Idaho HB 587


Active Member
Idaho HB 587 - ALL NR Tags go to a draw for elk deer and pronghorn. As a NR I am for this, I bet I could have had a general archery elk tag in the last five years, well maybe. The best part is not stopping almost a whole day of work for the hardest lottery in the west ( ok joking, sort of ). That part alone will be nice. Recently this has been very limited if you not in the top 5,000 or so in line. I will be curious to see how this shakes out. Do you put a limited deer/elk draw in with general tags. Do you only allow one type of draw tag. If you have to pick one or the other on the same application etc.

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I would think they would do a General Draw, if you are successful as a NR, then you could put in for the LE tags, then they would re-sale your general tag or not if you are successful in the LE draw.
Or do a one or the other draw at the same time. LE or General. Don't forget they would still have to somehow account for the various zones and caps on them...
Yes two draws makes sense for them. If they $20 each for deer and elk x 2 lotteries. Simple math says at 50k applicants that is a cool million per animal for the general draw. If they keep it random. Or they could add in $50 bonus points on the general draw ( sort of like MT ) where you can draw for sure every three years. Making NR choose between either the general draw or a limited draw tag sure would help the limited draw odds however.
Utah has two draws for the deer, but I think it is stupid. This is one of the reasons why point creep for LE hunts is out of control in so many places. People want to have a chance to apply for LE hunts and still be able to hunt every year. I think people need to make a choice, one way or the other. You can't get have a system where you everyone gets to hunt deer every year and still have a descent chance at drawing LE deer tags. That's my two cents.
Utah has two draws for the deer, but I think it is stupid. This is one of the reasons why point creep for LE hunts is out of control in so many places. People want to have a chance to apply for LE hunts and still be able to hunt every year. I think people need to make a choice, one way or the other. You can't get have a system where you everyone gets to hunt deer every year and still have a descent chance at drawing LE deer tags. That's my two cents.
What Utah LE deer tag has decent odds?
To be clear I would want them to go to one draw for deer. Increase the fee some, whatever. It sure would help the NR who would wait and hunt other states but have a much greater chance at the better deer tags. While they are at it get the 2 point hunts out of the low 40s.

And yes at 17 points Iam right at bottom of the LE UT deer tags. I think two draws would have ID in this same scenario. I guess they can see what everyone else has done at this point and try to pick the best path.
Idaho will go with what generates the most revenue. It's all about the money. Can't blame em a bit.
I would like a general draw. They can keep it random but it would give me a chance to put in as a family and hopefully get to hunt every few years. As it is now pretty hard to plan a family hunt in Idaho as a NR.
NR draw would be a great opportunity to cut the NR tag numbers as well. The draw application fee would make up for lost revenue in tag fees. This could really be a win win if someone with a brain in there is on it
Yeah you always did seem like a welfare recipient. Always crying and complaining.
I’m not sure you understand the term “welfare” . I’m certain you don’t if you derived that at all from any post in this thread. Let me guess, California?
I’m not sure you understand the term “welfare” . I’m certain you don’t if you derived that at all from any post in this thread. Let me guess, California?
You want the NR money but no benefits to the NR. A government handout type mentality. You likely voted Biden as well. Always crying about the NR hunters but just as fast have your handout for their money. That’s welfare recipient type mentality. Let’s see you support your own fish and game budget without NR support. You would be crying then like you cry about every damn thing else.
So California was right huh?

Still pretty sure you don’t understand the welfare concept, but being dumb enough to stay in that state it doesn’t surprise me the concept is lost on you.

