviously. My Grandpa once told me "never trust a man that doesnt wear a hat". I dont see a single hat in Washington!
Dude your fake news agencies can not help to screw up a story by lying in order to smear Trump.


Mic reporter Emily Singer has apologized after mistakenly claiming Tuesday that alleged Russian agent Maria Butina was among a group photographed in the Oval Office in 2017. The woman in the photo turned out to be a National Security Council staffer.

Butina, 29, was arrested Sunday on a charge of conspiracy to act as an unregistered agent of the Russian government, according to court papers unsealed in Washington. She made her initial court appearance Monday afternoon, and was ordered held pending a hearing set for Wednesday.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-17-18 AT 03:10PM (MST)[p]

Fake news? you mean FOX. get in the game old timer they're saying Trump chit in his mess kit too.


So it looks like Trump owes Mueller an apology. Mueller is a patriot exposing our enemy and Trump has been a traitor giving Putin hummers. we know why they needed alone time.

So you know what that means, Mueller's investigation is NOT A WITCH HUNT . now get Trump's Johnson out of your mouth and say it all together ?.IT IS NOT A WITCH HUNT...again...

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Dude you fit the requirements for being a Russian agent then I do. You never wore a U.S. military uniform in defense of your country. You are always bad mouthing this country. You want to disarm American citizens. When did you become a sleeper agent?

I don't thing comrade bone spurs did either did he ? or Pence. or Bolton. or Pom-pus-oh. but for me it matters? I love it.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Dude when you look at what Trump has done, he has a great record of protecting this country that your contributions do not even begin to compare with. In fact if this was the end of the American revolution, you would be on the boat with the rest of the tories bound for England. You would have good company, FTW and Cornhusker would be with you.

Ocho, I am glad your government welfare check allows you the time to hang out on MM and support a known terrorist. it is easy to see the way you feel about our country and the men and women who have sacrificed all to allow you to voice your jacked up opinion(s) but who am I to judge? I have worked the same job for over 30 years faithfully donating to allow you to sit, judge and put down everything this country stands for. I truly hope we get the 8 years of Trump, he will make America Great again, a huge improvement over Obama making America a terrorists best hope to throw the America into the dark ages.

Obama is a terrorist who did his best to make us a 3rd world country, millions/billions of dollars given directly to KNOWN terrorist groups. its a shame your proud of that.
What has Trump done to protect this country, personally. do tell old timer.

weedagain. it's people like you who give retards a bad name. let me see if I can dumb this down so you can play. get your crayons out and stop licking the window.

please explain how my objection to lying con man who's sucking Vladie's Johnson and attacking our institution somehow shows my disdain for this nation and it's people.

Prove Obama was a terrorist who gave money illegally to anyone.

And you don't have to hope Trump is reelected, you can bet on it. count your pennies and see what you can spare, I'm in for that much . let me know.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
You asked for it Dude and here it is. You will notice this is not from your hated "Faux" news, but from the Washington Times.

The Washington Times

Giving Trump's accomplishments their due.

I'm told by one of my favorite millennials that many of her friends have not heard anything at all positive about President Trump.

The left, which turned a blind eye to the flagrant immorality of Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton, is ordering evangelical Christians to abandon Mr. Trump. Before too many well-meaning people take the bait, a reminder of what Mr. Trump has accomplished might be in order.

First, America ducked a very large bullet ? a reboot of the Obama administration under Hillary Clinton. Although President Obama had a more ?presidential style? in some respects than Mr. Trump, he was a disaster. Hillary would have been more of the same.

Here are a few other things that Mr. Trump has done:

? Appointed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and more than 75 other constitutionally sound federal judges, 30 of which are serving.

? Reinstated an expanded Mexico City Policy blocking foreign aid from being used for abortions.

? Cracked down on illegal immigration and ?sanctuary cities.? As Attorney General Jeff Sessions put it: ?The lawlessness, the abdication of the duty to enforce our laws, and the catch and release policies of the past are over.?

