Is this good


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From those pix, I would say more in the 165--170 class of Ram for the bigger one's......

Ya can't go wrong with them, that's for sure

I had no idea about score when I took my Wyoming ram last fall. He just gave the best shot, made book surprisingly.
I agree take the one you like , worry about score later.
Age is a big thing for me when I hunt sheep. My desert ram was 8, rocky was 9, and dall was 11.

Assuming there is an option I'd rather kill an 8 plus year old ram that may score a bit less than a younger ram...

Pick the one you're only going to get a few chances to hunt sheep.
Definitely depends on the unit - the middle ram facing left in the top picture looks pretty good to me along with the ram on the right.
What unit do you have a tag in?
Congrats to your Dad, Horsecorn. He isn't the oldest to shoot a ram, but hunting anything at that age is admirable. We are all hoping to see some pictures soon!
Congratulations to your father Horsecorn! Sheep hunting is physically demanding so it's pretty incredible that some hunters (like your Dad) still have the strength and desire to chase rams at an advanced age. Thanks for sharing! Well done.
Congratulations to your father Horsecorn! Sheep hunting is physically demanding so it's pretty incredible that some hunters (like your Dad) still have the strength and desire to chase rams at an advanced age. Thanks for sharing! Well done.
Looks like they drove the truck to it. Not all sheep hunts are physically demanding ???
Well sober you got a few things to learn about sheep then don’t you. Thanks for the replies everybody that’s awesome.. ya we have spent a little more than a few days sleeping in the truck, on the ground, and no sleep over the years. But damn it’s fun.
Well sober you got a few things to learn about sheep then don’t you. Thanks for the replies everybody that’s awesome.. ya we have spent a little more than a few days sleeping in the truck, on the ground, and no sleep over the years. But damn it’s fun.
Well horsecorn I go sheep hunting every year and I can tell you this much I’ve never heard someone call a ram a class 4. I guess that means not an old sheep?
Pretty common terminology for anyone who hunts sheep.
Class 4 is a 9+ ram
Class 3 is 6 to 8
Class 2 is 3 to 5
Class 1 is a 2 yr old

Horsecorn you guys took the perfect old ram.
Hahaha ive never heard that and I get sheep tags every year. Who the hell is shooting “class 1 or two rams”. That’s hilarious. Who came up with that crap? It’s like when guys kill a ram and say it’s 8.5 years old. Ummm no it’s more like 8.25. And who counts age by .5?
I’m proud no one I knows has heard of the class definition. But hell I don’t even mount my rams. And my last double broomer I let my dog eat the horns
I rarely post on here any more, but just couldn't get over the all-knowing Slightlysober's comments. It's amazing that an expert such as himself, or anyone that he knows, has never heard of the 1 thru 4 classification of sheep. I'm sure he's done some research and learned than many of the western states utilize this classification when determining the age structure and yearly tag allocations for ram tags. I'm also sure that there are a handful of people on here that have a lot more experience hunting sheep that he does, up north and in the lower 48 states. But trolls will be trolls.

Congratulations Horsecorn on a great ram! You and your father should both be excited. I'm hope I'm still around at 83 to even have the chance to chase another ram.
I rarely post on here any more, but just couldn't get over the all-knowing Slightlysober's comments. It's amazing that an expert such as himself, or anyone that he knows, has never heard of the 1 thru 4 classification of sheep. I'm sure he's done some research and learned than many of the western states utilize this classification when determining the age structure and yearly tag allocations for ram tags. I'm also sure that there are a handful of people on here that have a lot more experience hunting sheep that he does, up north and in the lower 48 states. But trolls will be trolls.

Congratulations Horsecorn on a great ram! You and your father should both be excited. I'm hope I'm still around at 83 to even have the chance to chase another ram.
Do you run around calling animals by their scientific name? How’s your Latin? I understand biologists use that term to classify rams. I’ve never ever seen a hunter use it regarding a ram they killed. Please feel free to post a link to any hunting story, forum post etc that someone is using the “class” to describe their ram. Everyone just says the age of the ram. In this case the ram is 9. A lot of guys exaggerate that too and would call it 9.5. No need to get all upset @downsouth. It was an honest question.

I suppose when you’re only able to hunt sheep once or twice in your life you gotta hype it up any way you can. I get it. And there’s nothing wrong with it. When I shot my first ram I posted it on a few forums. Not a days a snap a cell phone pic and move on. Sheep hunting is like antelope hunting to me now. It’s fun and I like to go every year but I’m not going to put them on the wall.

Once again great trophy and Congrats to the OP and his dad! I didn’t intend to derail this thread @Horsecorn it was a legit question. I apologize as no harm was intended. Btw your dad looks great for his age!
@Slightlysober you are a very lucky guy when it comes to being able to hunt sheep, in Utah people are lucky to get to hunt one in their lifetime. As to your .5 age classification I always was confused by that too but all the biologists and people around here age them all by .5’s. I referred to the ram I killed this year as 9 and I had multiple people get mad at me and say no it would be 9.5 so it’s just kind of a weird quirk for people here.

also @Horsecorn that is a beautiful ram!
@Slightlysober you are a very lucky guy when it comes to being able to hunt sheep, in Utah people are lucky to get to hunt one in their lifetime. As to your .5 age classification I always was confused by that too but all the biologists and people around here age them all by .5’s. I referred to the ram I killed this year as 9 and I had multiple people get mad at me and say no it would be 9.5 so it’s just kind of a weird quirk for people here.

also @Horsecorn that is a beautiful ram!
Yes I feel very lucky to hunt sheep every year. My first dall sheep was done for two tanks of gas. The last fly out trip cost me 1600. I think all said and done I’ve spent less than 5k on a pile of DIY hunts.

The .5 is weird as most lambs are born in early June. So I suppose if you kill the ram in dec you could call it .5?

I wish they could get the populations back on track in the lower 48 so more people can experience sheep hunting. Sad when you hear of die offs, especially when it’s tied to domestic/public land grazing.
@Slightlysober you are a very lucky guy when it comes to being able to hunt sheep, in Utah people are lucky to get to hunt one in their lifetime. As to your .5 age classification I always was confused by that too but all the biologists and people around here age them all by .5’s. I referred to the ram I killed this year as 9 and I had multiple people get mad at me and say no it would be 9.5 so it’s just kind of a weird quirk for people here.

also @Horsecorn that is a beautiful ram!
Lotsa weird quirks. Like how most western guys wont count a browtine on a whitetail. Somehow a 7" browtine isnt a point, but a 2" g4 is.
In Arizona I’ve always heard rams referred to by their age class, age and score. As in a Class IV (Roman numerals), 10-1/2 year old ( or 10 laying 11), 162 2/8 Nelson Desert Sheep

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