Michelle Obama


Long Time Member
OK, first off. THIS IS NOT A POLITICAL POST!!!! I don't care what you think of Obama politically. Or McCain either. So let's don't go there. OK? I just walked in the house and "The View" was on and they were interviewing her. (Oh and I don't care what you think of The View either.

The question is what do you think of her looks? And the same of MCCains wife? Age aside, now what do you think? I am running a social experiment here.

OK, TripleK I know you won't want to answer the questions as posed so put it in perspective from a womans point of view.

Hit it? Or Not hit it?

Hit it? Or Not hit it?

I saw this picture from the View and thought it was a nice sandwich with a big ol' hunk a meat in between.
I think both are more attractive than the current First Lady. Mrs. Obama looks nice in that picture and i've seen more flattering shots of Mrs. McCain. more likely to take a run at Mrs. O.
Just like to say that this is my first post here, thanks for the chance. As for your question, I think that they are both good looking ladies. Both doable!!
double buck bonus would have been better man! gotta say i think there are more desireable females out there

Wildlife population control specialist
well at least we don't have to look at Hilary anymore, that mole on her cheek with the big long hair coming out of it was getting old!!

it would be kinda cool to "hit it" with the wife of the most powerfull man on earth. it would be like "who's your daddy now"
Mortgage rosie is considered beastiality in my book not lesbianism! now ellen degenerate thats a catch ;-)

Wildlife population control specialist
Obama- I'd hit it! lol

Michelle Obama is beautiful. Look at those cheekbones! Wow! I want that hair, too.

McCain's wife is attractive as well but looks ice cold, hard, snobby, and rigid. She's got goregous eyes...too bad they're all clumped up with mascara.
Right on! A woman's perspective! I agree. McCains wife catches the eye but then on closer look she's just another made up blonde. Michelle Obama is beautiful in a more refined way. I'd hit it. But then hell, I'd hit McCains too. And the little dopey blonde on The View.

I'd put the BAM in Michelle Obama :)
who you guys kidding.....if it's really a female and offering it up........almost all would get hit.


That Obama gal is hot.......
I'm with you Edelbrock....

I'll pass on Obama's for sure....I didn't need JB's pic to decide but it sure didn't hurt matters. :)
Jb why did you post two of the same pics?? they are both michelle obama! i cant see the difference but her lips sure look purty!

Wildlife population control specialist
That Michelle .... ummmm .... ummmm .... ummmm ... bring daddy some 'mo pancakes!!!!!

That McCain gal ... what the hell do you mean the BOTOX WELL is dry??? Trophy wife MY Axx!!

LAST EDITED ON Aug-21-08 AT 09:39PM (MST)[p]I heard that blaster and that D'generate gal got hitched this week in Kali! True or not true?

HMMMM......I have seen some really pretty black women. Michelle Obama ain't one of them. I have a new landscape rake with less teeth. She's probably pissed that her teeth are white!

I'll pass.

Her verbal rambling makes her way less desireable in my book.

I could look into Cindy McCain, if it was readily available.

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