las vegas bighorn


Active Member
so my daughter sent me thses pictures today.

she lives in las vegas nevada and went to the park for the day and there was this herd of desert bighorns just hanging out in the park.

now thats cool as hell if you ask me!!!

apparently they say those guys live there year round


I agree. Very cool. Hope they enjoy a long and productive life there. Be fun to see how big they get in few more years.

Thanks for sharing.

Very cool. We have heard they are there, but have never had the time to try to find them when we travel thru. One day we will.
That's actually the park in Boulder city. since its the only green grass in the area they tend to hang out there a lot and lounge under the trees.
Howdy Stinkbug!

Them Things are Like Shootin Fish in a Barrel!

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yeah bess i noticed. then i looked for a boulder city park tag to apply for in nevada. apparently the only tags available are something along the lines of living in the neighborhood and accidentally running over one with the grocery getter.
>yeah bess i noticed. then i
>looked for a boulder city
>park tag to apply for
>in nevada. apparently the only
>tags available are something along
>the lines of living in
>the neighborhood and accidentally running
>over one with the grocery

Hey Stinky!

You're Still Running F-350's & RAPTORS Right?

You Know How to Tag them,Right?:D

[Font][Font color = "blue"]I Changed My Signature Just for NVB!
Like 6 Damn Times Now!
LAST EDITED ON May-23-17 AT 11:54PM (MST)[p]Talyah's class mates were mortified when we started discussing which one we would shoot ? One of them said "why would you shoot one" and Talyah said "so I could hang it on my wall and look at it every day" ???
>Qtpie is Alive!!
>Kinda scary seeing you 2 'blast-from-the-past
>posting on the same thread!!

Ya well, I let him keep you guys in the divorce.... but it's been long enough now... you have all had time to mourn and heal. ??? and if not, well it's not my problem! ?
Definitely a sight to see. Ive been there with 100+ head before. Me and my young one will "stalk" them to teach him. We cruise around the backside of the park and creep up a little hill and just sit and watch.

Last time, we had a pretty good size ram come about 30 feet from us just watching us. He actually sat down facing the herd with his ears pinned back on us the entire time. Pretty cool to watch them all interact.

As far as tags, they will never be hunted. And Im pretty sure if you hit them with a car, you might go to jail as well. BC is not a town to screw around in and those Sheep are like the children of BC.
Yep, I've been to that very park on a couple of occasions while visiting family. Posted a few pictures last year in my Hunt Adventure Challenge. It's pretty awesome to get so close to such an otherwise rarely seen animal... :)

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
In the past,while on the way to Lake Mead,I have seen the Bighorns outside Boulder City,looking down from the mountain side.
As doz said these sheep are protected, and their biggest hazard are the cars on the highway. For those lucky enough to draw a sheep tag,sheep can be found on the other side of the lake about 25mi NW of Boulder City.My nephew bagged this one there in 2015.

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