Idaho Fish and Game Commissioner Steps Down


Active Member
I just saw on the news that the Idaho fish and game commissioner steps down after posting pictures of his African Safari. I'm not sure I have a strong opinion on his photo's he did everything legally but one thing is for sure if you post photo's of a bunch of dead critters more specifically one of a whole family of baboons even the little ones "that he killed" all together like they were still a family unit it's not going to go over well! Anyone have any thoughts?
I think just because you can, doesn't always mean you should probably suits this situation. Social media sure has been the downfall to a lot of people in high places.
Didn't hear about his resignation. Kevin Miller was talking about all the anti flack on the radio this morning a local Boise station.
Myself I am tired of the pc bs. I don't think he should have resigned.


"One can take my life but not my faith or my
confidence. I fear none and respect all."
Hunters should have demanded his firing!! WE are in court trying to open Grizz hunting. WE are in the media trying to explain how its a necessary management tool. WE cannot be forced to answer for this guys dumbass pics every time WE are interviwed.

First question. "You say management is necessary, does that mean you are for killing entire Grizz families"?

He needs to go away quickly. WE all got black eyed from him

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Jesus! Idaho is getting more and more like CA all the time. Hoss, maybe you should answer for his pics by stating the facts regarding Africa. Way more animals, including many which were on verge of endangered and extinct, are saved in Africa by allowing hunting and the substantial revenue that results from it than are ever taken. Quit cowering to their extortionist tactics and start standing up against the real problem. It's guys like you who refuse defend conservation as a benefit of hunting that are as bad as the anti's themselves.
Personally, I have no desire to ever do the Africa thing but to claim that WE all got Black eyed from him doing something entirely legal and good for conservation is just plain ignorant.
His "crime" was posting a questionable photo on a known anti-hunting website, populated by PC weenies, and expecting it to be taken as funny! The thing that got him bounced was using poor judgement, and there was absolutely no doubt that he did. Paid the price, and move on. Unfortunately, he was a good commissioner and we lost out in the long run.

The killing of baboons over there is perfectly legal, there is no limit, the farmers and ranchers hate them, and encourage their killing, and they are super wary and difficult to get. They are some of the most vile and destructive critters out there. They kill indescriminently, ruin crops, destroy anything man-made, sh-t on everything, and are just plain nasty. That pic is just like any one that people post of shoots of ground squirrels, prairie dogs, rock chucks, coyotes, etc.
>His "crime" was posting a questionable
>photo on a known anti-hunting
>website, populated by PC weenies,
>and expecting it to be
>taken as funny! The thing
>that got him bounced was
>using poor judgement, and there
>was absolutely no doubt that
>he did. Paid the price,
>and move on. Unfortunately, he
>was a good commissioner and
>we lost out in the
>long run.
>The killing of baboons over there
>is perfectly legal, there is
>no limit, the farmers and
>ranchers hate them, and encourage
>their killing, and they are
>super wary and difficult to
>get. They are some of
>the most vile and destructive
>critters out there. They kill
>indescriminently, ruin crops, destroy
>anything man-made, sh-t on everything,
>and are just plain nasty.
>That pic is just like
>any one that people post
>of shoots of ground squirrels,
>prairie dogs, rock chucks, coyotes,

I agree. He had poor judgement in posting pictures. And you are right, imagine if raccoons could climb better, were bigger, were smarter, and had a lot bigger fangs. That's a baboon. They break into buildings, houses, cars, etc. The farmers/ranchers hate them.
From what I have read he was a good friend of sportsmen, public land, BHA, and wildlife. Its too bad all around.

I wish he wouldn't have posted the pic as it serves almost no useful purpose yet can result in negative perceptions. I have no issue with him shooting the baboons as they are a problem in many parts of Africa, his mistake was the picture and caption.

I also wish he wouldn't have resigned as I don't think he did anything wrong and every time the anti's force a resignation they win that battle.

"Someone must bring their war to them. They bomb a church, we bomb ten. They hijack a plane, we take out an airport. They execute American tourists, we tactically nuke an entire city. Our job is to make terrorism so horrific that it becomes unthinkable to attack Americans." - Swordfish

Sometimes I wonder if we need to take a page out of Lady Gaga's book and out-crazy the anti's to make it worse on them to make a stink out of everything...

