Learned a new trick



This year after all my clients filled their tags, I took some guys out coyote calling. It was crazy. As soon as I started blowing on the wounded rabbit call, deer started popping out of nowhere. At first I thought I was mistaken but as soon as I would call, the deer would come running right to me. They where coming form 100 yards. They would stop and listen for a bit. Then I would blow the call and wait a few seconds for the sound to reach them and then they would come charging again. They would get within 100 yards and just mill around. THe thing of it was that it was during the rut and when the does came running in, big bucks were with them. I called in litterally 100 deer in about 1 hour. Anybody ever see anything like this? These deer were allready hunted and still came running in from spots I had no idea they were hiding at.I think this will be a great trick to try when times are tough and a person is not seeing anything.
who knows, try it in season and find out. I have always used a coyote call for hunting Red Diggers up here!

Later Yall!!!!
I have one of those fawn in distress calls but I have never been hunting during the rut...The creator of the original fawn in distress call has a video out on that very thing.. He shows on video that by mimicking a fawn in distress he calls in the does and sometimes the big bucks are right on their tails because that doe is in heat...He calls in some BIG BUCKS chasing does....It only seems to work during the rut though....
A couple weeks ago, I went up Entait in Washington, and started using my fawn in distress call, I called about 20 deer. All were does, but they just kept coming, until about 125 yds, and then just watched. It was awesome. Got it on video too. Sometimes, the rabbit call will sound like a fawn. The thing is, they all sound like a certain animal in distress. I've heard that a coyote has come running at the sound of a crying baby, because it was in "distress".

Michael~All Gods creatures welcome, right next to the mashed potatoes and gravy.
I learned this too and I couldn't believe my eyes at first. I found out that if you aren't afraid to make a call and scare things off, you might be suprised what comes out of the wood work. Look at the following link and see the types of things that I have called out of the woods. Good luck!

What make of a fawn distress call do you use, Premos, Burnham Brothers ? I have been looking for a good call, but did not know what would be good or bad, any help please, thanks
We do this all the time in Id., Wy., and Mt. for whitetails in creek bottoms and sagebrush. Mostly only does and yearling bucks will come to the predator calls we use, but big mature bucks will get up and try to get on an improved visibility area. Most of our mule deer success with them has been because the deer run out about 100 yards and mill around looking for the source. I wouldn't hunt without one in my pocket anymore.
It's the same as useing a fawn bleet and blowing the crap out of it. Pulls muley does in from way out. Whitetail does don't usually come in as strong as muley does but they can be called the same way. I've stood right beside my truck on side roads and called deer right to the roadside.

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