A NR chooses to spend money on an application fee, in return they get a chance at a tag. Not welfare there Gavin. But I’m not going to be the one to explain the difference of a taxed welfare system to a west coast liberal. You won’t get it
You want the NR money but no benefits to the NR. A government handout type mentality. You likely voted Biden as well. Always crying about the NR hunters but just as fast have your handout for their money. That’s welfare recipient type mentality. Let’s see you support your own fish and game budget without NR support. You would be crying then like you cry about every damn thing else.
H3LL NO we dont want or need your NR $$ !!! But these F@*KING Idiots that are ruining our wildlife, made a deal way back to allocate some tags to NR, and Idaho hunters had NO say in it !! Idaho allocates 28315 NR tags for deer & elk !! I would gladly pay 2 to 3 times what I am paying now to have those tags removed Completely !! It would also greatly improve the herd status if those tags were removed all together
H3LL NO we dont want or need your NR $$ !!! But these F@*KING Idiots that are ruining our wildlife, made a deal way back to allocate some tags to NR, and Idaho hunters had NO say in it !! Idaho allocates 28315 NR tags for deer & elk !! I would gladly pay 2 to 3 times what I am paying now to have those tags removed Completely !! It would also greatly improve the herd status if those tags were removed all together
How many resident tags? Would paying 2 or 3 times as much for your license make-up the difference if they stopped selling to nonresident hunters?

How many of those NR tags are sold as second tags to residents?

How many are whitetail tags?

I'm asking seriously by the way. I'm too lazy to look it up.

I believe you when you say you don't want NR hunters in your state and you'd pay more to get rid of us but what will that do to help in your opinion? Again just asking.

I live right near one of the historically best steelhead rivers in the country, or it used to be. I watched it get absolutely annihilated by out of area fishermen. It sucked to see it first hand.

First F&G in their infinite wisdom cut everyone bag to 5 fish a season with a 1 per day limit with a punch card. Well that took good care of the locals, most of whom cared too much about the fish to keep many more than that before the cut. But the put of town guys went with guides and killed as many of their five as they could just to be replaced by the next out of towner when the seat came open on the boat.

They murdered them because on top of this it was one of the only rivers in the where you could keep your trophy WILD steelhead.

They have now changed it to catch and release for about 5 years now and it seems to be slowly recovering.

A ton of these fishermen were from out of state. I feel yiur pain but I also don't blame all of the Idaho, Oregon and Washington fishermen for my problems. I would (and do) go wherever the F#@% I can legally to hunt and fish. Not gonna stop.
I always find it funny how people blame NR for the conditions of the wildlife. Its the game departments that are the problem not NRs. IF you took all 30,000 NR tags and placed them back in the resident pool you would still have 30,000 tags and people hunting wildlife. Yes they would be resident and that would benefit them but it would not improve wildlife.
Grow the wildlife, improve habit, decrease tags when needed but stop blaming NRs
I would like a general draw. They can keep it random but it would give me a chance to put in as a family and hopefully get to hunt every few years. As it is now pretty hard to plan a family hunt in Idaho as a NR.
Not everyone in your family needs a tag to make it a good family hunt. Alot of people think everyone in their camp needs a tag, if they don't they complain that they're ruining their families hunting experiences.
Not saying everyone needs a tag but it would be nice to hunt with my dad or even one of my sons. We have gone on many family hunts with only a tag or two. But not letting NR apply as a group is just dumb
How many resident tags? Would paying 2 or 3 times as much for your license make-up the difference if they stopped selling to nonresident hunters?

How many of those NR tags are sold as second tags to residents?

How many are whitetail tags?

I'm asking seriously by the way. I'm too lazy to look it up.

I believe you when you say you don't want NR hunters in your state and you'd pay more to get rid of us but what will that do to help in your opinion? Again just asking.

I live right near one of the historically best steelhead rivers in the country, or it used to be. I watched it get absolutely annihilated by out of area fishermen. It sucked to see it first hand.

First F&G in their infinite wisdom cut everyone bag to 5 fish a season with a 1 per day limit with a punch card. Well that took good care of the locals, most of whom cared too much about the fish to keep many more than that before the cut. But the put of town guys went with guides and killed as many of their five as they could just to be replaced by the next out of towner when the seat came open on the boat.

They murdered them because on top of this it was one of the only rivers in the where you could keep your trophy WILD steelhead.

They have now changed it to catch and release for about 5 years now and it seems to be slowly recovering.

