If Hillary gets the nomination


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-08 AT 09:07PM (MST)[p]Could she pick her devoted husband Bill to run with her as VP?

Edit: And do you think she would, or should?
You could drive a car with your feet if you wanted to, but it dont make it a good idea! Not sure on the legalities, but I think everyone knows my opinion :)
Eel whatcha doooing? Mitt stole a line from Bill Mahrer on the Jay Leno Show from 6 months ago and ............now we're spreading seeds are we?

Gotta tell ya Eel, you know I don't want her as I have stated time and again. Too much Bush/Clinton/Bush/ProbablyClinton/Jeb Bush/ it's ridiculous. I only want to read about these families when they are no longer in power. It's a matter of national unity and focus.

If she is elected I don't think her ego will allow Bill to screw this up so to speak for her. I think he'll go back to being an X-President, and do some photo-ops with 41.
FTW, I agree. Too much Bush/Clinton. But apparently the rest of the Country doesn't see it that way.

We'll see.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-08 AT 00:33AM (MST)[p]At the very least I'll be able to truthfully tell my daughter that with hard work she could be the President of the United States. I could tell my sons that one day they could luck out and hold the title of First Man.

I was just thinking...what the hell is his title? I mean to say Lady to Man doesn't seem correct so would it be First Gentleman?
He does have a taste for fine cigars.

If Hillary gets the nod, runs and wins there will be one very happy MM'er. His name will remain unsaid. As it stands right now she has a 49% chance of winning. She would carry Oregon.

Ransom I almost feel like you're talking about me. Hillary will carry Oregon not much doubt about that, she'll also carry CA,WA and a bunch more that's kind of how you win. in last weeks polls McCain actually shows to be in a dead heat against her if the general were held today. as far as me being happy about Hillary winning I'm not sure where you got that, since Paul doesn't have a chance and Richardson dropped out I don't have a horse in the race. this is just entertainment to me, I already know the ending is going to suck.
Remember what the polls say today will be meaningless next November. Remember a few months ago, Rudy has the republican nomanation all locked up and was the odds on favorite to win the Whitehouse.
Obama was going to be a distant third behind Edwards in the Democrat primary.

There is lots of dirt, I mean lots, to use against Hillary if she is nomanated. I have no dout Romney will use it, but will McCain ?

There are lot's of reasons for conservatives to turn their backs on McCain, but wiil they if faced with president Hillary ?

I think there are a lot of republicans that would cross party lines and vote Obama. Some democrats will never vote for a black man(see South Carolina results). Almost no republicans would vote Hillary. Would any democrats vote Romney ? McCain ?
"Would any democrats vote Romney ? McCain ?" Yep my dad. He has reduced Hillary to a 4 letter word.

Hillary has the least to fear of all the candidates when it comes to dirt, there's nothing that can be proven that hasn't come out in the last 15 years.

It isn't the republican vote or the democrat vote that will decide the general election that stays pretty consistant, it's the independent or swing voter which makes up about 30% of all votes. McCain and Giuliani are the only ones who'll pull enough of those to have a chance, since Giuliani is looking like a long shot in the primary that leaves just McCain and he's going to have a tough fight ahead of him.
Ransom, dose that word happen to start with a "C". :)

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
I heard today on the news that Kennedy family members, including old liberal himself, Ted Kennedy, will be indorsing Obama for president. Makes me wonder if Teddy does not like something about "Hillary the B!!!!" or if he thinks she can not win and he does not want to back a loser.

Caroline says she's backing Obama because he inspires her as she has heard her dad did others, for what that's worth.

Ted is backing Obama because he knows Clinton has political power and with Bill behind her she isn't going to need old Ted near as much as Obama would.

