Mounted in Alaska


Long Time Member
The TV show. I kinda like it. Not a lot of drama but pretty interesting and educational. Plus it's nice to watch a reality show where every other word is not "bleep".

Anybody else watch it?

I watch it on Thursday nights at 10PM, better than watching some other stupid show.

I've seen it, good show. They do some nice taxi work and offer some unique perspectives on mounting critters. Plus, the guys daughter is pretty cute :)
I like the idea of the show. However, there is just as much 'fake' drama on the show as any other reality show. The other thing that bugs me.....there's no way you can have a shoulder mount completed start to finish in two days! From wet cape to fully painted and ready for the customer in 48hrs, I call BS!
Good show...the daughter can mount my animal annnnyyyy time!!! She is going to break some hearts thats for sure!

I don't know if they are really pumping out the work in 2-3 days or a week. I'm pretty sure the camara crew isn't standing around to film different parts during the process for a year or greater like it takes my taxi to get it done.
LAST EDITED ON May-30-11 AT 01:32PM (MST)[p]+1 I have not seen a cat leave thier shop that didn't leave me me thinking WTF?? Almost as bad as the mountain lion mount in the taxidermy forum here that has been raging for quite some time. The Polar bear refurbish was horrible too. The difference in the muzzle furr when they were done left an obvious line like the thing had a freakn mask on. Still a neat show to watch though.
Very mediocre mounts on average, but they do very good rugs which they farm out to a wholesaler.
The rugs are by far their best product.
Russell has done me good by turning, salting & expediting my Caribou & bears over the years.
It's on the History channel, Thursday night 10:00pm Pacific time.

It might be worth noting that one particular Alaska hunting site that I have visited (oops) had a thread recently about the top taxidermists in Alaska. Knights in Anchorage was not mentioned.

dryboot, Mounted in Alaska is not about Sarah Palin. I'm pretty sure you could find that somewhere on the internet though.:)

Don't care for all the scripted drama. For a big name place they really do some sh#tty work. Horrible actually. I wouldn't trust them with my stuff, especially a cat. But most hunters don't care about the detail work and just want to see the antlers mounted on a lifeless form, and they do that well.
I've never watched the show, but do get the History Channel on my cable and will have to look for it. If their mounts are as bad as that cat on the one thread on this site, I don't see how they could stay in business very long. The cat on this site is a friggin joke and if I were the guy that owned it the taxidermist would have had it shoved up where the sun don't shine for the absolute abortion he did on it!

one_dryboot---Your Sarah Palin comments are a hoot, LOL!!!
If you have all the sh^% together you can put out a mount in that amount of time.That said most of their work is shite,they should send that guy from Alabama back to the lower 48 for starters his work SUX.
Yeah, I see it from time to time and I have to agree with ALL of you EXCEPT for Shelby...

It's still better than most of the crap that's on TV these days.

And Shelby... I feel that the little blonde daughter is NOT pretty cute, but WAY cute! lol
Even my wife was like, "Those don't look that good..." referring to some of the mounts that came out of the shop... they did a camel that looked decomposed... The one white tail, full body mount I saw was pretty good...

It's a fun show some nights...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
The WT was pretty good,mostly because they are all from the south and thats all they know how to mount properly,cant believe they couldnt get a shop with better work to film the show at,they looked really pitiful at the taxidermy competition.

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