Immediate Action for Mule Deer in Wyoming


Founder Since 1999
Over the past several weeks there has been a lot talk about Utah Mule Deer, now let's talk Wyoming. Does anyone care about the mule deer issues in Wyoming? What's happening up there to sustain mule deer herds?

I got an email today from the Theodore Roosevelt Sonservation Partnership that encouraged sportsmen to send a note to Ken Salazar at the U.S. Department of the Interior about the winter range in Wyoming.

Here's a link to the info. and there's also a form to email to Ken Salazar. You all need to take a minute and do it.....whether you hunt Wyoming or not.

Sportsmen Urge Immediate Action for Mule Deer in Wyoming

Over the past decade, sportsmen have seen mule deer and other wildlife resources on the Pinedale Anticline in Wyoming suffer dramatic declines as federal agencies failed to fully consider the impacts of oil and gas development on our public fish and wildlife resources...........CLICK THE LINK BELOW for more info and to send email

Brian Latturner
Thanks Brian-
I signed the letter and hit send!

If possible, maybe you could put this post in the main forum?

The Christian

I would be a lot more appreciative of the TRCP's efforts if they applied them evenly across the state rather than only high profile areas like the Wyoming Range and the anticline. They came down to south-central Wyoming a few years ago when we were experiencing highly accelerated CBM impacts to the mule deer winter range, and gave a presentation, and then basically wrote the area off in preference of taking action in the higher profile Wyoming Range. It doesn't do a lot to endear me to the organization.

I also don't really care for filling out ?form letters? to influence agencies. This is a preferred tactic of all the extreme environmental, wild horse, animal rights, etc., etc., organizations. To be really honest, if someone feels strongly enough about an issue, they should have the gumption to put together a letter expressing their opinion on their own, rather than letting some PR hack put together an opinion piece and signing their name to it.

You?re right, however, that it appears that industry impacts to the mule deer winter range in the area may be reaching significant levels. I think that sustainable, multiple use of the area, including energy development and continued healthy mule deer herds, is going to require more ?give? from both sides in the issue ? i.e. adjusted (read: less) hunting opportunities, coupled with lower pad densities and/or limited seasonal operations in the gas patch. I would encourage people that feel strongly about it to take the time and actually put their opinions in writing and send them to the Sec. of Interior.
I filled it out and sent it too.

But I have to ask, are we sure this is the problem? deer winter in town quite well I'm not 100% sold that gas and oil wells are going to kill them off that easy .

I just know here in Oregon I wish our herds were only down 60% and we don't have oil and gas wells. as long as we're not chasing the wrong problem count me in.
I can't imagine for a second Salazar would do a thing to help. He didn't lift a finger here in Ca. to turn the pumps back on for the valley farmers without water.
The form letter is very well written.I made some alterations to it,and sent it off.It absolutely amazes me how few hunters will do this.They can write about the big buck they killed,but taking the time to send a letter to our elected(or appointed)officials takes too much time.Apparently it's easier to whine to fellow hunters(the choir)than it is to whine to someone that can actually do something.Thanks for the link,Brian.Too bad it probably won't do any good.Apathy will win again.

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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