Monster Debt Plan


Long Time Member
Monster Debt Plan

LAST EDITED ON Apr-22-17 AT 09:42AM (MST)[p] You thought Obama was the king of debt? pass this and give Trump the crown.

It relies on a minimum 3% growth? good luck with that. eliminates business interest deductions? well that's the way to encourage investment. it taxes imports but not exports? great start a trade war that should insure 3% growth.

The chances of the orange clown getting any farther on this than Trumpcare is slim. but if it were to happen it would be a train wreck for the nation. But not for me, defer my taxes to your grand kids? hell yes let's do this.

I'm pulling for the orange man on this really I am despite my conscience. even the interest deduction loss is a winner, I don't borrow any money and 99% of my competition does. WTF is better than that? if they're drowning put a hose in their mouth .

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: Monster Debt Plan

When the republicans shut down the gubmint Obama immediately closed things the citizens wanted open like national parks and boat ramps. I never saw a government employee at our boat ramps so why do you think he did that? If the democrats shut the government down then I want the congress to state that there will be no retroactive pay for the days lost to government employees. last time they got every nickel so they could care less. Either party shuts it down you get zero dollars for sitting on your ass. They can argue all they want about the budget and need to do that.
RE: Monster Debt Plan

O'tay. but what about the " Fabulous " tax plan. it's supposed to be out in full this week. this is just what they've said so far. do you like it?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: Monster Debt Plan

Border wall, Obamacare R&R , muslim ban and now a tax reform flop that's DOA.

Anyway, tax reform is on the table nevertheless you can't hide from it. nobody has anything to say? it isn't an official loss yet so it's not against policy to discuss it is it? anyone?

Stay Thirsty My Friends
RE: Monster Debt Plan

You prefer the nuts on chin position the dems took in 08? Who knew?
RE: Monster Debt Plan

>You prefer the nuts on chin
>position the dems took in
>08? Who knew?

Yes he prefers monster nuts on the chin.
RE: Monster Debt Plan

So Bevis and Butthead don't have a clue. what a shocker. thanks for playing.

Anyone else care to talk about the fabulous tax plan and how much debt it would add? anyone ?

Stay Thirsty My Friends

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