Blake didn't post the baboon pic to social media. He sent it to 100 ?friends? with the statement he ?killed a family of baboons.? Current and former IDFG Commissioners called him out for the pic and statement as not representing the values of the Commission. One of his friends leaked the email and pics to the Idaho Statesman.

Blake was a good commissioner who made a really bad decision. Most hunters wouldn't care if he hunts Africa or kills baboons. The combination of the pic (with a baby in its mom?s lap) combined with the statement was too much. Every decision the commission would make while Blake continued to serve would have been questioned.

Idaho lost a good Commissioner over a bad decision.
I hear a lot of desk jockeys who don't even know the story or the details. Hoss...your an embarrassment, don't speak for me. Blake is a good dude, was the one commissioner who actually listened and gave a #####. He was all for the next generations and donated tons of his time and money to youth hunters. Posing with baboons in Africa is like posing with a few coyotes here. Big deal. I for one think this is a big loss for Idaho and Otter bent over to the libtards like most politicians on the conservative side these days.
Guys, correct me if I am wrong, but I believe he was significant in keeping Idaho out of the point game. This is the last state in the west where we as residents all have an equal shot at drawing tags.
He did nothing wrong and should not have resigned.
Why hide what we are. We as hunters kill. It's what we do. If you are afraid of offending others by your actions maybe you should quit the behavior in question.
Identify your values, especially your "core" values and live by them.


"One can take my life but not my faith or my
confidence. I fear none and respect all."
LAST EDITED ON Oct-16-18 AT 01:59PM (MST)[p]>Blake didn't post the baboon pic
>to social media. He
>sent it to 100 ?friends?
>with the statement he ?killed
>a family of baboons.?
>Current and former IDFG Commissioners
>called him out for the
>pic and statement as not
>representing the values of the
>Commission. One of his
>friends leaked the email and
>pics to the Idaho Statesman.
>Blake was a good commissioner who
>made a really bad decision.
> Most hunters wouldn't care
>if he hunts Africa or
>kills baboons. The combination
>of the pic (with a
>baby in its mom?s lap)
>combined with the statement was
>too much. Every decision
>the commission would make while
>Blake continued to serve would
>have been questioned.
>Idaho lost a good Commissioner over
>a bad decision.

100% agree with Bryan.

Losing Blake was a loss to our community. I have met and visited briefly with him and think highly of him, but animals we hunt should be respected as part of our ethics, and he crossed that line big time.
"Cecil" the lion was killed. There was an uproar. Hunters lost. Africans lost. African conservation LOST.

You guys all forget its not the anti we are convincing, they made there minds up. Its the indifferennlt folks. There is NO way to convince indifferent folks the positives of management if you pose a "family" of any species like he did. None. Its his job to know what's going on in wildlife. How on hands green earth does he explain that to folks who don't care about hunting for food, but oppose blood sport?

In sure he's a good dude. He lost his job NOT BECAUSE HE SHOT A BABOON, but because of the pic. And if HE sent it to folks that would be offended, what was he thinking?

We have to quit assuming the public understands wildlife management, including population control. They don't. But they get that baboons pic as being heartless and bloodthirsty. PERCEPTION IS REALITY.

So instead of US getting to educate on the management tool hunting is, we have to be defensive

He made A very poor choice. It went public. He's a public official, he lost his position. Don't turn it into some crusade.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
This post is far more in-line than your original calling the guy a "dumbass", and demanding his firing. You have your opinion, I have mine and that's fine. But everytime we fold up like a bad umbrella at the first sign of controversy were perceived as weak......and in this case,in my opinion, "Butch" Otter, is weak. He's weak for folding, he's weak for not seeking to discover all the facts, and he's weak for not giving his appointee any support. Just calling it as I see it....WEAK.
I saw the pic, saw who he was and thought "this dumbass thought this was a good idea?" And I hunt. I also kill. Jackrabbits, whistle pigs, coyote. I kill pests, and I thought that. What do you suppose the average person thought that wasn't an anti?

Personally it was not smart. But he is a PROFESSIONAL. He's held to a higher standard.

