MY APP WAS ACCEPTED!!! Thanks rug.

I'm warnin Ya justr!

He just got Die-Vorced!

And that's only the 1/2 of it!

He recently got Neutered too!:D

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Well, congratulations and your welcome!!

B-bopper hopper, don't be mad. No matter how much you beg I ain't gonna pick ya. You sent way to many pictures that really, to be honest are disturbing!!! lol
How many are you going to accept? Is there a bonus pool for the max point guys or is it all random? And will I receive a unsexcessful letter stating why I was unsexsessful?
Rug, so.....you picked Justr. Fine!

Turkey season is over anyway. All this talk about gobbling is just a waste of time, IMO.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-06-11 AT 05:06PM (MST)[p]Boot I have one more spot open. You bring up some good questions.

First off this is the first year so everyone entered with zero points. They can be "earned" later in the year.

I can't comment on the bonus/pool question. :)

As far as letters to those who are not chosen, if you don't see your name posted here than ya did not...

eel your application looked good on paper and all that chit you sent me is hanging on my wall. The thing that killed ya was when you mentioned your short of breath.
Justr, I kind of thought it would be the other way around. Someone needs to take pitty on Rug!:)

LAST EDITED ON Jul-06-11 AT 09:58PM (MST)[p]ODB, looks like you will just have to take things into your own hands. Lol

And justr, watch out for the ether bunny

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
>ODB, looks like you will just
>have to take things into
>your own hands. Lol

Trust me, with Rug you dont need anything in your hands. But you do need a good pair of micro tweezers and a magnifine glass! :)
>>ODB, looks like you will just
>>have to take things into
>>your own hands. Lol
>Trust me, with Rug you dont
>need anything in your hands.
>But you do need a
>good pair of micro
>tweezers and a magnifine glass!


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