LAST EDITED ON Jun-17-18 AT 03:41AM (MST)[p]What is your proof that leads you to believe that trophy mule deer in Wyoming are struggling?
What is it that is going on that you are so concerned about? We as in the majority of residents don't seem to think there is a huge problem, we kind of like what we have. I would argue that most nonresidents must also like the product that Wyoming is selling as proof in draw odds for all of our big game, and also hunter satisfaction surveys.
Maybe your idea of a trophy mule deer is a lot different then mine.
I hear so much about the Henry's... I have seen some great bucks come out of there for sure, but the top end bucks off there are no better then the top end that come out of G/H every year at least from what I have seen. Maybe I am missing some of the REAL big deer that are killed there? All of this while we as residents get to hunt it every year, and nonresidents every few in H and about every 5 or so in G. I will take our situation over anything Utah has going on. No I do not think we need to follow anything that Utah is doing. What we have now works just fine.
If you totally agree with my post above about self regulating 4 point or better for many years, then lets start there.
In a typical year of scouting I usually will look over say 200 bucks. In those I would guess about 10% of them, say 20 bucks, are more mature type deer that do not have the typical 4x4 frame. Is that way out of line the way you see it? I tend to think it is probably pretty normal, but I might be off... Now some of those "bad genetic" bucks still grow into true trophy class deer if given the amount of years it takes. Again we are talking about areas that I feel have been for 4 points or better hunts for decades either by GnF or mostly self imposed.
I also kind of disagree with you that 4 pt. restrictions put more pressure on trophy deer. Lets think about this. First off I would think most people that want to shoot any buck would just pick a different area. Now lest take the rest that want to shoot any legal buck. Wouldn't they shoot this first small crabclaw 4x4 they see. Or what about that 3x3 with one eyegaurd? I really have a hard time wrapping my brain around the fact that you would have a ton of hunters in an area that are primarily meat hunters, but are going to be killing trophy class (180" plus) bucks just because the is a 4 pt restriction.
HAHA I think it would be a great idea for say 20 percent of the non resident tags in both G and H to be designated for 3 points or less... We don't need that restriction as residents as we can buy a general tag anyway. I think you really might be onto something there...
There seems to be such a big push by non residents to "save" our deer herds for us that maybe all non res tags for say the next 5 years or so should only be good for management type bucks.
Lets even take it one stem further and all guides can only guide for those same type of bucks. I am sure ol Rob would sign up for this right now, cuz we all know how concerned he is with the deer herds.
HAHA I am sure you realize the last 2 paragraphs were very tongue and cheek kind of.
So a real question for you. In a free ranging top of the line type of mule deer herd how many 3x3 or even 4x3 frame mature bucks should there be?
Lets add one more thing in here. I think it is fare to say we all realize most all 200" plus bucks start off as a 2 point or maybe a little 3 point right? How many monster bucks get whacked before they are even 2 years old? How far down this rabbit hole should we go? I hear Antelope Island has some pretty good bucks. Maybe that is the model we should follow.