How did his baboons pic HELP sportsmen? That's what the standard should be.

A pic of a cop smoking weed in Colorado, or a teacher working as an "escort" in NEVADA. Both are legal. Both would bring repercussions.

Its not personal, its business. He lost his job, as he should have.

You can't have him fighting for Grizz or wolf hunting, that baboons pic would follow every time.

I'm sure he is a good dude. I've read about his good work. He made a bad decision, then emailed it to offended types, another bad decision.

That's life.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
It may not be right but the reality is we're in a battle every day to present hunting in a good light. As a natural process, game management, getting back to basics and providing food. What he showed was a kills fest. I have shot a field full of sage rats but I don't post a photo with a caption stating killing every mom, dad and baby I can shoot with them all lined up in a row. What he did was bad judgement but sorry it cost him his job. Sounds like Idaho lost a good one. The lesson is the internet is written in ink not pencil.
Comparing this to a cop in Colorado smoking weed is ridiculous, comon hoss. That's a federal crime, against the law. Bad decision, says who? In Africa its 100% normal and applauded. The locals encourage the legal taking of these varmits. You ever line up at a ground squirrel mound and snuff a handful? I'm sure a few of them were 2 months old. Bet you have, I have, hell you dust a few after a couple cold ones? Bet you have. Buddy snap a pick of a double you were proud of in the midst of all that? Point is, it's all in perspective, I get the initial reaction, I really do, but put yourself in this guys shoes.

Then doesn't post it to social media, he sends a few photos of it to some friends and fellow F&G employees inquiring about the trip. And boom, next thing you know your being grilled over something you were being praised for by the African locals and guides at the time....

Do we want fake, politically correct, non-hunting folks representing us at that level? Because that's what were going to get. What's next a 4 point buck and a small yearling doe you harvest with your boy and your a dumbass? You'd be damn proud of yourself and your boy for such a feat. And you should be! But why, it's a family? Is it in bad taste? Heck I'd frame it and put it on my desk. It all needs to be put in perspective....again my opinion but I'm tired of rolling over and keeping my mouth shut on issues that I'm passionate about and I wish more folks would as well.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-16-18 AT 10:05PM (MST)[p]>Comparing this to a cop in
>Colorado smoking weed is ridiculous,
> comon hoss. That's a
>federal crime, against the law.
>Bad decision, says who? In
>Africa its 100% normal and
>applauded. The locals encourage the
>legal taking of these varmits.
>You ever line up at
>a ground squirrel mound and
>snuff a handful? I'm sure
>a few of them were
>2 months old. Bet you
>have, I have, hell you
>dust a few after a
>couple cold ones? Bet you
>have. Buddy snap a pick
>of a double you were
>proud of in the midst
>of all that? Point is,
>it's all in perspective, I
>get the initial reaction, I
>really do, but put yourself
>in this guys shoes.
>Then doesn't post it to social
>media, he sends a few
>photos of it to some
>friends and fellow F&G employees
>inquiring about the trip. And
>boom, next thing you know
>your being grilled over something
>you were being praised for
>by the African locals and
>guides at the time....
>Do we want fake, politically correct,
>non-hunting folks representing us at
>that level? Because that's what
>were going to get. What's
>next a 4 point buck
>and a small yearling doe
>you harvest with your boy
>and your a dumbass? You'd
>be damn proud of yourself
>and your boy for such
>a feat. And you should
>be! But why, it's a
>family? Is it in bad
>taste? Heck I'd frame it
>and put it on my
>desk. It all needs to
>be put in perspective....again my
>opinion but I'm tired of
>rolling over and keeping my
>mouth shut on issues that
>I'm passionate about and I
>wish more folks would as

His job was a political position. The fact that he resigned so quickly and quietly shows he understood the politics. There is the world we wish for, and the world that is. We lost Grizz hunting in Wyoming, not because of biology, but because of politics. We lost in the media. That baboon pic was just bad. Saying so doesn't make me a hippy, it makes me a realist. So we can spend time trying to Bullshit folks about conservation, or African game laws, or we can just admit what it is. Bad PR, horrible optics.

If he was some dude, no one cares. His position elevates his responsibility to make good decision regarding wildlife. PERCEPTION is reality.

