Moving to WA


Active Member
Plan on Moving to WA in next two years. Never applied for hunt there. Does someone without points stand a chance of drawing anything?
Born and raised in eastern Washington. Hunting has went into the toilet. If you are coming from another western state you will be extremely disappointed. All the LE draw tags have cut their quotas down to nothing. Wolves, cougars, and bears have more value than human life. Worst part, is that it’s going to get much worse too. Don’t mean to be negative, just giving you a big dose of reality.
Thought you were a California boy.
Make sure to purchase your lifetime license before you leave, if you don’t already have one. From one liberal state to another. Wish you luck. Hopefully things will get better here in California before I die.
It's pretty tough to get drawn for any special tags in general even if you have points but every year a few with little or no points get a few...the state loves us putting in for the $$$ they get...Good Luck...Les
Thought you were a California boy.
Make sure to purchase your lifetime license before you leave, if you don’t already have one. From one liberal state to another. Wish you luck. Hopefully things will get better here in California before I die.
I have my lifetime
Just a non hunting heads up to you...Auburn has turned into a pretty rough town with lots of drugs and gangs....if you like that area you might want to look at the small town I live in...Enumclaw...about 20 minute drive towards the hills from Auburn...nice small town with a good buffer zone from the crime, drugs and street people in Auburn...Good Luck
Stay away from the I-5 corridor a bunch of woke radicals mixed with gangs and homelessness. The east side of king county and snohomish country have some nice areas. I live in eastern Washington and commute once or twice a week. As for hunting it’s not what it once was but still able to get a fill the freezer every year. And if you get dumb lucky and draw a special permit some of the best sheep, goat, moose and Elk hunting around.
That is a Selah butte ram I guided in 2016. I shot my ram way back in 99 in the quilimine. I’ve had the opportunity to go on seven different sheep hunts in Washington
Plenty of over the counter opportunities for deer and Roosevelt elk. Not very many bright spots for Rocky MTN. Elk.
Don’t overlook the Benchleg bucks on the east face of the cascades. Big heavy bodies with lots of horn mass.
I just moved to WY from WA. Lived in WA for 8 years and never hunted a day in that state and I hunt solid from Aug until Nov if that tells you anything about WA. I didn't even put in for a hunt this year and will just let my points go. Not saying there are not some good elk hunts on the east side, but the system of having to put in for East or West and then only being able to hunt spikes on the East side if you don't draw(Which you won't) is just a non starter for me. I have 0 interest in hunting spikes.
Sad to see any Hunter that has to move to Washington State. Twice as sad if they have to move to the West side of the state. Ten times sad’r if they have to live in the Tacoma/Auburn area!
Plan on Moving to WA in next two years. Never applied for hunt there. Does someone without points stand a chance of drawing anything?
I have 12 points for a particular hunt...I have never drawn it. My buddy who I apply with had like 16, and we used to apply for this hunt together, and we never drew with an average of 14 points. The average number of points to draw this hunt was 9 points. About three years ago, his granddaughter drew it with 0 points. Then the next year he put in with his son, daughter, and son in law. He had 16 points his son 0, his daughter 0, and his SIL had 3...they drew the same hunt we had been trying to draw with a group average of 4 points. I guess my point is...everyone has a chance...even the zero pointers.

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