
Long Time Member
There Ain't Been SQUAT done Properly to Help with Global Warming!

But We've Wasted Trillions on Studies!

Now The New President is in, He's gonna Fix it all!


It's all about.

I've said for 40 years:

If they were really worried about Cleaning the Air up,Passenger cars coulda been running on Natural Gas for Decades!

No,it's not the Total Answer!

But It Damn Sure woulda Helped!
By now Bess I would have guessed the worlds flat and air doesn’t move threw a “jet stream” makes no economic sense to hobble our economy and let China move free unless? The elected officials have a little coming back? Naw back to making my tinfoil hat. Actually it’s now aluminum which help block more rays than ever. ??
And Homer wants NUDIES of AOC!

That'd About Make Me PUKE!

Come on. I saw Majorie Greene and AOC are debating the green new deal.

Tell me you wouldn't pay $$$$ to watch 2of the 3 dumbest members of congress debate(Shelia Jackson Lee is the world champion idiot).

I would. That's comedy gold right there
So when your azz burns up AGAIN this summer that's just god punishing you it has nothing to do with climate change huh ? maybe it's punishment for being ignorant.

Climate change is real. the cause is still somewhat debatable but less all the time. flat earthers crack me up, watch the ice melt and blame it on conspiracy theories. WTF ever.
So when your azz burns up AGAIN this summer that's just god punishing you it has nothing to do with climate change huh ? maybe it's punishment for being ignorant.

Climate change is real. the cause is still somewhat debatable but less all the time. flat earthers crack me up, watch the ice melt and blame it on conspiracy theories. WTF ever.
Not gods punishment but mine for not being a better student and going to college to get brain washed and being in an office. Ya 2017 and 2018 were very hot in my area but shade trees and beers at 6 pm seemed to fix all that were wrong that day. The climate has always changed that’s why drum roll we had dinosaurs and then we had mammoths. To think we have a choice of what the world does is just ignorance. Religion aside we’ll be gone long before this planet is.
So when your azz burns up AGAIN this summer that's just god punishing you it has nothing to do with climate change huh ? maybe it's punishment for being ignorant.

Climate change is real. the cause is still somewhat debatable but less all the time. flat earthers crack me up, watch the ice melt and blame it on conspiracy theories. WTF ever.
Weather has been cyclical since the beginning of time. This period is no different.

How do you find the caps button to try to make a point, but can never find the shift button to start a sentence with a capital letter?
TogPotee is Quick To Blame others While Polluting the Earth Himself more than Most!

When You Hand Your AR in Ocho!

Hand Your Elk Rifles & Your Belcher in at the same time!

You & Your Presidents You are So Proud of Haven't Done SQUAT To Clean this Place Up!
I cant believe some people think we're headed for destruction because of a 1.5'
uptick in global temps (if thats even true/prolly manipulated data).
Climate happens,,,get over it. I worry more about the number of idots on this planet
than I do the temp.
OH, BTW. There was once a forest where the Mendenhall Glacier sits now.
Climate Changes??? You bet!!!
I spend time on the mountain. Doing so shows me climate change is happening. I hunt ducks, I can see it there as well.

I also live on the lake bed that was once Lake Bonneville.

I believe the internal combustion engine is on its way out.

At one time the horse and buggy was on its way out as well.


If you produce a clean burning vehicle, that is cost effective, folks will buy them. I don't believe guys get up every day, busy azz, and get excited to hand over $100 bill for gas. But they also don't get excited about driving 100miles in -20 temps and being stranded because the battery died.

Freightliner is currently running electric rigs. That's a lot of air pollution that goes away if semis don't burn diesel.

I'm always surprised that hunters are so loud about climate change. Why? Do you really give a chit if the jeep that comes up the road, is near silent? Are you that broken up about houses with solar panels?

Ya, wind farms and solar farms on public land, are just development of public land.

I happen to believe humans have adapted and overcome for thousands of years. I don't think the earth ends in 7 years. But I'm ok if the pines ain't beetle killed, the moose ain't pulling their own fur, and the aspens ain't all dying.