A ton of these fishermen were from out of state. I feel yiur pain but I also don't blame all of the Idaho, Oregon and Washington fishermen for my problems. I would (and do) go wherever the F#@% I can legally to hunt and fish. Not gonna stop.
similar to the non rez guy that "has to fill his tag" and shoots a fork horn for his big western mule deer hunt. trust me, lots of second tags a resident buys (or used to) go unfilled. i think ive maybe filled one that i've ever bought. not shooting a dink after ive already punched a tag. but a out of stater cannot go home empty handed. what would they post on MM?
similar to the non rez guy that "has to fill his tag" and shoots a fork horn for his big western mule deer hunt. trust me, lots of second tags a resident buys (or used to) go unfilled. i think ive maybe filled one that i've ever bought. not shooting a dink after ive already punched a tag. but a out of stater cannot go home empty handed. what would they post on MM?
For sure on the kill a forkie to "take home some meat". That one always drove me crazy. If you let a kid kill one fine. One of the things I like about a properly enforced point restriction.

Makes sense most are not going to shoot a buck then fill the second tag with a dink. We get 2 blacktail tags and I rarely fill the second. Hold out for a big buck till last light of the last day and eat the tag is ok with my family.
How many resident tags? Would paying 2 or 3 times as much for your license make-up the difference if they stopped selling to nonresident hunters?

How many of those NR tags are sold as second tags to residents?

How many are whitetail tags?

I'm asking seriously by the way. I'm too lazy to look it up.

I believe you when you say you don't want NR hunters in your state and you'd pay more to get rid of us but what will that do to help in your opinion? Again just asking.

I live right near one of the historically best steelhead rivers in the country, or it used to be. I watched it get absolutely annihilated by out of area fishermen. It sucked to see it first hand.

First F&G in their infinite wisdom cut everyone bag to 5 fish a season with a 1 per day limit with a punch card. Well that took good care of the locals, most of whom cared too much about the fish to keep many more than that before the cut. But the put of town guys went with guides and killed as many of their five as they could just to be replaced by the next out of towner when the seat came open on the boat.

They murdered them because on top of this it was one of the only rivers in the where you could keep your trophy WILD steelhead.

They have now changed it to catch and release for about 5 years now and it seems to be slowly recovering.

A ton of these fishermen were from out of state. I feel yiur pain but I also don't blame all of the Idaho, Oregon and Washington fishermen for my problems. I would (and do) go wherever the F#@% I can legally to hunt and fish. Not gonna stop.
I am not sure how many NR tags are sold to residents But that SH*T needs to end also . There are 12815 elk -- 15500 deer of which 1500 are whitetail tags .. Idaho needs to do away with ALL the over the counter tags & put ALL the NR tags in a drawing, allow 5000 to 6000 tags that are NR only.. I would gladly pay $250 to $300 for my sportsman pkg, if that kept those 28000 tags in Idaho.. I agree with your comments about F&G ruining fishing & hunting areas !! I have seen units I have hunted for over 40 years turn to SH*T due to their lack of management .
I always find it funny how people blame NR for the conditions of the wildlife. Its the game departments that are the problem not NRs. IF you took all 30,000 NR tags and placed them back in the resident pool you would still have 30,000 tags and people hunting wildlife. Yes they would be resident and that would benefit them but it would not improve wildlife.
Grow the wildlife, improve habit, decrease tags when needed but stop blaming NRs
You are100 percent correct. It’s just easier to blame NR hunters.
Nobody wants to admit it,if they are gonna issue a tag people are gonna take it.
Residents shoot more two points than non residents.Lol
Residents shoot more two points than non residents.Lol
Well as a total that’s a pretty obvious statement. Be interesting to see what an actual ratio is. Bet it’s out if balance.

“I come all the way to Idaho I can’t go home empty handed!!”

Lots of things need fixed with management. Non residents entitlement to tags shouldn’t even be on the list. Cut that fat because it’s easy fat to cut. That’s what’s called a good start
Well as a total that’s a pretty obvious statement. Be interesting to see what an actual ratio is. Bet it’s out if balance.