This thing has turned pretty racial down in SC if you ask me, I don't know if Bill inspired it as much as they blame him or if Obama was waiting for the chance to play the race card. I have only written a couple candidates off from either side as someone I definetly wouldn't vote for and if Obama plays the race card even for one second he'd join that list. if he wants me to not see color I better not hear him talk about it unless he's attacked and I didn't anything I'd call an attack, I don't think anyone has pulled that trigger yet but he's touching it. in any event Hillary has a pretty good lead over Obama in the national polls, next Tuesday will tell us quite a bit about who's the solid leader on both sides.
'dude, your comment in post #5 just makes you look like an insensitive, biased, bigoted idiot. Regardless of what you think of the current Bush president, and we all know you're pathologically phobic of him, taking cheap shots at his mother is dropping down to a new low, even for you.
I know one thing. The media is fixated on the Hillary/Obama thing. I keep hearing all day long about the big win in South Carolina for Obama. All the hows and whys, and what it all means. But I can't even find out which Republican won in that State. Did the Republicans have a primary there this time?

CAnuts, Are you that ignorant or are you just that biased? 50% of the threads in this section are about how ugly Hillary Clinton is, why haven't you defended her honor as you have Bulldog Bush? need I remind you Hillary was first lady for 8 years as opposed to your swetheart Barbara at 4 years? just because you're a righty doesn't make an ugly republican first lady sacred while cheap shots at Hillary good sport. they're both ugly and if ones fair game so is the other, grow up and play like a big kid.
Bulldog Bush. LOL! That describes her personality, right Dude?

I bet she still spanks little George when he steps out of line.
Mrs. Bush is not what you would call a beauty, nor is Hillary. But when it comes down to personality,Mrs. Bush beats Hillary by a long shot and then some. I would feel more comfortable talking to a lady like Mrs. Bush then I would talking to a outright lying crook, condesending two face person like Hillary.
Darn! I just described Feinstein, Boxer, Perlosi along with their idol Hillary.

Careful now you're talking about your former first lady and next president most likely. you're a big meanie, unless you're willing to endure an ethics lecture from CAnut you better do some quick editing.

A crook is a crook, no matter what title they may hold. As for Perlosi, Boxer, Feinstein, two face and condensending fits them to a tee. They know what is best for us peons, and will give it to us no matter what we think of it. Only problem with that is it fits alot of politicians in both parties, but the Dems have the majority.

The dems are loaded with crooks no doubt about it but you're forgetting the republican all star team. Duke Cunningham,Ken Lay,Jack Abramnoff,Thomas Noe and Tom Delay just to name a few of the heavy hitters. then we all know after the excecutive privilege and stonewalling power from the whitehouse runs out next year the show will begin and Karl Rove and crew will be called up or flee to Mexico . if you ask me Bush is the only one there probably not sweating like a dog crapping peach seeds, I don't believe Bush was involved in most of the illegal and unethical crap Rove and Cheney were pulling myself but I'm in the minority on that one.

Anyway to say one side leads the pack in crooks is pretty hard to prove. next year may prove very entertaining when the rats start squealing, the republicans may gain a clear lead then.
I agree on the point that I also do not believe that Bush himself was involved in the underhanded dealings that Cheney MAY be involved in. One reason why I have said in the past that Bush made his first mistake by taking on Cheney as VP.
But I doubt that the Bush adminstration will ever reach the high pinacle of dirty underhandled criminal acts of the Clinton adminstration. The Clintons covered up many crimes with outright obstruction, delaying tactics until the evidence could no longer be obtained against them for a criminal conviction.
They were dirtier then Nixon, but unlike Nixon, did not get caught accept for that minor bit about slick willie lying about his involvement with Monica.
After today, I do not think Hillary will get the Dem. ticket. It seems that hubby has not learned to shut his mouth and brought up the race card issue that angered dear old teddy and other Dems. and they are flocking towards Obama now.
That could be right , but Clinton was smart enough to cover his tracks. the only one smart enough to handle this for Bush was Rove and he jumped ship running like his teeth were on fire, maybe that shows just how smart he is.

I'm not exited about Hillary but if she goes down Obama will be your next president, I'm not crazy about that.

I didn't see where Bill crossed the line with Obama, maybe I'm just not politically correct enough.
It really did not get me all excited either, but I am a thick skin hillbilly and little "off the wall" remarks do not bother me that much. It's the press, CNN, that seems to be bringing it to the forefront as the first salvo fired by Clinton on the race card. I guess he must not be as liberal as he makes out to be when it comes to a person's race.
I think the press will play it out and it will cost slick willie's wife a lot of support and votes. I can hear the remarks about the Clinton's being "closet bigots" being bantered back and forth now.
Well you can look at this way, if Obama is not your favorite, you can always vote for Romney in order to fix the budget. Dude I just had to get that "dig" in on you.
I still have not made up my mind who I will vote for, Elmer Fudd is beginning to look like a good write in.