Call me AOC I guess
Greta is back in the news again. Who cares about her though. I know this climate is different, storms are different, places have been pounded over and over again. Lake Powell is lowest in 20 years and Utah is more dessert than ever along with other states. Do I think it is greenhouse gases causing all this ? No is my answer and it is about rich greedy plicks wanting to fleece everyone for studies and actions. What do they think they are going to accomplish, saving the planet like Tesla is ? ??
I keep wondering, if everybody is driving an electric car - where is all the electricity going to come from? And what happens during long term power outages? Think TX., back in Feb.
And what do we do with all the batteries, as they dont last forever?
What about manufacturing of batteries for all these cars?
I think its a pick your poison situation.
So when your azz burns up AGAIN this summer that's just god punishing you it has nothing to do with climate change huh ? maybe it's punishment for being ignorant.

Climate change is real. the cause is still somewhat debatable but less all the time. flat earthers crack me up, watch the ice melt and blame it on conspiracy theories. WTF ever.

How come when it's hot it's climate change, but when it's cold, it's just weather?
All major climate shifts in the past came from either changes in the Sun or meteor impact. And those "Studies" were done decades ago. So now we have to have new studies to line certain pockets. Always follow the money, so simple. If we got rid of internal combustion tomorrow absolutely nothing in the environment will change, except millions of people dead, maybe that's not such a bad idea.
Fossil fuels are on their way out, no question. but not anytime soon. the people who doubt it are the same small thinkers who exiled Galileo and said the Wright brothers were crazy. ignore them.

At the moment electric does seem to be the future. if we ignored the losers who say we can't get away from fossil fuels and bypassed the clowns who fear nuclear power we could really leap forward with the new technology. but that's also not going to happen anytime soon.

So how did the coal thing go ? are they back to getting rich like some failed president promised ? coal is the canary in the coal mine, oil will follow in the coming decades .
Fossil fuels are on their way out, no question. but not anytime soon. the people who doubt it are the same small thinkers who exiled Galileo and said the Wright brothers were crazy. ignore them.

At the moment electric does seem to be the future. if we ignored the losers who say we can't get away from fossil fuels and bypassed the clowns who fear nuclear power we could really leap forward with the new technology. but that's also not going to happen anytime soon.

So how did the coal thing go ? are they back to getting rich like some failed president promised ? coal is the canary in the coal mine, oil will follow in the coming decades .
1) other world powers like china and russia have to move away from fossil fuels as well. If they don't, only an idiot super power nation would continue down the road of birds and bees energy.

2) electric on a large scale is not feasible, so stop pretending that it is.

3) the real deniers are the ones saying everything can go electric.
What's the problem with climate change , so the ice melts and the sea raises ! But don't it just run off the edge of the earth ? ?
Anybody remember back in the 70's when it was predicted we were headed for another ice age? The scientists suggested spreading black soot on the snow to help it melt faster.

And those 70's winters were cold with plenty of snow. They capitalized on it and promoted fear, like they're doing now. "You have to trust the science!" It works on some.

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I Been Kinda Enjoying the Global Warming!

That -30 -40 Degree's Hurts way more now than it did back then!

The World Ain't Gonna Last Long enough to Worry about it!
So when your azz burns up AGAIN this summer that's just god punishing you it has nothing to do with climate change huh ? maybe it's punishment for being ignorant.

Climate change is real. the cause is still somewhat debatable but less all the time. flat earthers crack me up, watch the ice melt and blame it on conspiracy theories. WTF ever.
Of course the climate is going to change. The glaciers have been melting since the ice age. I can't believe you've actually bought in to the global warming nonsense. I have heard of people that believed in it, but figured that was just a scam too. Turns out there are people that buy into it after all. If you think it's real what are YOU willing to do to stop it? Not what should others do but YOU.
It's not about politics for me. I see no reason to get into the climate change debate. I still believe we have a duty to earth and our posterity to do what we can to take care of nature and leave it better than we found it. I'm not prepared to be the d!ck that pollutes the world just to die and leave it to somebody else. DEF is a small price to pay to make dramatic differences in NOX tailpipe emissions, for example.

