Lawsuit filed over Governors inaction on migration corridors


Long Time Member
I’m in favor, the migration should be defined and protected and any improvements that would be beneficial should put to work. I know driving down the hoback from Pinedale to hoback junction that’s the most deer I’ve seen dead along the highway in one weekend. Today’s technology should be used to help these critters.
I’m in favor, the migration should be defined and protected and any improvements that would be beneficial should put to work. I know driving down the hoback from Pinedale to hoback junction that’s the most deer I’ve seen dead along the highway in one weekend. Today’s technology should be used to help these critters.
Maybe you should stop driving those gas guzzling dodges. You want to help mule deer, keep your thermostat at 60 and drive a Prius.
I’m in favor, the migration should be defined and protected and any improvements that would be beneficial should put to work. I know driving down the hoback from Pinedale to hoback junction that’s the most deer I’ve seen dead along the highway in one weekend. Today’s technology should be used to help these critters.
It would be nice to actually here about the deer herd being steady and not always going downhill
Wyoming has always been led by 19th century politics from the Oil and Gas Commission and the Stockgrowers (sheep and cattle) industries. The Governor illegally gave and allowed county commissioners, who lack the expertise of the Game and Fish, to overstep their governmental responsibilities and allow them to manage wildlife. Local Lawmakers were given a land grab of power to muscle away the power from Game and Fish and the Task Force and the people with the expertise and put the local County Commissioners to appoint oil and gas and stockgrowers association members on local task forces to dilute down the already hard work when the major migration corridors were identified. Here Rob is pushing back and trying to force the Governor to comply with what was accomplished earlier and not undo, dilute and water down all the major migration corridors in Western Wyoming.
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Interesting. It seems that the power for designation and for wildlife management should be in the hands of the Game and Fish.

I believe we should be doing all we can to protect the winter range and migration corridors, while balancing the concept of multi use.
I see this as a publicity stunt with virtually no chance of success. And even though I am pro-wildlife and hunting, obviously, I don't want these kinds of lawsuits dictating policy. If you don't think the green groups won't use similar tactics you would be dead wrong. They already are.
We don't really know if WGFD would have designated these wildlife migration corridors or not. Most likely, but not certain. And they hadn't been so designated for the entirety of Wyoming's existence, so inaction seems hard to use as a basis for suit. It strikes me as similar to suing a president for NOT designating a wilderness area.
I think this is all about political pressure, which may be good, but be careful what you ask for.
The Governor tries to paint a pretty picture about broad based multi-use yet he and the County Commissioners appoint their local Oil and Gas and Stockgrowers buddies. We’ll see how the Baggs task force works out but the Western Wyoming corridors will be far more volatile. The same tactics seem at play here by the Governor as this new Wildlife Task Force with a plethora of appointed Stock Growers association members and WYOGA buddies.
I see this as a publicity stunt with virtually no chance of success. And even though I am pro-wildlife and hunting, obviously, I don't want these kinds of lawsuits dictating policy. If you don't think the green groups won't use similar tactics you would be dead wrong. They already are.
We don't really know if WGFD would have designated these wildlife migration corridors or not. Most likely, but not certain. And they hadn't been so designated for the entirety of Wyoming's existence, so inaction seems hard to use as a basis for suit. It strikes me as similar to suing a president for NOT designating a wilderness area.
I think this is all about political pressure, which may be good, but be careful what you ask for.
But, you're fine with executive orders taking authority away from professional biologists/commission and giving sole authority to the Governors office?

I completely understand and appreciate what you're saying in regard to law suits dictating policy...doesn't give me a warm fuzzy either.

However, taking away commission/GF authority in regard to wildlife decisions...and granting it to a Governor, is exactly why hunters, fisherman, etc. have legislative fatigue. Also why no trust exists, pretty obvious why that EO was signed and it wasn't to benefit wildlife.

IMO, you either let the science dictate policy, or you're at the mercy of political whims that force policies/agendas.

Not a perfect world, I get it...
More news from Rob Shaul who is attending the WWTF meetings in Casper.

“One word at Senator Larry Hicks. I've received several emails thanking me for my efforts on 90/10. Let's be clear .... I'm late to this fight. Sen. Hicks has been fighting, alone, for 90/10 and resident hunters for years before I became involved. He's the hero in the trenches and all our efforts are to support him and the other State Representatives and Senators working to fight their fellow Wyomingites to change hunting tag allocation to 90/10.

