Kirk Darner exonerated ?



Anyone know the facts about Darner and his wife as far as the results of his supposedly law breaking activities? A buddy of mine said he was found innocent by his peers! Just curious if its true.
Whatever Darner has done he obviously has something on Rich LaRocco, that story teller sure put the brakes on.

yea....I was thanking the same thing!
DARNER is not going to get off on this one!
According to the Gallup paper the trial was supposed to have started April 23rd but has been delayed. I haven't been able to find anything else.
Darner has nothing on Rich LaRocco, Rich is a stand up guy...... Call him and to get rest of the story if you like.
huntinco is correct on this one. I talked to Rich at length about the whole thing. Rich is indeed a stand up guy, cannnot say the same thing about Darner. He's pretty notorious for stretching the truth (ask the B&C guys), among other questionable things.
Rich Larocco started telling the story then dropped it like a hot rock. Did he write what he wrote just for the hits on his webb site ?? He is an AH.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-07 AT 00:21AM (MST)[p]D13, nice to see that you still have such a positive view of people. I wonder if you've ever even met LaRocco, and you call him a pretty derogatory name. Keep up the great positive outlook you have, you provide balance for the rest of us.
And for everyone else, I hope you realized how much sarsasm was dripping from my previous words. I just find it hard to choke down unsolicited and unwarranted attacks on other people.
For all you experts in bed with Rich, why did he stop telling the story???
Short answer: One of the giant bucks Darner had entered in B&C turned out to be a bought buck from the 1940's or 1950's. The buck appeared in some regional magazine way back then, complete with the original owner/hunter's info. Rich and some of his many contacts traced it back to that, after realizing Darner's story on how and where he killed the buck didn't add up. When it ended up being a farce, Rich, B&C, and others pulled the plug. I only met Rich one time. I asked him about Darner and he told me the straight scoop. I believe Rich and find him to be a good, honest guy with more contacts in the industry than you can possibly imagine.
Good answer, cept didn't come close to answering the question, we get the part that he's a good dude with great connections, however WTF about the the bait N switch part ?
When it turned out to be a hoax, Rich dropped it like a hot potatoe. What's so hard to figure out about that?
>When it turned out to be
>a hoax, Rich dropped it
>like a hot potatoe.
>What's so hard to figure
>out about that?

He is talking about the story that Larocco started to tell via his website a year or so ago. He would only tell you little bits at a time and tell you to check back to his website later for more. His story stopped suddenly with no explanation.

I once booked an unguided archery Elk hunt through Rich LaRocco's service and was satisfied. He seemed freindly, honest, and proffesional. However, the whole Darner story telling sequence on Rich's website was odd and it caused many people including me to wonder why it ended so abruptly. When that happens imaginations start running wild. I didn't want to bother Rich by calling and asking for the final chapter but it sure would be interesting. Anyone that did care to share ? I hope justice is served. C.C.

Never met him and don't care to. I'm sure he is a wonderful guy, that doesn't alter the fact that he started telling a very interesting story on his website, giving a little more information each time getting lots and lots and lots of hits on his site from guys interested in the story then dropped it like a hot rock before the punch line.. Leads me to believe he just lead everyone on to show off his webcounter to potential advertisers.

Do you have any better excuses for him ?

I wasn't familiar with the story/webiste situation, so I can't comment on that. It would be interesting to know though.
Maybe Darner's lawyer filed a restraining order or some such to make him cease and desist?????
LAST EDITED ON Jul-20-07 AT 11:59PM (MST)[p]

Without getting into any details that might be inappropriate to be discussing in a public forum about an ongoing and very widereaching and complicated prosecution, - It may be possible that the whole thing got to a point where there was no other information to talk about until something happens with the case, which is likely to be very soon. Regardless of what happens from there, does anyone here think O.J. Simpson is a stand up guy who was unjustly framed and then exonerated, or did he slit his wifes throat and get away with it?

".......When Darner does go to trail and if he is convicted of all nine felony charges lodged against him, he could face maximum penalties of up to 33 years in prison....(GALLUP INDEPENDANT APRIL 19, 2007)...."

"The god father of Trophy Mule Deer Poa##ing finally gets his day. Life is good."