? Issued an order killing two federal regulations for every new one. In actuality, 16 were cut for every new one in his first year, saving billions.

? Engineered a historic tax cut that will save money for more than 80 percent of American households.

? Withdrew the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement, ending the threat of U.S. governance by international bureaucrats.

? Reversed onerous Obama environmental rules that gave the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ham-handed authority to destroy the coal industry and abrogate landowners? rights.

? Kick-started America?s energy sector by curtailing regulations, facilitating the Keystone XL Pipeline and opening up vast federal areas to oil and gas exploration.

? Presided over an economic and stock market boom, lowered unemployment and brought manufacturing jobs back to America from overseas.

? Rebuilt the nation?s military, destroyed ISIS and faced down North Korea?s ?Rocket Man.?

? Issued an order enforcing First Amendment protections for religious liberty.

? Restored the freedom of military chaplains to espouse biblical morality, and essentially reversing Mr. Obama?s transgender military policy.

? Revoked the Education Department's order that public schools allow gender-confused males access to girls? restrooms and locker rooms.

? Cracked down on sex trafficking. President Trump signed a law allowing states to move against sex-ad Internet sites, and the Justice Department on April 6 seized and shut down, which carried ads for prostitution, including trafficked children.

? Overhauled the mismanaged Veterans Administration and giving veterans more health care choices.

? Replaced Obamacare incrementally, beginning with a repeal of the individual mandate.

? Imposed sanctions on Venezuela?s socialist dictatorship and revising Mr. Obama?s deals with communist Cuba.

? Recognized Jerusalem as Israel?s capital and repairing damage that Mr. Obama did to the U.S.-Israel relationship.

? Worked with Central American nations to crack down on MS-13 gangs.

OK, let's stop here, though it only scratches the surface.

A question for Mr. Trump?s conservative critics, including some well-meaning evangelicals who rightly express concern over character: Would you really prefer to have a ?more presidential? chief executive who promotes socialism, open bordeers, abortion, sexual anarchy and the criminalization of Christianity?

Here are just a few likely outcomes had Mrs. Clinton won:

? An explosion in government funding for abortion.

? The LGBT political agenda on steroids, with the Justice Department attacking Christian business people who won't bow to Baal.

? Tax increases ? not a tax cut ? to fund a vast expansion of nanny government.

? Obamacare morphing into a single-payer, socialist government monopoly.

? Federal agencies like the EPA and the IRS re-weaponized against political opponents.

? More radical judges like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor. Maybe even Chai Feldblum on the Supreme Court.

? Hordes of new federal bureaucrats drawn from the ranks of, NARAL, the ACLU, the Human Rights Campaign and the Women?s March.

? ?Pink hat day? throughout the federal government on Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger?s birthday. (No reported plan; it just makes sense.)

? Massive illegal immigration, along with the Justice Department attacking states that have strong voter ID laws.

? A shutdown of all inquiries into Clinton corruption, such as missing emails, Russian money flowing into the Clinton Foundation or the Clinton-Russian connection in the 2016 election.

? A naive foreign policy that would have emboldened Russia, China, North Korea and Iran to test American resolve.

Finally, think back to Election Night 2016 and what passed for reporting. Instead of the undisguised gloom over Mr. Trump?s victory, a Hillary win would have produced smug grins and giggles all around, except at Fox.

Say what you will about Mr. Trump. He spared us that and much more.
RELH never fails to amuse. a list of bullchit giving artificial credit for problems that didn't exist or are not resolved.

So Trump is thinking of letting Putin's goons grill Americans. will that give you a little cover for awhile you think ? being Vladie's biatch isn't as easy as it looks I bet.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
You sound just like Trump. comrade. desperation.

The chit reality show continues, in tonight's episode more hookers and more lying. and more tapes . tune in tomorrow to see who Trump paid off , why and how long he lied about it. next week, did Vladie bring protection for the alone time in Helsinkie ? and will he bring a rose for the date in DC ?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Dude- when Trump is re-elected will you give it a break and accept him as the POTUS or do we have to listen to four more years of your whining?

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