“I come all the way to Idaho I can’t go home empty handed!!”

Lots of things need fixed with management. Non residents entitlement to tags shouldn’t even be on the list. Cut that fat because it’s easy fat to cut. That’s what’s called a good start

Are you this bigga d i ck in real life or is this just your internet persona?...🤣
Well, this topic as usual is off into nowhere ville. I am a long-time resident of Idaho and do appreciate the nr. The f&G could not survive without their contributions. If as a resident, you don't want their $ then pony up and pull your weight now. Talk is cheap considering we can buy a deer tag and a hunting lic for 50 bucks. The number of nr tags hasn't really increased for 10 yrs now, and they are limited to unit caps. I think a general draw for deer and elk would be a benefit to all. The system in place is outdated and needs to go. If people are concerned about the number of hunters then we better wake up to the fact that the population if Id has DOUBLED in the last 10 years. This is where the deer are going. Return to what you were doing.
Well I have been to Idaho a few times and went home empty handed. Could have shot a few small ones but decided to pass. Heck as we were breaking down camp a small fork was standing there watching us. My son kept asking me to shoot it. I told him my tag my decision. He had already filled his with a nice buck and I am sure at 11 years old he just wanted to see me get one. Had talked that to me hunting is more than just pulling the trigger and he is welcome to hunt anyway he wants and I will hunt the way I want. I pass on stuff all the time. I try to focus on my kids and dad filling their tag on what they want. Heck this year my son probably passed on 60-70 bucks in Colorado before he filled his tag. So not all NRs are about just taking meat home. Give me a tag and I will make the best of it. Love Idaho but have not been back since the went to the new system. Hopefully they change it and I can get back up there and hunt with some (not all of my family).
Horn guy, I agree with you 100 percent.
With Idahos population explosion,I think the guys that are complaining better start worrying about the big picture.NR hunting competition is gonna be the least of their problems.Not only are there a staggering amount of new resident hunters in this state.But look at how many guys are buying up land.Locked gates are gonna become the norm.
Horn guy, I agree with you 100 percent.
With Idahos population explosion,I think the guys that are complaining better start worrying about the big picture.NR hunting competition is gonna be the least of their problems.Not only are there a staggering amount of new resident hunters in this state.But look at how many guys are buying up land.Locked gates are gonna become the norm.
I’m always blown away that in the same post a guy can talk about the problem of the state population growing and then be completely oblivious to the fact that a real easy first step of limiting tags for management is slash the non resident numbers.

Instead it’s like “ man Idaho has way more people living there now, better make sure there’s even more non res tags for me and my buddies!!”

But, math is hard. And for you California girls, it’s also racist so I may not understand you subtraction by addition common core approach
Eesh...let a guy like Pickett suck your d!ck one time and look how he treats you...

Lesson learned.
How many “guys like me” you pitching that to? Never mind, I don’t really want to know what you cali boys are up to

And I thought I was doing you a favor, I figured when you said “much smaller in real life” you were repeating what your wife was telling you about me to make you feel better. Figured you’d like to know when she’s lying to you
At this point I think you’re just hitting on me now. Starting to show your colors, er, rainbow or whatever you people wave around over there
I have bought three deer tags in a row and not punched one as backups earlier in the year to know I had something to do. Also one draw MD tag last year that ran I out of vacation time for. I think there are a lot of NR that do this also, I clearly like throwing money away. That is over 1k for me thrown in. I wish it would buy me some good Moose draw karma. Not sure there is an easy solution to this but Iam sure everyone would pay more if they cut total MD tags R and NR ( like 20 percent tag increase for 20 percent less tags). You want to just shoot a deer, go north and shoot a WT. The WT seem to be doing just fine other than occasional die offs. That and stop or cut way back the stupid MD 2 pt hunts in great deer areas.
All you salty ass mofos can cry, complain, point fingers and insult one another on here but here's the deal. You're all the fckn problem! Resident or Non-resident if you wanted to make a change it sure as fck ain't going to be on this sh!t show of a forum. Show up to a F&G meeting and voice an opinion instead of bantering back and forth on a third rate website like a bunch of cucks.
similar to the non rez guy that "has to fill his tag" and shoots a fork horn for his big western mule deer hunt. trust me, lots of second tags a resident buys (or used to) go unfilled. i think ive maybe filled one that i've ever bought. not shooting a dink after ive already punched a tag. but a out of stater cannot go home empty handed. what would they post on MM?
This statement gets made alot and it's false. My group of non residents routinely go home empty handed due to refusing to shoot small deer. BUT I see countless camps that smoked small bucks and does because youth can. I've hunted 39 for 20 years now and that style of management is decimating the unit. For every non resident you claim to have killed a forkie, resident youth has taken 3 does. Look it up!!
I’m well on record here for stating how ridiculous shooting does is regardless of the age of shooter.

