Landowner tag ?


Active Member
I know I can get the answer to this here....

A friend is having their relative (land owner)get some tags this year through the odfw. Beyond that, they have no idea what that means. When is the seasons? What weapon? Only on that property, etc? Cost?

Thank you in advance
LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-19 AT 01:09PM (MST)[p]For deer, landowner tags are for the same dates as rifle deer and is for one buck. You can use a rifle but can only hunt on the property of the land owner. So even if he has 160 acres surrounded by BLM, you can only hunt his 160 acres. For elk the season, it is during the second season, is a rifle tag and is for a bull. Same rules apply, you can only hunt on the landowner's property.
Occasionally, a landowner will get a damage tag, like if elk are getting into their haystacks or crops. Those are good for one month and can be for whenever the damage is occurring (often late winter for hay, late summer or fall for crops) and are for one cow elk. For this tag, a landowner must be able to demonstrate that damage is occurring and apply for the damage tag(s).
In any case, you can only get one elk per year, so if you get an elk during first season bull, you cannot get a damage tag through a landowner. And you cannot get an archery buck and a landowner buck tag, etc.
Cost is the same as a regular tag.
Hope that helps!
I've received lots of 1st season bull tags on my place so unless something has changed you can hunt either season . you just have to specify when you apply.

The best thing to do is apply for the tag you most want as your first choice and your landowner tag as your back up. you get a free point and you might get the tag you really want.

The landowner will have to have all potential applicants on his landowner form which must be submitted before the draw though. if you're not on it you're SOL .

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