Dude....you're right....Why not?

They let Hillary pass as a presidential nominee...and a senator!

I guess anything is possible.

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
LAST EDITED ON Jan-30-08 AT 08:55AM (MST)[p]

H'dude, I think you miss my point. Picking on the mother of a president, someone who isn't a politician, but only the parent of one, is about as weak and cheap as picking on the child of a politician. I don't particularly think it's all that intelligent to worry about what a candidate looks like, either; but at least they've put themselves out there in the spotlight and expect to take some hits from the public. I don't think their families, on any side of the spectrum, need to be included. To do so, even when it's meant to be funny, isn't all that funny. To do as you've done, with a seeming mean intent, is just classless.

That's just my opinion, and I'm sure you disagree and I respect your right to disagree with my views. H'dude, I think one big difference between you and myself is that I actually do enjoy discussing/debating candidates and issues with those who see things differently than I do, as long as there is some thought given to the other guys position and views. From everything I read that you contribute, I just don't view you as someone who gives much thought to what he writes. You seem to be extremely ideological, rather than well reasoned. Be glad you live in a country that allows that.
Pimp Slap................

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
We all take cheap shots, like Chelsea Clinton wasn't a target? she isn't any Victoria's Secret model but she turned out better than I figured. if Barbara gets her feelings hurt that easy she shouldn't have married a polititian, she could also join Jenny Craig, get some surgery and get a hair cut from at least the last 100 years,even get a hair color that makes her look less than 100 years old. no I'm not politically correct or super sensitive but I can take it too, that makes it fair in my opinion.

I don't know why you think I don't enjoy debating, the pay check I get for my time here isn't why I stay. part of debating is opposing opinions, if I had made a " rude " comment about any dems mother we wouldn't be talking right now would we? because that would be acceptable.
No! Dude you are wrong if it had been Rose Kennedy that you insulted, you would have been called on it. You were rude and crude to attack Mrs. Bush who is not in the limelight willing. Also when she married her husband, he was not a politician at that time, so that lame base excuse does not wash.
You have a very deep seated inability to admit that you were wrong or out of line and your excuses are beginning to get a little lame and boring.
As for your "opinion" of what is fair, well, to put it kindly, we do not care to hear your opinion.

And the most ironic part is I don't care about yours.

Barbara is no more immune to cheap shots than anyone else . this is all ungentleman like trashing any woman so stop putting up lines and deciding who crossed them based on your preferences, what a bunch of hypocrites.
RELH what ailes Hdude is "Bush Derangement Syndrome" the effects are simular to Alzhiemers. He knows not what he does. he needs conservative professional help.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
What would cure it would be a Gerald Ford or maybe even Reagan type conservative, Bush Disgust Syndrome is why the liberals are going to gain control.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-30-08 AT 03:50PM (MST)[p]Stay on point, 'dude. We were talking about your lack of decorum toward those who are only peripherally in the public eye. I never criticized young miss Clinton when she was the first daughter, as she's off limits just like Mrs. Bush. Yes, I'd also be offended if you criticized Mrs. Kennedy or even Mrs. Heinz-Kerry, even though she inserted herself into the race in a manner the others have not.

Sir, you may wish to paint anyone who doesn't see things such as you do, as a hypocrite, but you'd be very wrong to characterize me as such. I go out of my way to not be a hypocrite, and think I do a good job of it. You won't ever see me criticizing Chelsea Clinton (actually, I agree with you about her becoming rather pleasant looking in her 20s), Mrs. Obama or any other spouse of a politician with the exception of Bill Clinton, but consider that he puts himself squarely in the crosshairs.

By the way, nobody said Barbara Bush had her feelings hurt. We said you're being classless and suggested you're getting in the gutter. Not that any of us will ever meet her, but, I suspect that Barbara Bush is perfectly capable of maintaining her dignity while completely emasculating someone such as yourself.

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