LOST Binos - AZ Unit 10!


Very Active Member
All, I was helping a family member in Unit 10, North of Williams this weekend 12/3-12/5 and lost my binoculars and chest pack early morning on Sunday 12/4. They are the old gen Leica Geovid 8x42s in a Marsupial check pack/carrier. I’m the original owner of the binos, so registered them with Leica back in 2009 when I bought them.

NNW of Williams, I was north of the Double A Ranch/FR 124 Rd around the Perrin Ranch access and sign in box. Not having the binos on in the truck, I “think” I may have gotten out of the truck to open a gate and maybe dumped them on the side of the road.

I put signs/flags/phone #/etc all around the area, sign in box, and gates. Talked to everybody that came through that way all day and combed the area.
If anybody picked them up, knows somebody who did, or was in the area this past weekend 12/3-12/5, please message/text/call me.
Thank you!!
All, I was helping a family member in Unit 10, North of Williams this weekend 12/3-12/5 and lost my binoculars and chest pack early morning on Sunday 12/4. They are the old gen Leica Geovid 8x42s in a Marsupial check pack/carrier. I’m the original owner of the binos, so registered them with Leica back in 2009 when I bought them.

NNW of Williams, I was north of the Double A Ranch/FR 124 Rd around the Perrin Ranch access and sign in box. Not having the binos on in the truck, I “think” I may have gotten out of the truck to open a gate and maybe dumped them on the side of the road.

I put signs/flags/phone #/etc all around the area, sign in box, and gates. Talked to everybody that came through that way all day and combed the area.
If anybody picked them up, knows somebody who did, or was in the area this past weekend 12/3-12/5, please message/text/call me.
Thank you!!
Very sorry to learn about your loss ! That’s also happened to me - with a spotting scope almost 20 years ago. In Northern Colorado. Terrible thing to happen. Nothing found there. ?
Jerry Gold - Windsor, Colorado
looks like someones getting an upgrade for Christmas!!! stick with the Leica's and get the 3200's.

gotta look on the bright side
Thanks guys. I'm in between complete shock/disbelief and wanting to puke about losing them. I'm neurotic about my gear, so just can't imagine I lost these.
It's a long shot, but hopefully somebody comes through and picked them up. Posted on other forums, CL, FB, etc. Not sure what else I can do.
I did the same thing in unit 54 in idaho back in 2016 when I was hunting elk on the archery! It still makes me sick to my stomach.
I took them off to throw a arrow and when I the elk dropped at 70 yards away I never picked them back up again...
Thanks guys. I'm in between complete shock/disbelief and wanting to puke about losing them. I'm neurotic about my gear, so just can't imagine I lost these.
It's a long shot, but hopefully somebody comes through and picked them up. Posted on other forums, CL, FB, etc. Not sure what else I can do.
Hope you are able to turn them up. I know the disbelief and pit of losing something. Got to experience it twice this year, trailer ramps in UT and atlas bipod in CO.
Check the local FB groups and even Craigslist. Most people are honest. I have faith you will get them back if someone finds them.
Thank you guys. Seems like it's a "right of passage" to we hunters, but just hoping they turn up with somebody.
Check the local FB groups and even Craigslist. Most people are honest. I have faith you will get them back if someone finds them.
Thanks SS. I'm hoping the same and have my searches setup, but then the pessimist in me takes over...
Well crap! I feel your pain bro and I'm pulling for you but it's a long-shot if you really lost them by accidentally kicking them out.

I left a rifle on the wrong side of the Arkansas River on a Colorado sheep hunt. I was back at the trailer caping my ram, after dark, and couldn't remember what I did with the gun. Sick feeling for sure!

First light found us paddling across the river again and there it was, right where I left it when we loaded our backpacks and sheep in the raft.

I hope yours turns out as well as mine did.

only thing i can remember losing is a GPS unit one time while packing a bull out. must have fell out an open zipper pocket. friend convinced me to go back and look for it. i told him while we were wondering around " you know i had it on so ironically it knows exactly where it is..." we did end up finding it
Years back while in high-school I lost my binos while scouting around. Went to school a few days later, told my buddies about it. One of them looks at me and goes "what kind were they??" I told him and he takes me out to his truck and pulls out my binos, they were all chewed up from either a coon or something but he had found them! Sent them into Leopold and a few weeks later a new pair were sent to me.
My wife was helping man a race check-in station for the Wasatch 100. It's an 2 day overnight event with runners coming in at all times of the night. One of our daughter went with her to help.

She took her camp up on the 4-wheeler because the road was rough. When she arrived, she discovered she'd lost her sleeping pad off the 4-wheeler rack. dammit!