Understand our fight is with those who make money from Wyoming Wildlife - the Outfitters, Lodging/restaurant industry and Landowners/Stockgrowers. Resident hunters don't make any money from hunting. All we get is hard-earned opportunities and lifetime memories.

Again, I'll be in Casper for the first day of this week's meeting (Wednesday). I'll be the ugly guy sitting in the back getting dirty looks from most the members of the Taskforce, especially Pat Crank. Please stop by and introduce yourself if you happen to attend.

Migration Corridor Lawsuit
Last week, through the nonprofit I founded, Mountain Pursuit, myself and the Board Vice President, Sheridan native James Howell, sued Governor Gordon for his failure to identify and protect two big game migration corridors in western Wyoming - those for the Wyoming Range Mule Deer and Sublette Pronghorn Herds. We used the Wyoming Constitutional right to hunt as the basis for our lawsuit.

In February/March 2019, the G&F was on the final step of designating both these corridors when the Stockgrowers Association, Petroleum Association of Wyoming, Mining industry and others sent a letter to the department asking it to delay designation over their concerns about mitigation steps to protect the corridors. Gov. Gordon, at the behest of industry, stepped in and took the process away from the wildlife professionals at the G&F department and eventually, in February 2020, signed an executive order setting up a new wildlife corridor designation process which gives the Governor the final say. Since that time, the designation process for both these corridors has been stalled.

I'm not at attorney, and we filed pro se, so I have no idea how the Court will rule. But at least Gov. Gordon knows hunters are paying attention and willing to fight for wildlife. At best, we'll win, and hunters, via the Constitutional provision, will have a very powerful tool to fight for wildlife in Wyoming.

All for now ... I'll send another note later this week or early next with and update from what happened at the first WWTF meeting.

- Rob Shaul
I’m in favor, the migration should be defined and protected and any improvements that would be beneficial should put to work. I know driving down the hoback from Pinedale to hoback junction that’s the most deer I’ve seen dead along the highway in one weekend. Today’s technology should be used to help these critters.
More news from Rob Shaul who is attending the WWTF meetings in Casper.

“One word at Senator Larry Hicks. I've received several emails thanking me for my efforts on 90/10. Let's be clear .... I'm late to this fight. Sen. Hicks has been fighting, alone, for 90/10 and resident hunters for years before I became involved. He's the hero in the trenches and all our efforts are to support him and the other State Representatives and Senators working to fight their fellow Wyomingites to change hunting tag allocation to 90/10.

Understand our fight is with those who make money from Wyoming Wildlife - the Outfitters, Lodging/restaurant industry and Landowners/Stockgrowers. Resident hunters don't make any money from hunting. All we get is hard-earned opportunities and lifetime memories.

Again, I'll be in Casper for the first day of this week's meeting (Wednesday). I'll be the ugly guy sitting in the back getting dirty looks from most the members of the Taskforce, especially Pat Crank. Please stop by and introduce yourself if you happen to attend.

Migration Corridor Lawsuit
Last week, through the nonprofit I founded, Mountain Pursuit, myself and the Board Vice President, Sheridan native James Howell, sued Governor Gordon for his failure to identify and protect two big game migration corridors in western Wyoming - those for the Wyoming Range Mule Deer and Sublette Pronghorn Herds. We used the Wyoming Constitutional right to hunt as the basis for our lawsuit.

In February/March 2019, the G&F was on the final step of designating both these corridors when the Stockgrowers Association, Petroleum Association of Wyoming, Mining industry and others sent a letter to the department asking it to delay designation over their concerns about mitigation steps to protect the corridors. Gov. Gordon, at the behest of industry, stepped in and took the process away from the wildlife professionals at the G&F department and eventually, in February 2020, signed an executive order setting up a new wildlife corridor designation process which gives the Governor the final say. Since that time, the designation process for both these corridors has been stalled.

I'm not at attorney, and we filed pro se, so I have no idea how the Court will rule. But at least Gov. Gordon knows hunters are paying attention and willing to fight for wildlife. At best, we'll win, and hunters, via the Constitutional provision, will have a very powerful tool to fight for wildlife in Wyoming.

All for now ... I'll send another note later this week or early next with and update from what happened at the first WWTF meeting.

- Rob Shaul
Can’t miss an opportunity to include 90/10 in a post, can you? You are something! Especially after jumping on me for mentioning once.
Can’t miss an opportunity to include 90/10 in a post, can you? You are something! Especially after jumping on me for mentioning once.
Not looking for anything SPECIAL. Just merely what almost every Western state offers their nonresidents.
116 Sheep, Bison, Goat and Moose Tags went to nonresidents this year because Wyoming treats its resident hunters like dirt.