NM Operation Game Thief 1-800-432-4263
?I want as game protectors men of courage, resolution, and hardihood, who can handle the rifle, ax, and paddle; who can camp out in summer or winter; who can go on snowshoes if necessary; who can go through the woods by day or night without regard to trails" Theodore Roosevelt-1899









Thats the problem with the legal system. It all depends on how much lawyer a person can afford. O.J's case is a perfect example.
Was Darner a poacher at times? - Probably.

Was Darner also one of the very best men ever at hunting and killing giant muleys legally? - Probably.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-07 AT 12:40PM (MST)[p]Was O.J. a good football player? Was he still a steaming pile of $hit?

Is it likley that not one single thing the guy ever did wasn't tainted by lying, cheating or stealing from all of us, probably.

NM Operation Game Thief 1-800-432-4263
?I want as game protectors men of courage, resolution, and hardihood, who can handle the rifle, ax, and paddle; who can camp out in summer or winter; who can go on snowshoes if necessary; who can go through the woods by day or night without regard to trails" Theodore Roosevelt-1899
I agree with you warden. But to say that not one thing the guy ever did was tainted by dishonesty is probably not right either. The point I was trying to make is that as usual, if someone is really good at something people will do anything to tear apart EVERY accomplishment the person has ever made. The usual dirty laundry. Unless you were there for every hunt you don't know what went on. Maybe, just maybe he took many big deer completely legally and did it with more morals, ethics, passion and knowledge than even someone as awesome as you.
Yea maybe, just maybe there really is a Santa Clause!
He's proven over and over he is nothing more then a "POACHER". How many times does he have to break the law for you to admit it?
I'm not the type who feels the need to get the last word, and it's obvious you guys worship this dude for some reason and I don't intend to try and change your mind about that. For the benefit of the rest of the generally ethical hunters who frequent this forum, I feel compelled to ask you, what would it take to knock you off this guy?s jock? Is this kind of thing new for him? Nope. Is it a situation where this guy used to poach and cheat (us), but now he's turned over a new leaf? Nope. Is it a situation where the guy has been doing things right and made some kind of easy mistake like any of us could make? Nope. Is there any shortage of evidence or ambiguity as to the levels this guy will stoop to put himself over? Nope. What's the ratio of lies/truth cheat/work steal/earn that you would find acceptable 20%, 50%, 80%? EVEN assuming, as you do, that every buck he killed and didn't get caught cheating at was a buck he took legally- crunch those numbers. WAIT-NO! Screw it- you win. He?s the best hunter ever, the man is a stud, if only the rest of us had a drop of his ball-sweat to put in our eggs maybe we could kill a big buck too.

The real reason I decided to get myself back in this ludicrous conversation is your implication that when a guy is repeatedly caught doing something (anything) wrong, it's only because ?THEY? are trying to bring someone down. HORSE$HIT! There are places where you'll find lots of folks who share that attitude- They?re called prisons. The only one trying damn hard to screw up Kirk Darner?s life is Kirk Darner and I for one won't be made to feel judgmental for simply noticing. Americans have been made to believe in the past decade- that it's ?not our right to judge?. My contention to my fellow MM members is that it's not only your right- it's your responsibility to make judgments about people based on their repeated actions and behavior (and opinions).

NM Operation Game Thief 1-800-432-4263
?I want as game protectors men of courage, resolution, and hardihood, who can handle the rifle, ax, and paddle; who can camp out in summer or winter; who can go on snowshoes if necessary; who can go through the woods by day or night without regard to trails" Theodore Roosevelt-1899
Reading this post has helped me remember a couple of pictures from the book "Utah's Biggest Bucks" second edition. On page 339 it has a picture of a buck killed by Darner, on page 341 there is a picture of a buck from an unknown hunter, then later said to be killed by Preston Bown. Both of these bucks are extremeley similar if not the same deer. If you have access to this book take a look for yourself and tell me what you think.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-22-07 AT 10:03PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-22-07 AT 09:44 PM (MST)

I'm looking at those pictures right now. After comparing the pictures in the second edition you could see some similarities but it was hard to tell with the different angle and shadows. I got out my third edition and compared Darners buck with Preston Browns on page 31 of the third edition. There are a ton of similarities. I would say they are the same buck. Maybe, just maybe another example of Darner's dishonesty. Some guy's will turn a blind eye to the lies and lack of morals and ethics of someone they idolize. My tolerance is ZERO for liars and poachers
in that book it shows Darner's as scoring 221 and Bown's at 278. That is quite a spread. Even if they are different deer I'll bet Bown actually shot his. I don't believe anything about Darner's. He is a proven fraud.

