Mormons violating social distancing ?‍♂️


Very Active Member
Wow lots of selfish Diet Coke drinkers gathered to see missionaries at the airport . Hope it’ll be worth it when grandpa and grandma die alone. They couldn’t wait 30 more minutes. That’s the kind of crap that could make this outbreak explode.

I agree, that was wrong and extremely selfish on so many levels.

I cannot believe the leaders of the church didn't do anything to support "social distancing" as asked, begged and demanded by our government leaders.

And why are they not quarantined in an MTC or other church owned institution until they are cleared??

This was not a good move by the church at excuses!
Mitt said it was cool no big deal plus it’s in the plates to gather at airports during times of crisis
Ya'll sure it was church supported and not people just being people? Asking for a friend, food for thought, or whatever you want to call it.

Seems I remember something on a while back talking about suspending services and keeping contact between others down to a minimum...
From SLTrib article regarding instructions sent to families picking up their missionaries...

"For the safety of your missionary, your family, and other travelers at the airport," the message read, “please remain in your car until your missionary comes to your vehicle in the short-term parking garage.”
What’s sad is I know who 6 of those people are in that crowd. According to the instructions 4 of them didn’t need to be there. And the spring break crowd there dumb a55es as well.
No mention of spring break in Florida? Odd.

You are right. It wasn't a dumazz display, because kids went on spring break?

Just checking because it sounds like if you wear a BYU jersey, your team should be exempt? Not because what they did was stupid, but because there where dumb kids in Florida.
I can provide a little personal insight into this situation. We went to pick up our son Sunday morning, before the huge crowds of people going to get the Missionaries returning from the Philippines, that was Sunday night. We called the airport ahead of time to see what the protocol was, they told us to stay in our cars on the second level of the temporary parking structure, and our son would be sent out to our car. Naturally, we assumed they had some sort of system in place to direct the kids from the baggage pick up out to the cars.

When we got there, we waited and looked around for some sort of airport employees to help us or tell us exactly how this was going to work, not a soul in sight. We waited until after his plane had landed, and still no one around to even talk to. It's not like we can just text our kid where we are parked, obviously they have no phones or anything on them. We had no choice but to go into the building and see what was going on, we walked all the way down to the baggage claim, still no airport employees anywhere. We had no choice but to wait by the baggage claim for him to come down. There were a few other parents and sibling there, maybe 50 people in total.

99% of the blame for the huge crowds Sunday night lays at the feet of the SLC airport, all it would take is a couple employees at the doors to the parking structure to take down names, or phone numbers, or even just slap a number on your windshield or something so the kids would have a way to find their ride home.

This was not a coordinated effort by hundreds or thousands of "Mormons" to break any law, just small groups of families there to pick up their kids, and the airport did absolutely nothing to have it be even somewhat organized.
Wouldn't it be kind of the Churches responsibility as well, given that these were unscheduled chartered flights, which required coordination by the church to get there?

The article states there was

“We are trying to make sure that every family stays six feet apart from other families as they’re welcoming their missionaries,” said Kim Daines, the supervisor of missionary compliments.

Daines said the airport had to make special arrangements for giant 777 planes to land there for the first time.

“The Church had to charter flights to bring them home because the borders and boundaries were closed and they weren’t letting travel outside of the Philippines,” she said.
I can provide a little personal insight into this situation. We went to pick up our son Sunday morning, before the huge crowds of people going to get the Missionaries returning from the Philippines, that was Sunday night. We called the airport ahead of time to see what the protocol was, they told us to stay in our cars on the second level of the temporary parking structure, and our son would be sent out to our car. Naturally, we assumed they had some sort of system in place to direct the kids from the baggage pick up out to the cars.

When we got there, we waited and looked around for some sort of airport employees to help us or tell us exactly how this was going to work, not a soul in sight. We waited until after his plane had landed, and still no one around to even talk to. It's not like we can just text our kid where we are parked, obviously they have no phones or anything on them. We had no choice but to go into the building and see what was going on, we walked all the way down to the baggage claim, still no airport employees anywhere. We had no choice but to wait by the baggage claim for him to come down. There were a few other parents and sibling there, maybe 50 people in total.

99% of the blame for the huge crowds Sunday night lays at the feet of the SLC airport, all it would take is a couple employees at the doors to the parking structure to take down names, or phone numbers, or even just slap a number on your windshield or something so the kids would have a way to find their ride home.

This was not a coordinated effort by hundreds or thousands of "Mormons" to break any law, just small groups of families there to pick up their kids, and the airport did absolutely nothing to have it be even somewhat organized.