I agree, I get tired of having to battle the antis. So we sure as he'll don't need to create more of them.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I only heard great things about Blake. I think he and the Governor could have and should have weathered the storm, but the fact is commissioners don't stay in that ?job? forever, are safely in conservative hands, and therefore ?next one up? is much easier than to mess with the news cycle for another few weeks. It is amazing to think though that cropping the baboon photo just above the young one and we never hear anything about this.
To all the "critics" on here:

Do you send pictures of your kills/hunts to your friends? Doesn't matter if they're deer, elk, bear, or baboons. Was it done legally? If so, you're equally as morally corrupt in the eyes of the anti's. Only difference is that they know they can peel off the weak amongst us and get some of us to turn against someone who did something entirely legal and in many respects good for the community of Africa. By claiming he should have resigned makes you NO BETTER THAN THE ANTI'S and LIBERALS themselves. This is what they do. They want to control everyone else's behaviors into the mold that they think is appropriate. This is what you have done now as well. The guy did nothing illegal. But the anti's have again succeeded at getting hunters to turn on themselves rather than support the guy. They will continue to peel off weak hunters every opportunity they can to get victory after victory until we look back and wonder what happened. I see it all the time in CA. First, Mountain lions, then dogs for bears, then coyotes, non-toxic ammunition, etc. It's a war of attrition because they know the high-and-mighty morality police amongst us can't help but go after one another because someone hunts differently than we do. Now, Idaho has lost what sounds like a good Commissioner because some, including some hunters who consider themselves the morality police, have shamed him.
Until we start banding together and defending one another and hunting/conservation in general and not just the type of hunting WE do, we'll all be better off and just might be able to preserve our heritage and win some of these battles.
You've missed the forest for the trees.

Your not going to change the antis minds. This ain't about them. This is about US and the indifferent. I showed the story to my wife, who doesn't hunt. Also to my mom who doesn't. My wifes exact quote, "is he stupid, he's a public figure".

My moms was similar.

The Idaho game book discusses photos in it. He's obviously involved in wildlife, hunts Africa, wtf was he thinking? Then he sends a pic to someone who would be offended saying "I shot a whole family of baboons". Again WTF was he thinking?

Stop with the band together bull****. He expects the governor to take a political hit? Expects us to? Did he ask us what we thought? How about the governor?

He isn't Blake, some dude. He's Idaho Commisioner...... If you don't get the difference its because your wilfully blind. EVERY BUISNESS has to be concerned with PR, fish and game is no different.

We have plenty of antis. We don't need to make more. And YOU CAN NOT explain to average folks WHY he piled up a family of baboons for a grip and grin. You don't have A RIGHT to hunt. It is dependent on the public at large, like it or not. And giving them the finger doesn't endear hunting and hunters to them.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Remember the CA fish and game manager who went to Id and legally killed a lion? He lost his job in Ca because of photos.
The more hunters bow to this kind of crap the more we slide down that sippery slope.
He should not have resigned.
The people that are complaining are the ones that are ok with killing unborn HUMAN babies.
They can KMCA!!!!!!
Makes me wanna go out and kill a baby rabbit or something!!
All of your points are dead on! I left California 21 years ago in large part because of the politics of the state. We lost a lot of hunting opportunity, not because of hunter indifference but because of voter referendum. When the vote came up for mountain lion hunting, what do you think the anti's showed on tv? Harvest pictures and baby mountain lions!

Those on this and other hunting websites saying we need to band together are missing the point. We love to hunt, the ant's want to take it away. In the middle are those you correctly identified as being neither for or against hunting. When you show them bloody hunting photos, and baby animals posed for photos. Well you know what happens.

Digging in our heels and saying "ef em, it's legal!" Will leave us with reduced hunting opportunity holding our guns saying "what happened?"

Furthermore those saying we need to stand strong and stop being weak need to look out their front door and understand that the world we once knew is changing. Unless we get smart and fight the important battles, we will lose the war! Once those opportunities are lost they are gone forever.

