
Long Time Member
Just a couple days in to the 2016 General Season PISSCUTTER Season we had Radio Stations Claiming what a Success the Hunt had been here in NorthEastern Utah already!

I'll admit there were some better Bucks Taken this year but Nothing Spectacular!

It's nothing more than a Plan to add/Sell More Tags Next year,Mark my word on it!

(((Like We Ain't already got enough people and Illegal Wheelers/activities going on!)))

Now they are Talking about adding a Late Muzzleloader Hunt!(Yes,I know there was already a Late Muzz Hunt added this year,but they want more!)


Where You gonna Squeeze that in with the Continuous & Over-Lapped Hunts We already have?

The Hunting Here has SUCKED for many Years!

Show me all the Mature Bucks left after Seasons are closed?

When I say 'Mature' I don't mean some little PISSCUTTER Buck that's still with His Mother with Milk on His Lip Neither!

We Get a few Bucks that Finally make it to age 3-4 & the DWR is calling them 'Mature',I'm Calling BULLLSSHHIITTT!

Go ahead & Read this at the next NE RAC Meeting!

You can see it Written on the Wall,They will be adding more Tags and More Hunts and it's already been Decided!

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
If you want more mature bucks slash the tag allocation by %66. Raise the prices of tags %400. You will get a lot more mature bucks and the DWR will here a lot more screaming from people.
Well Tri?

What do you wanna Hunt?


Or something worth Hunting/Shooting?

>If you want more mature bucks
>slash the tag allocation by
>%66. Raise the prices
>of tags %400. You
>will get a lot more
>mature bucks and
>the DWR will here a
>lot more screaming from people.

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
Bess, my Paunsy buck was about 8 years old FYI. Good thing the weather was warm as many nimrods struggled to find that next level buck. Should be many leftover oversized giants for next year. Only saw 1 yote and NO lion tracks!!
Hunting is not all about killing a giant deer it's the memories u make scouting/hunting with friends and family I'm my opinion
And there you have it Bess, BuccBoy just gave our wonderful DWR the ammunition to do exactly what they have done in the past and will do in the future....nothing. Utah makes me sad. Tag in the pocket and rest be damned.
I have a question....Does anyone know the average statewide harvest success rate for the tags given....don't post much and no pot stirrin here....just curious
Check your PM YBO!

>Bess, my Paunsy buck was about
>8 years old FYI. Good
>thing the weather was warm
>as many nimrods struggled to
>find that next level buck.
>Should be many leftover oversized
>giants for next year. Only
>saw 1 yote and NO
>lion tracks!!

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
Hi Bessy!
Just curious not wanting to start any BS, but what would be a good age for the deer in Utah to be considered a pisscutter. Here in IL if we can get a deer past the 2 1/2 year mark we're doing good! Where I hunt in Calhoun and Pike county a 2 1/2 year old can be a decent buck so just imagine what they would look like if guys would let them go a year or two or more?

Here is my best to date whitetail, he netted 159 6/8" and was only 3 1/2 years old! I wasn't going to pass on him though LOL!


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
Are you talking about more LE Muzzy hunts taking place late season on general season units..??

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Bess, check your pm and email. Wish I knew u were going to be down there. Warm weather was tough. Did you hunt r help. Want details. Thanks Bobcat.
I hear you bess, This last year they gave more tags for our area, we went to the RAC and proposed a smaller increase than they wanted because we wanted to see what the muzzleloader success would do with the new variable scope law before we jumped the gun and gave too many tags. Our RAC was on board, the local SFW was on Board, SFW leaders were on board, but the Wildlife board still gave all the tags that were proposed. It will be proposed again this year for more tags because of all the success.
I agree with you we just started getting some descent bucks and I seen 2 really good bucks but they got smoked this year.I seen more bucks then I have ever seen in a long time but we still have a long ways to go. I had a LE archery elk tag in the books and I was out there for 28 days seen tons of bucks but only seen 5 or 6 in the 170 high 180 I would shoot.I think not only general season needs help but so does LE units as well.
1) Is a "pisscutter" a small deer or a big deer? What does that word mean exactly?

2) I agree with the gripe about illegal 4 wheelers. Its a problem that is difficult to address. I'm going to make a separate thread about it.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-05-16 AT 10:29AM (MST)[p]>1) Is a "pisscutter" a
>small deer or a big
>deer? What does that
>word mean exactly?
>2) I agree with the
>gripe about illegal 4 wheelers.
> Its a problem that
>is difficult to address.
>I'm going to make a
>separate thread about it.

Scroll down to #6!

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]

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