Again,as I stated in this very thread, lots of problems to work in, why in the hell would making sure a non resident of this state having access to readily available tags be on anyone’s list. Cut those tags first, never bring them back, do not transfer them to a resident pool or anywhere else,Just slash them out. What a good easy first step. Now let’s work on the next one
Bill just a few lines so F&G implementing could be anything! Poop show of last couple years needs to go, allowing residents like me to buy second deer and elk tags price locked after the leftover outfitter tags come up in August every year needs to go those nonresident tags should go to nonresident’s at full price. Bill wording does say “ALL nonresident tags” that would have to include outfitter set aside pool? When legislation like this has come up around the west the outfitters seem to have a lot of say in crafting policy
I live in Idaho, but since I work really hard I think I should be able to buy a region G tag over the counter in Wyoming
I live in Idaho, but since I work really hard I think I should be able to buy a region G tag over the counter in Wyoming
Except you would never hunt as a non resident in another state since you are completely against non residents, right?!? No Alaska, no pheasants in Kansas and definitely not big game in a neighboring state!?
Except you would never hunt as a non resident in another state since you are completely against non residents, right?!? No Alaska, no pheasants in Kansas and definitely not big game in a neighboring state!?
That's different...he's not a filthy Kalifornian..
Except you would never hunt as a non resident in another state since you are completely against non residents, right?!? No Alaska, no pheasants in Kansas and definitely not big game in a neighboring state!?
another thing i'm well on the record for on this site is everything i believe about what a state should restrict on non residents i overwhelmingly acpet for myself in another state. i dont think i should have any say,advantage or guarantee in wyoming. i want to play there i should be at the mercy of those residents getting taken care of first, and if i can get a table scrap, good for me. if i can't, who gives a sh!t about me, i don't live there. i can cry about it or take my ball and go home.

you cali boys are the most entitled folks i've ever seen. not my fault you choose to live in that sh!t hole.
All you salty ass mofos can cry, complain, point fingers and insult one another on here but here's the deal. You're all the fckn problem! Resident or Non-resident if you wanted to make a change it sure as fck ain't going to be on this sh!t show of a forum. Show up to a F&G meeting and voice an opinion instead of bantering back and forth on a third rate website like a bunch of cucks.
I agree with this to a point.

I really don't know if Fish and Wildlife will give much weight to anyone residents or nonresidents but especially nonresidents.

I don't think residents want nonresidents to have ANY say in how it's run. And I don't really blame them.

Hunters in general are our own worst enemy. We need each other but never act like it. Not even while hunting. Nothing I hate worse than seeing someone else step over the rise and start glassing what I've been watching. Except maybe if they ride their quad or motorcycle over the rise and start glassing.

Then you have social media or sites like this. The guy with the LOUDEST opinion always thinks he's right and most entitled.

We all share a love and still can't get over the small chit let alone something as big as someone saying we can't hunt their state" or we deserve to hunt "their state".

Tough times.
this was funny. have you heard of irony?
If you're implying that I think I'm "entitled" to Idaho deer? I don't.