Grow up, stop the name calling and be smart or we all lose!
>All of your points are dead
>on! I left California 21
>years ago in large part
>because of the politics of
>the state. We lost a
>lot of hunting opportunity, not
>because of hunter indifference but
>because of voter referendum. When
>the vote came up for
>mountain lion hunting, what do
>you think the anti's showed
>on tv? Harvest pictures and
>baby mountain lions!
>Those on this and other hunting
>websites saying we need to
>band together are missing the
>point. We love to hunt,
>the ant's want to take
>it away. In the middle
>are those you correctly identified
>as being neither for or
>against hunting. When you show
>them bloody hunting photos, and
>baby animals posed for photos.
> Well you know what
>Digging in our heels and saying
>"ef em, it's legal!" Will
>leave us with reduced hunting
>opportunity holding our guns saying
>"what happened?"
>Furthermore those saying we need to
>stand strong and stop being
>weak need to look out
>their front door and understand
>that the world we once
>knew is changing. Unless we
>get smart and fight the
>important battles, we will lose
>the war! Once those opportunities
>are lost they are gone
>Grow up, stop the name calling
>and be smart or we
>all lose!

You should go back to CA. You fit right in. How's all that PC stuff workin out for ya??? You guys are clueless. Y'all think that you're taking the moral high ground when the anti's are laughing out loud. Not only do they have their "people" but now they have some of ours as well because some of you are too cowardly to even put up a fight. The way to win over those who are uneducated about the benefits of killing a family of baboons like Hoss' family would be to administer a dose of intelligence. Perhaps, explaining the benefits to the wildlife and people of Africa who are subject to the destruction and poaching that results when they don't have the benefits of the financial and game control resources. Hey Hoss, whatcha gonna do when a Sow Grizz and her cubs come and take residence in your backyard endangering you and your family?? Be politically correct and shoo him off??

I don't give a crap about the guy being a political figure or not. What he did was legal and good for the resources and people of Africa. Instead of being sacrificed, he should have been used to educate the people of ID as to the benefits of his actions because some of you sure need it.
>>All of your points are dead
>>on! I left California 21
>>years ago in large part
>>because of the politics of
>>the state. We lost a
>>lot of hunting opportunity, not
>>because of hunter indifference but
>>because of voter referendum. When
>>the vote came up for
>>mountain lion hunting, what do
>>you think the anti's showed
>>on tv? Harvest pictures and
>>baby mountain lions!
>>Those on this and other hunting
>>websites saying we need to
>>band together are missing the
>>point. We love to hunt,
>>the ant's want to take
>>it away. In the middle
>>are those you correctly identified
>>as being neither for or
>>against hunting. When you show
>>them bloody hunting photos, and
>>baby animals posed for photos.
>> Well you know what
>>Digging in our heels and saying
>>"ef em, it's legal!" Will
>>leave us with reduced hunting
>>opportunity holding our guns saying
>>"what happened?"
>>Furthermore those saying we need to
>>stand strong and stop being
>>weak need to look out
>>their front door and understand
>>that the world we once
>>knew is changing. Unless we
>>get smart and fight the
>>important battles, we will lose
>>the war! Once those opportunities
>>are lost they are gone
>>Grow up, stop the name calling
>>and be smart or we
>>all lose!
>You should go back to CA.
> You fit right in.
>How's all that PC stuff
>workin out for ya???
>You guys are clueless.
>Y'all think that you're taking
>the moral high ground when
>the anti's are laughing out
>loud. Not only do
>they have their "people" but
>now they have some of
>ours as well because some
>of you are too cowardly
>to even put up a
>fight. The way to
>win over those who are
>uneducated about the benefits of
>killing a family of baboons
>like Hoss' family would be
>to administer a dose of
>intelligence. Perhaps, explaining the
>benefits to the wildlife and
>people of Africa who are
>subject to the destruction and
>poaching that results when they
>don't have the benefits of
>the financial and game control
>resources. Hey Hoss, whatcha
>gonna do when a Sow
>Grizz and her cubs come
>and take residence in your
>backyard endangering you and your
>family?? Be politically correct
>and shoo him off??
>I don't give a crap about
>the guy being a political
>figure or not. What
>he did was legal and
>good for the resources and
>people of Africa. Instead
>of being sacrificed, he should
>have been used to educate
>the people of ID as
>to the benefits of his
>actions because some of you
>sure need it.

Your cart is in need of a horse.