If somebody can make an electric pickup that is truly cleaner and works for my lifestyle, I'd look at it.

I don't believe guys get up every day, busy azz, and get excited to hand over $100 bill for gas.
They do for diesel. That's why they idle them all day and say stuff like, "Black Smoke Matters" while calling DEF "Obama Juice."

Guys who would never chuck their empty cans out on the road think it's okay to trash up the environment if it comes out of a tailpipe instead. Like litter doesn't matter if it's too small to see.

We've all seen the guys who purposefully "roll coal," but that unburned fuel is just their paycheck blowing away in the wind... wind that they just made dirtier for no reason.
It's not about politics for me. I see no reason to get into the climate change debate. I still believe we have a duty to earth and our posterity to do what we can to take care of nature and leave it better than we found it. I'm not prepared to be the d!ck that pollutes the world just to die and leave it to somebody else. DEF is a small price to pay to make dramatic differences in NOX tailpipe emissions, for example.

If somebody can make an electric pickup that is truly cleaner and works for my lifestyle, I'd look at it.

They do for diesel. That's why they idle them all day and say stuff like, "Black Smoke Matters" while calling DEF "Obama Juice."

And You Still Don't Know How the BS Emissions of today work!

I'm Gonna Ask You One More F'N Time:

Is a little Bit Full Time any Different Than a Major RE-Gen Burn with a Big Old Cloud of Smoke Enhanced Obama Juice?

Guys who would never chuck their empty cans out on the road think it's okay to trash up the environment if it comes out of a tailpipe instead. Like litter doesn't matter if it's too small to see.

We've all seen the guys who purposefully "roll coal," but that unburned fuel is just their paycheck blowing away in the wind... wind that they just made dirtier for no reason.
Anybody remember back in the 70's when it was predicted we were headed for another ice age? The scientists suggested spreading black soot on the snow to help it melt faster.
It was all the rage when I was in high school. It helped make me the skeptic I am today. Then came Reagan. It seems so long ago.....
Just read wear Biden wants to get rid of 90% of the cattle, this must be why Bill Gates is buying all the farm ground?
The biggest issue I have with the "sea level rising" is these morons seem to confuse erosion with the waters are rising. Its like they missed that day in science class.
Here's a great video explaining how sea level gauges really work. Facts you'll only see on MM because Founder is open minded.

Just read wear Biden wants to get rid of 90% of the cattle, this must be why Bill Gates is buying all the farm ground?
When it's time, gates' land will be condemned under the principles of eminent domain for agriculture and he'll be placed in a straight jacket where he belongs.

And biden will have gone the way of the Dodo...
And You Still Don't Know How the BS Emissions of today work!

I'm Gonna Ask You One More F'N Time:

Is a little Bit Full Time any Different Than a Major RE-Gen Burn with a Big Old Cloud of Smoke Enhanced Obama Juice?
Yes. It is different, the question isn't about the timing of release of an identical volume; though the black smoke is unburned fuel particles that are stuck together so you've added diesel fuel instead of just by-products created by consumption... therefore increasing the volume.

The chemical composition of diesel exhaust contains entirely different composition with DEF than it does without. They're literally not the same exhaust plumes.

It's not voodoo, or even Obama, it's chemistry. For example, if you have sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid, two very dangerous chemicals, but you add them together in the correct ratios you get harmless salt water. You can take two poisons and make something that exists naturally on 2/3 of the world's surface. DEF reacts with diesel exhaust in a similar fashion to create a harmless byproduct.

It's not the same.
Yes. It is different, the question isn't about the timing of release of an identical volume; though the black smoke is unburned fuel particles that are stuck together so you've added diesel fuel instead of just by-products created by consumption... therefore increasing the volume.

The chemical composition of diesel exhaust contains entirely different composition with DEF than it does without. They're literally not the same exhaust plumes.