Do you feel like you are SPECIAL and deserve more?

If we could get Wyoming's License Tag Allocation changed to 90/10, at least 110+ of these once-in-a-lifetime tags, currently going to nonresidents, would go to my fellow Wyomingites. That would be a win! I wouldn’t feel SPECIAL, merely fairness and equity as we are also provided as non-residents. After all we are the EQUALITY state.

According to the G&F's 2019 numbers (latest available), 116 Sheep, Moose, Bison and Goat tags drawn by nonresidents, would have gone to resident hunters if 90/10 was in place:

  • 34 more Bighorn Sheep Tags
  • 44 more Moose Tags
  • 14 more Mountain Goat Tags
  • 24 more Bison Tags
I can count, thank you. I’m sure that puts me in rare company with folks you normally interact with, but again, you are the LowSlowThinker. 90/10 occupies 90% of your thoughts at any given day.

My post was simple, you have chastised others for opposing 90/10 on other posts by saying stick to the subject matter of the post. Amazing how you now take the exact opposite position when convenient and still find a way to argue.

this is for the benefit of the rest of the readers here, I have no hopes you will acknowledge your hypocrisy. But you amuse me, so I am probably good for another reply or two.
But, you're fine with executive orders taking authority away from professional biologists/commission and giving sole authority to the Governors office?

I completely understand and appreciate what you're saying in regard to law suits dictating policy...doesn't give me a warm fuzzy either.

However, taking away commission/GF authority in regard to wildlife decisions...and granting it to a Governor, is exactly why hunters, fisherman, etc. have legislative fatigue. Also why no trust exists, pretty obvious why that EO was signed and it wasn't to benefit wildlife.

IMO, you either let the science dictate policy, or you're at the mercy of political whims that force policies/agendas.

Not a perfect world, I get it...

Your comment saying "let the science dictate policy" is particularly ironic after a year of "science" dictating covid policy. But, of course, we now are all learning there was very little "science" involved and a giant portion of political bull sh*t.

There is no such thing as pure "science", and I am a scientist by training! There are plenty of actual "facts", but we see time and again that facts can be interpreted many ways, and prostituted for political gain as a rule, not the exception.

While I am generally in favor of designating migration corridors, even that designation is fraught with political considerations. Let's support the wildlife populations, but there are many ways to accomplish this agenda.

I can count, thank you. I’m sure that puts me in rare company with folks you normally interact with, but again, you are the LowSlowThinker. 90/10 occupies 90% of your thoughts at any given day.

My post was simple, you have chastised others for opposing 90/10 on other posts by saying stick to the subject matter of the post. Amazing how you now take the exact opposite position when convenient and still find a way to argue.

this is for the benefit of the rest of the readers here, I have no hopes you will acknowledge your hypocrisy. But you amuse me, so I am probably good for another reply or two.
Well, we surely know you think you are SPECIAL. YES your post was Simple as simple people keep things that way in order to not be confused or try and consider other people’s thoughts and viewpoints. Almost every other Western state has now gone to a 90/10 but you can’t even entertain the thought of Wyoming simply having what is fair and equitable. Your Simpleness and obvious attempts to remain SPECIAL are apparent. I have no hopes you will consider how almost every other Western state except Wyoming has a 90/10 or similar plan in place. Your Hypocrisy and rantings of a SPECIAL person are quite apparent for all to see. I’m sure you’ll want to feel SPECIAL again for another rant or two. LMFAO.:cool::eek::cool::eek::cool::eek:
Likely Federal intervention will occur, especially if any significant Oil and Gas projects work negatively against wildlife. After all, much of the funding in identifying the migration corridors was provided by the USFWS.
Likely Federal intervention will occur, especially if any significant Oil and Gas projects work negatively against wildlife. After all, much of the funding in identifying the migration corridors was provided by the USFWS.
“We are from the Federal Government, and we are here to help”. Them are scary words
“We are from the Federal Government, and we are here to help”. Them are scary words
Perhaps scary to some but their lack of involvement would also mean the demise of many species. Almost half the land in Wyoming is Federal land and they have provided a great deal of the funding for these migration initiatives. They also are closely watching the Sage Grouse survivability and performance in Wyoming quite closely. Wyoming has been aggressive on the Sage Grouse protection but any Governor who wants can deflate the protections put in place and political involvement at the state level has already slowed down and altered progress on Wyoming state task forces. The Federal government may be the last great hope some of these species have.

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