You want folks who don't know to listen about African conservation you EDUCATE THEM. You don't stick a pic of a pile of dead baboons piled together complete with "I killed a family of baboons" tag.

You keep yapping about the antis. As if you are gonna change them. Have the antis changed you? So you stand on your side yelling "F them", and they will stand on theirs doing the same.

Meanwhile 70% of the public sits in the middle wondering why guys like yourself are giving them the finger.

Wtf are YOU gonna do when the Grizz is in your back yard? Oh I know, your gonna "shoot that sum #####". Then YOU can go to federal prison, but YOU'RE THE MAN!!!.

But carry on. Your way of "F em" has been HIGHLY EFFECTIVE, you should keep it up, everyone is impressed.

Last I checked the photographer that drew the Grizz rag was from Jackson, not Cali. Maybe YOU need to get your area under control?

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
All I can say is that we lost the opportunity to hunt grizzly bears in BC Canada because the hunting crowd said "eff everybody else, we are going to do what we want."

We are losing opportunity to hunt black bears in New Jersey because the hunting crowd says "eff everybody else, we are going to do what we want."

NOBODY here is upset that the guy killed baboons. NOBODY here even cares what the antis think. The antis are too far gone and will never come back. We are upset that by taking and sharing that picture, a hunter (who is supposed to be on our "team") created more anti-hunters. That is the last thing we need right now. We need these people who haven't made up there minds about hunting yet to side with us!

Our world and country is changing. I don't like it anymore than most of you. PC is stupid and shouldn't be a thing, but in today's world it is and nobody is going to change that. You can either say "eff em" and watch your hunting heritage go down the drain like we are already seeing, or you can learn to be just a bit more selective in what you share with other people and ensure that your kids and grandkids get to enjoy the hunting heritage we all love. Maybe instead of saying "eff em", you could actually go try to win an undecided vote for hunters, instead of creating more votes for the antis.
I am an avid hunter, my wife & daughter are not. They respect the fact that I hunt & put food on the table when lucky enough. They are in the middle when it comes to hunting. They would not hunt, but enjoy the meat supplied. I showed them the pictures & they were mortified!! Yes the hunt was legal, BUT the pictures were in POOR taste to say the least!! Like has been said above we don't need more antis!!! The pictures caused more ANTIS plain & simple. Some of you can pound your chest & say ef em, but the reality is he should have never posted the pictures, he would not have had to resign & we wouldn't be having this discussion!!!
Posting pics was very, very, very, poor judgement. Good chance this is not an isolated event. Is this the guy you want running the show? Three esses???
LAST EDITED ON Oct-18-18 AT 10:56AM (MST)[p]

While a few are confused as to their political power, social power, economic power, I'm glad our community is starting to get it.

It ain't 1950 anymore. We can do what we do and get along, or we can become an afterthought.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
You guys just don't get it. The country is changing because the anti's and Dumbocrats realize they CAN change it by playing ideological double-standard politics. What do you think would have happened if the guy used the opportunity to explain how destructive baboons are to the people and communities of Africa and told all the crybabies to pound sand? He's not in an elected position. The governor would have had a bunch of paid protestors in his office and could have told them to pound sand too. He's not even seeking re-election. The whole thing would have blown over with many people in the middle learning more about conservation in Africa and the guy could have kept his position. Look what happened in the Kavanaugh hearings. You had all the Hypocrats making unfounded and false claims against the guy, hoping he and the republicans would back down and withdraw his nomination because it suited their agenda. So, everybody is supposed to care more about a family of destructive animals in a 3rd world country but not care about the life and family of a respected jurist in this country??? Trump and Republicans took a stand and said we will not be bullied into backing down and we won, for once. I know you'll probably claim that the two examples are different but they're not. It's all the same.