It's not voodoo, or even Obama, it's chemistry. For example, if you have sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid, two very dangerous chemicals, but you add them together in the correct ratios you get harmless salt water. You can take two poisons and make something that exists naturally on 2/3 of the world's surface. DEF reacts with diesel exhaust in a similar fashion to create a harmless byproduct.

Harmless My Ass!

It's not the same.
Seen a Diesel Pick-up in the Parking lot of the Grocery Store a few Mornings ago doing an Obama Burn!


Ain't that F'N Cool!
Thousands of Dollars Worth of TRASH!

That Most TARDS Tear Off & Throw that Garbage away!

Then they can let em Breathe & Run like they're suppose to!
what's an Obama burn?
You interrupted him, he's posted 7 times in a row.

It's the aerosol equivalent of somebody dumping their garbage out on the side of the road and driving away. Some guys think it's cool to do to other drivers or people on bikes. Many of them run 2" exhaust to an 8" tailpipe, thinking that the exhaust gas somehow speeds up in the last three inches. Haha.

There's apparently a contingent who can't get over the previous President and thinks that blowing crap into the atmosphere somehow is payback.

But as you can see, many of the people who do it struggle with physics and chemistry to begin with.

*PS. I drive a diesel that tows nearly 20,000 lbs almost everywhere it goes without ever producing an ounce of visible exhaust and I can order my McDonald's without turning off my motor, too. It's a sweet ride.
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Maybe You Struggle with Mechanics Mathematics!

Been a Long time Since any Belcher even had a Stock 2" Pipe!

Your Belcher SUCKS Obama Juice for Re-Gens!

It Throws alot of Nasty BS in to the Air Quick when it PUKES!

You interrupted him, he's posted 7 times in a row.

It's the aerosol equivalent of somebody dumping their garbage out on the side of the road and driving away. Some guys think it's cool to do to other drivers or people on bikes. Many of them run 2" exhaust to an 8" tailpipe, thinking that the exhaust gas somehow speeds up in the last three inches. Haha.

There's apparently a contingent who can't get over the previous President and thinks that blowing crap into the atmosphere somehow is payback.

But as you can see, many of the people who do it struggle with physics and chemistry to begin with.

*PS. I drive a diesel that tows 20,000 lbs almost everywhere it goes without ever producing an ounce of visible exhaust and I can order my McDonald's without turning off my motor, too. It's a sweet ride.
Maybe You Struggle with Mechanics Mathematics!

Been a Long time Since any Belcher even had a Stock 2" Pipe!

Your Belcher SUCKS Obama Juice for Re-Gens!

It Throws alot of Nasty BS in to the Air Quick when it PUKES!
I know plenty of straight-pipers that run 2" exhaust pipes, I'm surprised you don't. If they're not enlarging their pipes right at the motor, they're even dumber than they look with their giant tailpipes.


There is much misinformation floating around about Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF). DEF is an additive required by many diesel engines. Its development and use were a significant step forward in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Added to engines with Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR) technology, DEF will reduce NOx and particulate matter by 90 percent – a significantly low emission level near zero.

We all know you're going to keep throwing your crap into the atmosphere so I'm done trying to talk to you about it. Hopefully somebody else learned something about DEF though for my troubles.

The good news is that police have started enforcing the law...

---- Every motor vehicle shall at all times be equipped with a muffler in good working order and in constant operation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no person shall modify the exhaust system of a motor vehicle in a manner which will amplify or increase or change the character of the noise emitted by the motor of such vehicle above that emitted by the muffler originally installed on the vehicle. No person shall sell, furnish, provide or purchase, nor shall any person attach to any vehicle any device which will or is intended to increase or change the character of the sound of the original muffling equipment on any motor vehicle. No person shall operate a motor vehicle with an exhaust system so modified. (Ord. 31-00 § 19, 2000: prior code title 46, art. 9 § 172)


Also, the Diesel Brothers were fined $850,000 for modifying trucks to produce more exhaust.

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I know plenty of straight-pipers that run 2" exhaust pipes, I'm surprised you don't. If they're not enlarging those, they're even dumber than they look with their giant tailpipes.