Last I checked my wife’s cousin had a cell phone while on his mission.
Last I checked my wife’s cousin had a cell phone while on his mission.
Some do have phones while on the mission, however, they would leave them when they returned home. I would doubt many of the kids returning from the Philippines had phones, or even access to phones in the area they were serving in.
Wouldn't it be kind of the Churches responsibility as well, given that these were unscheduled chartered flights, which required coordination by the church to get there?

The article states there was

“We are trying to make sure that every family stays six feet apart from other families as they’re welcoming their missionaries,” said Kim Daines, the supervisor of missionary compliments.

Daines said the airport had to make special arrangements for giant 777 planes to land there for the first time.

“The Church had to charter flights to bring them home because the borders and boundaries were closed and they weren’t letting travel outside of the Philippines,” she said.
The airport is taking their money, they should provide that type of service.
This corona crap ban on everything fun and shut in needs to stop - some people are griping about petty-stuff just to gripe...
The airport is taking their money, they should provide that type of service.

Are you sure about that?

The airport got the same landing fees and fuel deal from the charter aircraft as it does from commercial aircraft and there is zero expectation the airport is required to lead people to their ride home.

Unless you are saying the Mormon Missionary Kids returning should be more special than the general public.

Are you sure about that?

The airport got the same landing fees and fuel deal from the charter aircraft as it does from commercial aircraft and there is zero expectation the airport is required to lead people to their ride home.

Unless you are saying the Mormon Missionary Kids returning should be more special than the general public.

If the airport wants to control what is going on and keep there security up then it is the airport responsibility to set up parameters.
Yes the LDS church could of had some better guidance for missionaries on returning.
Some of you guys that are taking swipes at the church are some of the same guys that say the goverment is over reacting. I suppose because it is church members that are breaking the 10 people rule then it is bad.
I guess for some it is just another black mark against the LDS faith.
All I can say is "S@#$ Happens"
Are you sure about that?

The airport got the same landing fees and fuel deal from the charter aircraft as it does from commercial aircraft and there is zero expectation the airport is required to lead people to their ride home.

Unless you are saying the Mormon Missionary Kids returning should be more special than the general public.

Yes, if the airport, or the city that runs the airport, has specific things that they want to have happen, then yes they need to provide a couple employees to make it happen.
If the airport wants to control what is going on and keep there security up then it is the airport responsibility to set up parameters.
Yes the LDS church could of had some better guidance for missionaries on returning.
Some of you guys that are taking swipes at the church are some of the same guys that say the goverment is over reacting. I suppose because it is church members that are breaking the 10 people rule then it is bad.
I guess for some it is just another black mark against the LDS faith.
All I can say is "S@#$ Happens"
I would seriously doubt that any one family had more than 10 people there. Like you said, haters gonna hate.
Also remember, people, UT and SLC is not the only place the church is. There is Phoenix, Omaha, Tulsa, Dallas, etc, etc, etc ,etc ,etc where these kids have been coming home. You really think control could be implemented the way some think?

The adage holds true to this day that some of us out-of-towners grew up with: "welcome to UT, land of wide streets and narrow minds"

So, what are them darn Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians up to...?
Also remember, people, UT and SLC is not the only place the church is. There is Phoenix, Omaha, Tulsa, Dallas, etc, etc, etc ,etc ,etc where these kids have been coming home. You really think control could be implemented the way some think?

The adage holds true to this day that some of us out-of-towners grew up with: "welcome to UT, land of wide streets and narrow minds"

So, what are them darn Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians up to...?

Not sure what the other fear mongering religions are up to. I'm actually glad those men are home. My wife's cousin and companions had to convince armed guards at 12 different road blocks to let them through just to get to the MTC the night before they flew home. There was some other crazy details in the email he sent the family. And it isn't the churches fault it is their members. People who are so excited they forgot about what was going on. My boss's son will be home from mexico on a mission in a few days and he said he had multiple phone calls and emails from church officials and they said pull in get your missionary and go about your way. Also if I was the airport I would have had TSA people out there. Because they are good at being dicks so they could have told people to go to their cars. Also a way to prevent this from happening is to take a window marker and put elder so and so on your back window that will make it identifiable to where they need to go.
The neighbor kid who just got back from the Philippines yesterday DID NOT have a phone.

Are we saying thousands of kids who have been going door to door in third world cesspools just came home with no screening? Regardless, I'm glad they're home.
You are right. It wasn't a dumazz display, because kids went on spring break?

