Master Baiters???


Very Active Member
How many of the MM gang are baiting bears here in good old Wyoming? I started baiting bears years ago and am at it again.

The snow made it tough and late to get baits set this year, but I have a LOT of activity on my bait. Here are some of my thoughts on baiting bears:

1. It's a fun springtime diversion. Fish, camp, look for a bear. In a beautiful time of year.
2. Bears are lethal predators on fawns (and elk calves). Getting the bears to come to an alternative food source this time of year just might save the life of a fawn or two. Even of you don't shoot a bear you might help a mule deer.
3. It's an easy, laid-back hunt and can be fun for kids. Get them out there with you.
4. The land-reserve system that is in place is good. You can get your own section(s) to bait, so there's little competition and you can do your own thing. (It goes without saying, follow all laws and rules/regs.)
5. It's also a way to meet new landowners. In my experience, landowners are more likely to let you bait for bears than hunt deer or elk. And if you are baiting on deeded lands, it opens up a lot more options with respect to baiting.

Anyway, who else is baiting? And best of luck to all. Stack up some of those burly bears.
The snow is still preventing me from getting to my bait site. I'll get there sooner or later and get it going. We have an extra week this year in the spring. It's my second oldest grandson's turn, he's 15 in a month. The oldest got his in 2021. We bait the fall too.

Can't get anything but smaller bears at ours and during the night.
Any advice for getting them in during daylight hours?
We just can’t make it work. Last year we tried spot and stalk and calling with little luck. This year we talked about baiting, but between Hockey, Legion Baseball, Softball, etc. we just don’t have time.

I really want to try baiting, but with fuel prices rising again, and the snow issues this year we had no chance at all.

It is the same reasons why we have not ran a trap line. Just so much cost in fuel to check and reboot etc.

I do agree that spring bear hunting g is very fun and a great break…
Ya he never pulled the feeder down. Got lucky on that one. The feeder was for elk but the bears took over and ran the elk off. Ya elkassassin you did see his tracks. we ran 12 dogs on him several times but he wouldn’t tree or stop long enough to kill him. He was a monster before he died of old age.

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