Several days later, I was talking to a friend and told him the story how she'd lost her sleeping pad. My buddy said "wait a minute". He made a call to another friend who had found a sleeping pad while fishing and told my bud about what a nice pad it was and a lucky find.

Totally crazy how stuff works out. Wife got her sleeping pad back within a week!!!!!

Crazy stuff happens,
Get yourself a few sheets of these labels. I stick them onto everything I have just in case an honest guy finds my stuff it's easier for them to return it to me. I have them on my key fob and cell phone and they last a good year or more before I need to replace them. On my tools or other hunting equipment that are not used everyday they last for years!

Thanks Bwht. In hindsight I was thinking of something like that as I frantically looked around trying to find them yesterday.

Isn't there an electronic tracking device (Tile I think?) that may be even better? Never looked into them, but attaching one to those couple expensive items would save me a world of hurt
Thanks Bwht. In hindsight I was thinking of something like that as I frantically looked around trying to find them yesterday.

Isn't there an electronic tracking device (Tile I think?) that may be even better? Never looked into them, but attaching one to those couple expensive items would save me a world of hurt
For the Tile products you have to purchase the device and then there's a monthly fee for the plan. If someone sees the Tile device on the item you lost they could just pull it off. I personally think having the ID label and hoping for an honest guy to find it is best.
Thanks Bwht. In hindsight I was thinking of something like that as I frantically looked around trying to find them yesterday.

Isn't there an electronic tracking device (Tile I think?) that may be even better? Never looked into them, but attaching one to those couple expensive items would save me a world of hurt
Call your home owners insurance.....they are covered.
I sure hope a honest person found/finds them.
Might want to post on the Coues whitetail forum. Lots of AZ action there.
For the Tile products you have to purchase the device and then there's a monthly fee for the plan. If someone sees the Tile device on the item you lost they could just pull it off. I personally think having the ID label and hoping for an honest guy to find it is best.
Ahh, got it, read a little about them last night. Yeah, definitely labeling my big stuff now for sure.
Homer and CA, thank you. Yeah, may go the insurance route, but will have to run some #s and see what my rate would do.

Yep, I posted on FB groups, CW and MM. Fingers are crossed.
Homeowners insurance will only cover them if they were itemized on a schedule with a specific dollar amount of coverage stated on a loss like this.
I'm a bit rusty on my HO policy specs from my CFP, but I think usually personal property is covered by the HO if property lost due to a "peril"..... (theft, lightning, wind, water damage, act of God, etc.). Closes "peril" would be theft (not losing them), which I guess that could be symantics...
I know you can itemize items in-addition to the above pers prop coverage. I know I did my wife's wedding ring, but will have to check my policy.

Thank you both, as I think you both are keying in on a possible solution (or at least a way to save $). I'll have to dig in on my policy.
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Get yourself a few sheets of these labels. I stick them onto everything I have just in case an honest guy finds my stuff it's easier for them to return it to me. I have them on my key fob and cell phone and they last a good year or more before I need to replace them. On my tools or other hunting equipment that are not used everyday they last for years!

great idea. friends laugh but I have a piece of masking tap eon my swaro binos with name and phone...just in case.
Homer is correct. Years ago, my son borrowed my Swarovski binoculars and left them in my side by side. They were forgotten about and when we finally thought about them and went to get them.
I was unsure about the claim as I had never really filed a home owners claim in the past. They not only covered the binoculars but also the binoculars harness. They refunded me the exact cost as a pair of new ones. Fortunately, Swarovski had serviced them in the past and I called them and flagged them as stolen.
I was hunting in Colorado and the guides told me about a hunter who lost his Christensen Arms rifle out of the scabbard. They went back and looked and didn't find it. A year later they were hunting and found the rifle, it was in bad shape. They called the hunter and told him they found the rifle and he told them to keep it, his homeowners insurance paid for a new one!

I hope you find the binos!
Found a pair in 2004 in unit 10, but I think they were Steiner. Told the G&F officer. Eventually gave them away to introduce a neighbor to hunting…. And they got lost in unit ten in 2019 while we were packing a bull out in the dark. Something about unit ten just eats binos. Good luck finding them, check everywhere you got in n out, from the gas station, to that little glassing nob.
Haha, thanks Drew. Yeah, crazy. I still feel like somebody picked them up at the gates, but after while you start second-guessing everything about what you remember. We both tore our trucks apart and I went up and down that road/gate way 50 times. I still feel like I need to go back up there and look again....doesn't make sense with how much I looked earlier and all the signs I put up, but I'm not doing much good down here in PHX!

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