Mountain Goat Age?


Active Member
Just curious what you guys think his age is? I know nothing about goats and have heard you can count the rings but I really dont know what rings count and don't. So was hoping someone that knows goats can chime in. He didn't have any teeth at all in the front on the lower jaw and the f&g didn't send me a tooth packet anyways.

Unless they break off the tips, goats have lamb tips similar to sheep. So 1 1/2 years to the first annular ring. Yours is a beauty and looks to have at least 7 good defined rings, so minimum of 8 1/2. Getting to the very old stage for a goat!
That's definitely an "old goat"...kinda like some of us!
One fine trophy for sure and I'm sure you will find a deserving place for him to rest.
Congrats again Mr. Utah mountainside "Roadhunter"!

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