I've solved mass shootings Ocho.,Nemont, FTW your welcome!


Very Active Member
Here you go boys head down to wal mart for your red riders. You guys said no one wanted to sit down and solve it I did it in 30 seconds.


"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
That is about what I would expect from a Utard. What is even funnier is that you don't see how UnAmerican your little meme is. You phony trumpettes claim you love America and the Constitution but you find humor in your Orange hero changing the founding document with an EO.

First your panties are in a knot over a contrived issue in the NFL. Then you mock all those killed in mass shooting by a stupid meme and then you cheer on the idea of the talking Yam taking away fellow Americans rights.

Your patriotism is about as real as Trump's tan.

Yeah, yeah go tend to your sheep syphilis boy. Here's an idea push an agenda called crime control. That would be a real problem worth putting effort into rather than gun control.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
LAST EDITED ON Oct-18-17 AT 12:54PM (MST)[p]Please post up anything regarding what I said about gun control, you should sue the state of Utah and the high school you graduated from for malpractice when they attempted to teach reading comprehension to you. Utards a special bunch.

You also whine a like beotch about control but think it is funny to pretend the Talking Yam can alter the foundation of our country with an EO. I guess Forrest Gump was correct, "Stupid is as stupid does".

LAST EDITED ON Oct-18-17 AT 01:04PM (MST)[p]No mouth I clearly said I don't think there should be a ban on AR's. They aren't the problem. Criminals are, read below in the signature that's also the problem.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."

I have never said banning AR's was an answer to anything. I have never said banning guns will solve a single shooting. So please post up where I ever claimed such a thing or just admit you are lumping me into something because you can't read and understand or the other alternative is that you are just liar.


You and your 2 liberal pom pom boys whined that not a dam thing would happen about it. So what are you guys implying pretty simple.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."

I have never said or implied any of that so I guess the inevitable conclusion is that you are just a liar. Maybe you and Stoney can hook up.

I think that would make your mom jelous we better bag that.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
LAST EDITED ON Oct-18-17 AT 06:25PM (MST)[p]She doesn't care if two liars hook up. In fact it would be perfect for you. Stoney is a coward that hides in the woods and you can play Broke Back Mountain with him.

You keep playing paquio and keep the heat coming I'll keep playing mayweather and counter punching and making you look stupid. Just remember you ain't sh!it.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
neither are you, chickenhawk, you should go look at what General Kelly said. Not that I expect you to understand.

Hey NePads I did watch it. And what a great video it was the man is super professional and very educated. I even learned a little more in the process of a fallen soldier. It was pretty close to what I had in mind but learned a few new details as well. Unlike you he knows how to look at 2 sides of things.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
58 dead in America's worst mass killing.

In Chicago, that's August.

In Planned Parenthood, that's a Tuesday.


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