Warden and Wes - I don't think anybody here is hung up on Darner. I feel as strongly as you do about poaching or any unethical behavior. If Judd Cooney did suggest that Darner was a poacher then I believe him. Cooney is an honest guy that I have a lot of respect for. You have to admit, history is full of outstanding men, better than most of us, that one day made the bad decision to cross the line. Their reputations were then ruined and should have been. From that point on they were different men, and so rightfully judged. Darner's behavior is more than questionable for sure, and some of his calculated plans especially deceitful, and yes, to repeatedly make the decision to do anything close to that nature is the worst of the worst. Maybe he always was that way from the beginning. Often guys have gone bad though after their ego was inflated and they lost their humility. It's common and could have happened with him. I would not and have never excused any of his criminal actions and I deplore them. Also warden, I have maybe seen as much or more of what has happened in our society as you, so don't talk to me about ethics and the garbage liberal views wash out our minds with. We are quite simply too far removed from any hard times - but they are soon to come. We are all going to see what we're made of and will all stand before the good Lord someday. Not my words, just a hard and sound fact.
Hate to chime in but I have to agree with warden on this. It is well documented about Darner's illegal activities and his attempts to fool the B&C.
Myself as well as others on this site who have spoken with people who "KNOW", can attest to to fact that he ain't what some of you think he is.
He might well have been a pretty fair hunter in his day, but he crossed over the line way too many times to have any credibility left now.
I realize what I have to say won't necessarily convince some people, but that's just the way it is.
Damn, been gone for a few days and after 35 responses I'am not sure if I got an answer as to why Rich stopped his story????
You haven't been reading along.

He stopped because, he forgot the end, got enough hits to his web site and found a horses head in his bed.

Oh, the other point of the thread: Poachers suck balls and should rot.

Unless they are your friend, write cool books or take good pictures.
A hunter, guide, and author from Delta County who once held a number of records for large mule deer is now being indicted on a number of felonies in New Mexico.

Crawford residents Kirt Darner and his wife Paula were indicted yesterday on a number of felony counts by a Cibola County, New Mexico GrandJjury.

Several of the counts deal with the theft of two big?game heads owned by the Colorado Division of Wildlife found in a truck owned by the Darners. The head of a desert bighorn sheep and a rocky mountain bighorn sheep were at SW Taxidermy to be display mounted when they were taken from the Montrose business in the year 2000.

This is only the latest run?in for the hunter,who is well?known to Colorado wildlife authorities. In 2001 Darner's guide license was revoked for three years after a hunter he was guiding shot at an elk decoy from a truck window. The hunter being guided also did not have a permit for that hunt unit.

Darner has long been controversial. In the 1980's he removed several Boone and Crockett mule deer from the club's records after questions arose about the legality of one of the specimens.

In addition to theft by receiving on the stolen heads, the Darners also face charges of tampering with evidence and illegally moving four elk from public propertyin New Mexico to a private ranch.

Kirk Darner could face 33 years in jail on nine felony charges. His wife Paula could serve up to 24 years in jail on six felony charges. The couple have yet to areested on the indictments and remain on their Delta County property.
obviously some are still hung up on Darner . My father n law told me back in 87 that he was a poaching fraud . Man was he right . Would not want his art work as a tattoo either lol!
Darner plead Guilty to 3 charges (Receiving Stolen Property, Transporting Stolen Livestock and Unlawful Hunting and Fishing) in NM Case No. D-1333-CR-200600022. There appears to have been some form of plea deal reached that resulted in the vast majority of charges being dropped by the prosecutor in exchange for the 3 guilty pleas. These were conditionally discharged on June 11, 2015. Conditional discharges typically indicate there was a deferred sentence/probationary period in place that allowed the charges to be dismissed if the defendant (Darner) did not commit any other crimes or violate probation terms for a specified period of time. Appears he stayed clean long enough to comply with whatever terms were in the plea agreement and/or deferred sentencing provisions and had those charges dismissed. Somewhat common for first time offenders to have charges conditionally discharged after a guilty plea. Still plead quilty.

Like many others, I found it strange as a youth that there were only a couple of grip and grin photos of him with decent deer in the field, but plenty (some more notorious than others) with taxidermied monsters. Lots about this guy that will never pass the sniff test.

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