locker room and bathrooms?



Just curious how many of you are sick of the current locker room and bathroom structure. I was trying to change at the gym recently when I noticed a guy who obviously wasn't right already in the locker room. It was 9 o'clock at night and the dude was standing butt naked in the shower staring at me. I instantly changed course and found a nice secluded corner in the locker room to change. I tried to keep myself huddled in, and looking at, the corner when I noticed he had come to change way to close to me. I figured I would just fiddle for 5 or so minutes and give him time to get dressed. Luckily for me I had my boxers still on and decided to wear those sweaty things home. I quickly threw on the rest of my clothes without looking up. My 5 minutes had expired and I was fully dressed. I figure he was to and I would see anything lude whick I figure he would have attempted to do. When I turned around to leave, that freak was right behind me buck naked in the captian morgan postion, you know, one leg up on the bench and one hand on his hip..... EEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW! He was just standing there smiling at me. That freak was about 5 feet from meeting his creator. I don't know how many times I've been in the rest room taking a leak when the guy next to me keeps leaning over and trying to check me out. I'm about sick of gays being allowed to share the locker room and bathroom with me and am about ready to start drowning their sorry arzes in the toilet if something don't change. How bout you guys???
I've noticed the older the locker room naked guy the more likely he is to let things sag and dangle with no regard to others around him.
I'm with ya on this one... Alot of them fellers feel like they are entitled to all sortsa crap and are always fighting for this and that to be called "theirs", but unfortunately, the one thing that they will always settle on is the fact that even though they act like women, they get to use the mens locker room!
This is a sore subject with me as well?

Don?t sit on the bench with just your bare nasty @$$.

No bird baths in the sink, take a freakin shower.

You are cool showing off what ya got, but no one wants to see it, wrap a towel around your self.

Wear shower shoes?.ew.

And in close quarters be careful when getting dressed. If any part of your naked body touches me, I will freak out.

I also have a real interesting freak in the locker room story that is too long to type right now.
I bike, I do Bikram yoga, run, hike, fish, and I hunt (plus little league / cricket with the kids...) Then I go home (or not.... ;) ) to the sweet privacy of my home for shower/clean-up!

No need for a public 'gym' or work-out facility. Also, NO THANK YOU, to the public shower scene at this point in my life.... lol Good luck there!!


LAST EDITED ON Feb-05-10 AT 10:20AM (MST)[p]When i worked at the steel mill for 10 years the locker room was sumthin else..not for the shy! one room showers with about 30 shower heads, open locker alleys..most guys ran around in flip flops..nuthin else!

It bothered me at first, but after awhile I just ran around like the rest of them!

Forgot about bathrooms! anyone ever been to the blockbuster pavillion in Pomona, CA? I went to a concert their, was drinking and had to use the pisser a few times..It was a rectangular trough in the center of the room, about 3' wide and 10' long, with guys shoulder to shoulder pissing..its a bit different facing a guy directly across from you, and about 20 others checking out who's the manliest!
I think you need to find a gym with your own personal shower so you won't have to share the tree of life with someone
Red...did you run around with your arms kept slightly above the belt line or did you let them hang at ease? Tuff the chance of bumpin into someone elses junk with your hand and being called a homo.....or run around looking like a homo....

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Guess none of you have been in the service in Basic Training!

I punched a guy for doing the same just a little more aggressive about it.
He tried to press charges but when I threatened charges back he dropped them.

Both got banned from that gym and I will never go again. Bought my own workout equipment and never looked back.

I agree they need to have something for privacy.


Stinky, I agree with you just like I have a real hard time with the military allowing gays unless they decide to do something about the showers and locker rooms. Mostly thinking about the navy and on board ship. Besides the fact that gays get to shower with the what they prefer, then why cant we do the same? They want equal rights, so do I. How about we get to shower with the girls? LMAO! Seriously; I think gays should have their own bathrooms and showers just as men and woman do. Yes I know that it would cost more money to provide these areas but then the gays should have to pay for it as we have. After all they want the same rights now don't they?

Puts a towell on for hell sake. I DONT need to see you butt naked combing your hair in front of the mirror!!!!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-05-10 AT 11:33AM (MST)[p]Some of you guys are just too pretty even have the gays wanting you..... I'd bet you'd be a real hit in San Francisco where the men are men and quite a few of the woman are too. You guys must be sending out the wrong signals for gods sake don't start tapping your toes in the toilet they'll be coming at you like lemmings to a cliff! Stampede
he probably saw you and your wifes picture hear on mm and wanted to see how a goofy looking dude like you landed a catch like that! must be hung like a clydesdale!
I am confused. I thought that was why you guys showered at the gym.


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
I thought about joining a gym and lifting weights but I ended up taking a nap until the thought went away.
I can't beleive you'd open yourself up to such a dangerous area for critisism.
Wait.....yes i can. lol
I'm a thinking stinkbug is paranoid?
He's used to QTPie starring him right in the Pecker.
Now he thinks everybodyelse is doing it too.
I'm warning you right now stinky,when you catch me looking at you it will only be eyeball to eyeball contact,it won't be me copping a look!
I think you're over reacting stinkbug,several guys would probably love to see you shooting at big game,but we really don't wanna see you nekid at the gym.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-05-10 AT 09:13PM (MST)[p]Stink seems like we are coming to some sort of consensus here. Best advice is to avoid toe tapping and try to conceal your hard on while in the presence of boys.

You have plenty of money. You might want to talk to Oprah or Dr. Phil.

>Guess none of you have been
>in the service in Basic

Meat gazers is what we used to call them in the Navy.

Funny story. During the time when I was not in the Navy Reserves and was strictly a college kid, I worked part time at the Greyhound bus station. (it was also the last stop for those folks getting a sex change operation from Dr. Stanly Biber in Trinidad, CO...interesting enough in itself). Anyway each night after work, about 1130 or so, I would drive to the Post Office to pick up my mail. This one night I noticed a guy pull up and park in front of me...figured he was doing the same thing. He heads back to my my attention.

So, he stands by the door fidgeting with something slightly below the window of my truck. I wasn't carrying, so I had my hand on the handle figuring if he came up with a weapon, I would at least get a few hits in. He starts chatting me up about a local eatery...HUH, it's closed, dude.

Then he asks me if I want to go cruising...uh oh, now I'm getting that icky feeling. Then, he looks at my crotch and asks if that was all me down there.....holy sheeeeeeeit. I couldn't drive away fast enough.

Flash forward to next weekend....I finally got a date with Laurie, a really cute girl in one of my lab classes. I get to her house and she asks if we could wait a bit as her regular baby sitter couldn't make it and she was waiting on her brother.

Yup, it was him.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Didn't think there were that many queers in Artesia.
Come up to Santa fe you'll feel like spider bull at the Expo.
ROFDL! you guys are killing me. Guess the story was misunderstood. I was merely going in to change out of my sweaty clothes so I could make the 1 hr trip back home. I never took a shower nor did I plan to. The guy that was in there is a known homo. I knew he was and was stewing the entire time wondering why he wasn't in a separate locker room. That's my only point. Next time I change I'm going into the girls locker room. I think its only fair. lol. OMG slammy, when am I gonna learn?????
+1 Kilo. Basic will cure your homo fears. Went to the movies tonight with the wife. Went into the bathroom after the movie, noticed three urinals, the middle one was empty. As I was bellying up, the guy on my right actually moved into a stall because of stage fright I guess. 3 more guys walked in, looked at the empty urinal, and took a stall. The fourth guy was a black guy that manned up and took the urinal. I started laughing my arse off, zipped, washed and left. You must work out with those guys Stinky.

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