Is MX Safe in 2012


Active Member
Looking to book a hunt with 3 other friends of mine to Sanora for 2012. Was curious for all of you who are in the know of old MX as to what you think about the safety forecast for 2012??? Read all the older post, don't want to beat this subject up but don't want to end up on the 10 o'clock news either.

I say go for it! Wish I were going but due to medical reasons I had to cancel. Heck---there is danger everywhere in this world and probably just a little more in Mexico at this point in time. Keep your gun loaded!!
>I say go for it!
>Wish I were going but
>due to medical reasons I
>had to cancel. Heck---there is
>danger everywhere in this world
>and probably just a little
>more in Mexico at this
>point in time. Keep your
>gun loaded!!

I second what apple man said..... I would be going this year if i could....Going next year forsure...
"Safe" is such a subjective word. I work as a hunting consultant and I can tell you that the prices for sonoran deer have fallen thousands from what it was only several years ago. The airports, once filled with American hunters, are empty. Of course the outfitter are going to say it is very safe... Personally, I have been pushing people in other directions, like Texas (yes, Texas), Alberta, etc.
I just heard this past Friday at lunch that some employees with a local Car Dealership, yes they are from Mexico, went down to their home towns in MX and would not leave their families homes. WHY, said it was not safe and that if some of the people in area found out they were working in USA, they would be robbed and possibly shot if they resisted.

There is plenty of places to hunt outside of Mexico.

I just returned from a hunt last week, had zero problems, and a great time. Going back next year.

It was my second trip to Mexico. Our trip was for Coues deer only, we all killed really nice bucks. I killed a buck of a lifetime. If someone wants to see pictures I can e-mail you, Really beautiful ranch, can't wait to go back this year for muley's and Coues.

I've hunted Campeche once, Chihuahua twice and Sonora thrice.
I've even drove through Cd.Juarez twice.
I've never had any fears on any of those trips and I go to Mexicali once a week ( inlaws place) However, nobody who is a victim ever thought that it would happen to them, it always happens to someone else, right ?
Just think though, with fewer Americans there has to be more large deer now than in the past. If I had the scratch? I'd be all over it. Besides the added danger adds to the adventure.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
I guess I would also wonder what the drought will be doing to the antlers there. Course who knows what this years spring will bring rain wise. They keep predicting more drought here in Texas though


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
LAST EDITED ON Feb-13-12 AT 10:36AM (MST)[p]Fewer and fewer big bucks killed down there. I know a good amount of guides down there. Seems alot of 170 type deer being shot. Not worth the big money to hire an outfitter IMO. I will be planning a diy archery hunt down there next year. I know one of the well known outfitters had like 20 hunters. Only one shot a buck over 170. As far as safe. I'm sure it would be fine. But the people who die there thought the same.
I think the ranch a fellow is hunting has so much to do with the success rates and quality of bucks taken. I have some friends who have been hunting the same ranch for years, and they have spectacular success each year. They buy up all the tags, and are the only hunters the rancher allows on his property, year after year. One of my best friends is in this group, and the last three years his bucks have been 35 1/2"5x7(2009), a 28" buck that scored 195" (2010) and last year he shot a 33" buck the first morning that grosses a big over 200". They usually go 5 or 6 out of their 8 tags, and the bucks are all real nice, or they simply don't get shot.

However, they are hunting a pretty special property with ample water and food, including a few hundred acres of agricultural crops on the property.
Nice to see some activity on this forum Caelknuts---I totally agree with your theory. The deer can move alot down there from one rain season to the next in different micro climates but if the ranches are big its all in the ranch and past history-u can see twenty or thirty bucks all one seventy or eighty and it does u no good cause all the one ninety plus are all dead. Happens too much in Mex---less hunters now kinda means some big ranches should be recovering---love it! every year is different-hope for widespread consistant rain -- Im excited cant wait to get back POTENTIAL

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Mexico Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy Sonoran mule deer and coues deer on over 400,000 acres of private ground.

DIY Coues Deer Hunts

Hunt 20k acre private ranch in Sonora for coues bucks ranging in the 100" class. Email Michael at [email protected].

Sonora Outfitters

We hunt on some of the best ranches in Sonora - known for holding trophy Desert Bighorn Sheep and trophy Mule Deer.

MADD Hunts

DIY coues buck hunts on 30 sq. miles of archery only, private lands. Nice accomodations, along with information and photos.

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