Running 2" Straight Pipes on Diesel Pick-Ups Huh?

You are Full of BULLSHIT!!

Your Belcher comes Stock with way Bigger Pipe than that!

If you spent as much time reading reliable information as you do hitting your CAPS LOCK key you'd know a lot more.

There is much misinformation floating around about Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF). DEF is an additive required by many diesel engines. Its development and use were a significant step forward in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Added to engines with Selective Catalyst Reduction (SCR) technology, DEF will reduce NOx and particulate matter by 90 percent – a significantly low emission level near zero.

We all know you're going to keep throwing your crap into the atmosphere so I'm done trying to talk to you about it. Hopefully somebody else learned something about DEF though for my troubles.

The good news is that police have started enforcing the law...

---- Every motor vehicle shall at all times be equipped with a muffler in good working order and in constant operation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no person shall modify the exhaust system of a motor vehicle in a manner which will amplify or increase or change the character of the noise emitted by the motor of such vehicle above that emitted by the muffler originally installed on the vehicle. No person shall sell, furnish, provide or purchase, nor shall any person attach to any vehicle any device which will or is intended to increase or change the character of the sound of the original muffling equipment on any motor vehicle. No person shall operate a motor vehicle with an exhaust system so modified. (Ord. 31-00 § 19, 2000: prior code title 46, art. 9 § 172)

The Diesel Brothers were fined $850,000 for modifying trucks to produce more exhaust.


The Diesel Brothers are Still Laughing there Asses Off with that PISSCUTTER Fine they Got after Making Millions of Dollars Tearing that F'N TRASH off!

Running 2" Straight Pipes on Diesel Pick-Ups Huh?

You are Full of BULLSHIT!!

Your Belcher comes Stock with way Bigger Pipe than that!


The Diesel Brothers are Still Laughing there Asses Off with that PISSCUTTER Fine they Got after Making Millions of Dollars Tearing that F'N TRASH off!
You're right, it's 3.5" at the resonator, it seemed smaller than that when I was putting the B&W on. That doesn't change the physics or chemistry of oversized tailpipes (exhaust is limited to it's smallest point of resistance) and DEF. That also doesn't change the crap spewed by those that think litter is okay if it blows away.

We all know nothing is going to get you to be responsible with your truck so I'm done with you. Feel free to keep posting videos and lusting after some guy at the grocery store. I'll never understand it, if I did I could do it to my truck tomorrow if I wanted.

Instead I just LMAO as they drive by thinking how cool they are.
yes....I pour it in all of them....not really that hard or that often.....and they will pull....ALOT
They Pull 40,000 lb Loads here in the Oilfield all the Time with their TUNED Diesels!

You'd Best Get You a Dually CUPSY!:D
One thing about DEF-you get more power with DEF than efficiency robbing EGR. Who really knows for sure whether nOx reductions help the planet.
You interrupted him, he's posted 7 times in a row.

It's the aerosol equivalent of somebody dumping their garbage out on the side of the road and driving away. Some guys think it's cool to do to other drivers or people on bikes. Many of them run 2" exhaust to an 8" tailpipe, thinking that the exhaust gas somehow speeds up in the last three inches. Haha.

There's apparently a contingent who can't get over the previous President and thinks that blowing crap into the atmosphere somehow is payback.

But as you can see, many of the people who do it struggle with physics and chemistry to begin with.

*PS. I drive a diesel that tows nearly 20,000 lbs almost everywhere it goes without ever producing an ounce of visible exhaust and I can order my McDonald's without turning off my motor, too. It's a sweet ride.
That's your problem Grizz you eat McDonald's!?

The only things I know about DEF if your diesel motor goes into Re-Gen it can start a fire so be careful where you let your diesel pickup ideal.
Gotta Show These SMART-ASS PUNKS That Think They're BAD-ASS in their NEW 80K+ Pick-Ups They Ain't As Bad as they Think They are When They Pull Up to the Side of You & Want to Race!

One Of These Days You're Going for a Ride CUPSY!:D

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