If you're implying that I'm talking about you feeling entitled to...anything really.... because you blow hard on hear then you're is "funny" not sure about ironic though.
"I live in Idaho, but since I work really hard I think I should be able to buy a region G tag over the counter in Wyoming"

Look up in the sky.
It's my point sailing right over your head.
don't hear what you want to hear = blowhard
Ok. Here I go... against my better judgement.

What is it you think I want to hear?

What do YOU think I want out of Idaho?

Honest question. And I will try to compare your answer honestly to what it is I want from Idaho.
"I live in Idaho, but since I work really hard I think I should be able to buy a region G tag over the counter in Wyoming"

Look up in the sky.
It's my point sailing right over your head.
Since you’ve never had one before I just might not have been ready for it. I’ll try harder
It’s a sad day when hunters attack hunters. We are being attacked all the time by people who do not understand. We as hunters can not be divided. Its what they want. ONE ignorant fool’s opinion does not represent the whole here in Idaho.
I read a report where deer and elk harvests were down . It is clear the fish and game do not have an answer. And something needs to change.
I see all these capped tags for elk, I honestly wish they would make those capped areas controlled hunts. They basically are all ready. And for deer I would be okay making the entire state four point only and getting rid of ALL antlerless hunts. We 100% need to get rid of the residents buying a second non resident tag, that is ridiculous!! I am okay with making non resident tags a draw. I feel it would clean up the current Dec1 **** show. I am grateful for nonresidents and the opurtuntiy to share hunting elk! Everyone should experience sept 15-30! At least once in there life.
I hate more than anything that hunting is becoming a rich mans game!!! Everyone should experience the outdoors the mountains, and the relationships it helps to create with families snd friends, but not at the expense of our big game. I hope we can all find common ground and come together. Fighting amongst ourselves Is not the answer. We can not become divided.

Seeing the legislation get involved with draw is a sad situation. Anytime things go out side the game commission harm is done to the system. The fact that this has been so, poorly handled for multiple years the commission has no one to blame but, themselves on this issue. I think we are good on elk not every corner of the state but as a whole. Massive fire in Lola and Clearwater is only way that will change. 4pt only and ABSOLUTELY NO DOES has been tried and proven not to make stronger herds. Don’t believe me, by all means do the research and see what it produces. It has been applied here and elsewhere. This site has to be more user friendly the constant trolling and bickering turn away hunters. We don’t benefit playing same record over and over. I drive all day Monday thru Friday so I listen to a lot of content around west and we are having issues on many fronts. On positive note Scheels grand opening is Saturday hopefully the have some reloading supplies!
Cool thanks.
10-4 on the waiting 6 months, I will be in the Boise area tomorrow through the weekend, but I definitely won't be joining the crowds.
Glad to have something new in the area never been in one but have heard good things.
Boise Cabela's - B/P is more worthless than Sportsman's warehouse, if that's even possible.
Won't break my heart if I never set foot in either one of those stores again.
Talked to a kid at the Seekins both at the western conservation expo in February. He said they set stock aside for the grand opening so the stores are full stocked when they open, he works for Scheels and they had him working with seekins. There’s a few items worth dealing with a crowd for.
Idaho F&G has screwed itself by using every gimmick to not limit nonresidents to 10 % of tags. That’s why we have elk zones with limits and unlimited draws. Gimmicks to not implement the 10% rule on draw hunts! All nonresidents tags should be drawn! With elk tag quotas for nonresidents being 10% of the number of residents the previous year in that zone. The days of letting nonresidents use their 10% of tags to hunt in the best units with no restrictions should end.

They should jack up residents tag prices also. If you don’t want to pay don’t hunt.

I hope HB 587 passes our F&G has proven they won’t do what needs to be done! They think they’ll lost money. They’ll make more just like New Mexico does in license sells to apply.
Scheels is a great store that further supports the corporate outdoor world.
Welcome to Idaho along with all the other misfits from the nation's liberal states.
Boise is pretty liberal they’ll do great! Lines were crazy but between online purchases and everyone in my party buying a brick I got 5,000 large rifle magnum primers. Set for several years!!

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