Trust me when I tell you that playing PC does not work. I see the results every day in CA. All it does it give the left and anti's more encouragement for their extortionist tactics. They'll continue to use social media to try and drum up more support for their cause but, more importantly, these battles are being decided in the courts by just as radical left-wing judges. If you really want to win these battles, stop drinking the estrogen-laced Kool-aid and start defending conservation rather than being an Obama-like apologist and giving them more ammunition to use by claiming that even a few of us believe that many of us are BAD.
Mallard, while I would love to think we hunters, if we could finally get together, could have a notable political impact, the stats mentioned in the article by Rinella are a bit telling. "Politicians get nervous about these alliances, too. They?re comfortable pissing off 49 percent of their constituency, but they can't afford to piss off 51 percent. And they especially can't afford to ignore the money. Hunters and anglers spend over $63 billion annually in pursuit of their passions. Wildlife watchers contribute some $30 billion. Skiers, snowboarders, and other snow-sports enthusiasts throw down $73 billion. Trail-sports folks shell out more than $200 billion. The total spending of outdoor enthusiasts is approaching a formidable $900 billion. Collectively, our economic footprint should be able to kick down the doors of the partisan safe havens where politicians go to do bad things."

We only represent 7% of the outdoor enthusiast, in terms of economic impact. That doesn't buy you much political clout.
The country is changing for sure & hunters are a minority! Most of the younger generation is not getting into hunting. They would rather play video games, cell phones etc. Young people can easily be manipulated, so when a BAD picture is posted their perception can change. The bottom line is that picture was a BAD DECISION period!! He was an employee of fish & game, he knows how some people think of hunting! Should he have resigned? That was a decision he made. All he did by posting that picture is create more antis & put another black mark against hunters. Yes hunters should stand together & fight for our sport, but when somebody does something stupid as this it does not help us in the slightest. Yes it was legal, yes its just like killing coyotes & other vermin.
What your not getting is other people that don't hunt do not see it that way! Blake could have taken the picture in a different way with a caption about how destructive Baboons are, and a little education. To post he killed a family of baboons was plain stupid & if you don't get that you never will. Hunters need to be more discrete, people that do not hunt just think we are killers plain & simple. Some people hold middle ground about hunting, and when pictures such as this are posted with STUPID captions they get turned off to hunting real fast!

In a bearded, diesel driving, boot wearing, contractor. I'm about the furthest thing from a lib you'll meet.

This ain't the Cavanaugh hearings. I ain't ANTIFA. Take a breath.

He failed at being a POSITIVE ambassador to hunting, which is part of his job. He no longer has that job. Case closed.

I'm a Utahn. Before you drop all the DEM bad, Repub good BS, perhaps look at who is fixing to sell YOUR public land to the oil companies and their donors.

Be happy to have you join us at the HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND PARTY. But that will mean voting against the good repubs once in awhile

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-21-18 AT 06:02AM (MST)[p]When the story splashed on national Nightly News, it smeared all hunters. When its a story in KSL in SLC, it got out of your borders.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Sorry, it's a volunteer position and unpaid. You have to care a lot for the resource to give up that much time and money to travel, meet all the time, and put up with peoples BS.
>Sorry, it's a volunteer position and
>unpaid. You have to care
>a lot for the resource
>to give up that much
>time and money to travel,
>meet all the time, and
>put up with peoples BS.
My Bad !
Well I'm glad I posted this even though I know someone would have done it anyway, result it's been a lot of good debate. I believe in educating the public on nuisance animals like anyone but the truth is a lot don't care enough to be educated and others just believe that the only real nuisance animal are us humans.

So how us hunters present ourselves does make a difference and matters. Like my granddaddy used to say "you only get one chance to make a first impression".

The McCleans down here were getting to enjoy a bunch of negative PR. While their charges were BS, the media coverage was good. Good for the antis to get some negative attention.

Then this incident flipped that light back on us. I'm sure the guy is a good dude, he shouldn't be persecuted. He made a really stupid decision, and I feel should have lost his position for it.

The attitude we need to change isn't the anti crowd, they won't change. We need to change ours. We aren't a majority, we don't carry near the political clout we once did. Folks are a lot more seperate from the land, animals, and life and death. It doesn't make them our enemy, it simply means we start conversations from a much different place than years ago.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Sending to a couple of real friends would not have been too bad, if that had been all that happened. Probably wouldn't have created any stir at all. Sending to 100 friends (?) sounds really dumb, in this case. Does anyone really have 100 friends, or just people you think you know. Someone sharing to the public forums to get a rise from anti's was hateful on their part, and is a vendetta against him!!!

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