More people saved to death


Long Time Member
Well it's coming out that people fleeing the wildfire in Maui were stooped by cops setting up road blocks.

I guess control was more important to the police than letting people live.
Can you imagine the spit storm that will happen if a video comes out with some cop yelling at a driver "Give me your ID" while flames are burning up people behind them?
Yep, gotta maintain "control". :mad: :mad::mad::cry:

I'm pro-blue but I'm more pro-common-sense!
This is just crazy.

They could have been justified in killing all the cops.

Seriously, I bet there was a mistake made in communication that got way out of hand.
Well it's coming out that people fleeing the wildfire in Maui were stooped by cops setting up road blocks.

I guess control was more important to the police than letting people live.
maybe they should of auctioned off passes to go through
They could have been justified in killing all the cops.

Seriously, I bet there was a mistake made in communication that got way out of hand.
I can believe that but I sure would like to know what it was.

There's a point when a mistake becomes manslaughter.
What about some liberal politician appointing the director of emergency services who had no experience in that field. He refused to sound off the emergency sirens for fear the people would flee towards the fire and not the ocean. As a result, many were caught in their bed sleeping.
Typical Democrat run government with idiots at the helm.
and you guys think the water being off and no sirens being sounded was a mistake by stupid people :ROFLMAO: :LOL: :ROFLMAO: oh man! keep the knee slappers coming
Oh the coincidences. Just keep believing everything the little talking box tells you though

"Witnesses who survived the blaze said that traffic quickly backed up as residents attempted to flee to the south, but the road was blocked as a crew worked on downed power lines."

At least they didn't get electrocuted.
Not every German was a Nazi soldier. Nice try though, 2 points to Gryffindor
Nope. But they sure let it happen.

What was the recent study (since covid any way) something like 85% of the general population will not question an authority figure and just go along with what they’re told.

You didn’t quite grasp my comment there. It was facetious . You can look that word up. I’ll wait
There's lots of blame to go around for that fire and the deaths. If you haven't bought an EV yet you can look in the mirror.

Speaking of mirrors, if I had it to do over, I'd make mirrors for a living. I could see myself doing that.
Driving there is nearly impossible on a good day, so it's not surprising folks got in traffic jams.

A fire moving a mile a minute, will absolutely catch folks, especially those who have lost the instinct of self preservation. If you smell smoke out ahead of high wind blowing at you, why are you waiting for the gov to tell you a fire is coming?

The water director should be arrested and put on trial. His actions lead to a lot of deaths.

But, I'm not sure I'm buying the space lasers, and local cops keeping folks penned in theory.

I'm a lot more inclined to believe it's just the latest example of liberal incompetence leading to death and destruction. No different than LA, San Fran, Chicago, Baltimore, Maryland, Houston, etc, etc, etc. Anyone that's dealt with liberal government agencies knows they are much to stupid to collude together on grand conspiracy. Mist can barely make it to work wearing shoes

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