I like his style

I'll be convinced if in a year or two he's still eating what he kills and not simply this year's fad.

LAST EDITED ON May-27-11 AT 11:13AM (MST)[p]>I'll be convinced if in a
>year or two he's still
>eating what he kills and
>not simply this year's fad.

haha, a year is a long time, my friend. Not sure I could kill ALL the meat I eat for a week......I don't think the point is to make it a lifestyle, he just wants to appreciate the things he has and the fact that it WAS a living creature...

LAST EDITED ON May-27-11 AT 11:52AM (MST)[p]
Whether he kills every day or not is not my point. My point is, will he continue to eat what he kills a year or two from now.


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