Looking for a Non-Resident Tag *Help*


Hi Team,

Grew up and went to college in Idaho and have a place in McCall. Now I live in Reno and need Non-Res deer or elk tags. It's been a couple years since I hunted and found out (the hard way)that tags have sold out the last 3 years. My only option is to find another Non-Res that can't hunt this year. I can buy his tags going through Idaho Fish and Game for the legal transfer.

It's a long shot, would he happy to pay a finders fee.

Good luck this year everything! Hunt hard!

I have a non res deer tag I picked up to go along with my archery elk tag. I didn't fill the deer tag so if it's legal for you to buy it I would be willing to sell it to you since I'm not planning on going back. PM me with your contact info and if it's legal to do that I'd be happy to sell it to you.
Oh wow! You are a life saver! My hunt is 100% planned. I've talked to Idaho and its 100% legal. I would make sure you're 100 percent comfortable and you actually communicate through Idaho. You just need to tell them you aren't hunting and give them my license number. You'll get a refund on your tag too. Would love to chat with you. 775-636-5411. I'll try and message you now.
Yes, It's legal. The only illegal part is marking the price up. they don't want people buying tags knowing they will sell out and then raise the price. But if someone can't hunt they can legally transfer their tag to someone with a license.
UPDATE: I had a very nice gentleman offer to help. It wasn't allowed because his tag season had already started (it was an archery tag too). So still looking for elk or deer for a season that doesn't start until October 10th or later.

Still a long shot I know! Thank you all again!

ALL nonresident general deer tags have an archery season that has already been done and over with, so it will be impossible for you to find a general deer tag.

Unless they let you do this with controlled hunt permits? Which I don't think they do.

Only a few elk tags have seasons that haven't started yet, so at least you might have a chance. Mostly the B tags with later rifle seasons. Almost all of them you would have to find a tag before the 15th though, because that is when the majority of the rifle seasons start.

Unless, again, you can do this with controlled hunts, then you have more options.

"...so, you're saying there's a chance!"

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