Just checking because it sounds like if you wear a BYU jersey, your team should be exempt? Not because what they did was stupid, but because there where dumb kids in Florida.
Actually Hoss I'm just curious because the spring break crowd would have need a lot wider angle camera to capture. Does one excuse the other? No. Do you sound a bit like a bigot? Yes. Can anyone help you with that? No.
Actually Hoss I'm just curious because the spring break crowd would have need a lot wider angle camera to capture. Does one excuse the other? No. Do you sound a bit like a bigot? Yes. Can anyone help you with that? No.

Really? How so? If one group was wrong, so was the other. In more concerned that we allowed a bunch of folks from every third world hell hole to roll into SLC unscreened, than I am the group size.

But your lame excuse if "other people" is just that, lame.

I doubt you'd say the same if it was another group.

Somehow the church was able to charter them all home, you'd think they could figure a way to get them out the door to the parking garage.

I'll bet ya they do now.
Really? How so? If one group was wrong, so was the other. In more concerned that we allowed a bunch of folks from every third world hell hole to roll into SLC unscreened, than I am the group size.

But your lame excuse if "other people" is just that, lame.

I doubt you'd say the same if it was another group.

Somehow the church was able to charter them all home, you'd think they could figure a way to get them out the door to the parking garage.

I'll bet ya they do now.
Reading comprehension isn't your strong point. I said one doesn't excuse the other. Either way what's done is done so tarring and feathering isn't gonna do much good. It's best not to let fear turn into hate. Let me emphasize once again; was it stupid? Yeah. Are there plenty of stupid cards to pass around? Sure are. If we are honest with ourselves let's at least condemn thousands of college kids on tour with the kids coming back from missions. Let's use a little perspective. Look at all these critical need globe travelers at 36,000 feet right now.
My comprehension is fine. You called me a bigot for pointing out that one isn't exempt from a virus or a call to action because one wears a white shirt and tie.

I'm still trying to figure out how at a time when travel is closed to stop transmission, all these kids walked into Salt Lake without a temp reading or screening.

This one is 100% solely on the church. It's not the airports job to hand hold. Somehow the church managed to charter all these kids home from all over the world, out of virus fear, they owed SLC the same.

Stupid is stupid whether your wearing a tie or a g string
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My comprehension is fine. You called me a bigot for pointing out that one isn't exempt from a virus or a call to action because one wears a white shirt and tie.

I'm still trying to figure out how at a time when travel is closed to stop transmission, all these kids walked into Salt Lake without a temp reading or screening.

This one is 100% solely on the church. It's not the airports job to hand hold. Somehow the church managed to charter all these kids home from all over the world, out of virus fear, they owed SLC the same.

Stupid is stupid whether your wearing a tie or a g string
There you go again. BYU Jersey, white shirt and tie. Your words not mine. They came into the city the same way thousands of others are daily. The difference is some arrived in charter flights. They were still restricted to the same customs rules as any of the other thousands of international arrivals nationwide, commercial or chartered. The fact that they are in BYU jerseys or white shirt and ties is entirely irrelevant.

It may come as a surprise to you that chartered or commercial flights are subject to the exact same customs upon arrival as everyone else.
Don't worry hoss will find a way to blame it on SFW, Mike Lee and all them Oil Tycoons (that are currently losing there shirts) that want to own all of Utah.
Don't worry hoss will find a way to blame it on SFW, Mike Lee and all them Oil Tycoons (that are currently losing there shirts) that want to own all of Utah.

It's actually the oil tycoons (aka E&P CEO's) that helped cause the market crash from their own selfish greed...
I've ACTUALLY been to the airport. The parking garage is out the door, across a street. It's really the ONLY parking garage at the airport, and really ain't hard to find, with the "PARKING GARAGE" signs and all.

And I'll say it for A THIRD TIME. The spring breakers are idiots. So are the missionaries parents, grandparents, and girlfriends. We all saw the videos. That wasn't a mom and dad grabbing their kids

You can't have it both ways. The church said pick up in your car.

I saw the video. NO ONE WAS IN THEIR CAR.

I'll assume the instructions were in English.

So, a pile of people, WITH WELCOME HOME SIGNS, had a welcome home celebration.

YOU DONT BRING SIGNS, unless you plan to use them.

Or did you miss the girlfriends with signs?

Folks got caught. I've seen local kids, the videos their parents posted on FB. They planned a welcome home, they did a welcome home, they got caught on video.

They did stupid ****. Own it and move on.

Your not 1 bit different than those stupid shits in Florida. Only they didn't pretend they were doing anything other than what they want.

NO ONE on the beach is claiming "no one told us where to go".

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