>"WY residents are tired of putting
>in for the same tags
>year after year and getting
>the same results. Mostly, number
>of tags for the area
>dropping and amount of NR
>tags going up..."
>You might think about the
>process just a bit; resident
>leftovers are added to the
>NR side.
Yep, as the only time resident tags go down is if a game population goes down due to a bad winter like 2016-2017, disease etc. and then the NR tags go down too. The OP could have hunted the unit that he's bitching about simply by putting it down as his third choice in the draw. Then there would have been one less tag moved to the NR side that he's complaining about because he didn't get a chance at the tag when he actually had it before the NRs did..
>in for the same tags
>year after year and getting
>the same results. Mostly, number
>of tags for the area
>dropping and amount of NR
>tags going up..."
>You might think about the
>process just a bit; resident
>leftovers are added to the
>NR side.
Yep, as the only time resident tags go down is if a game population goes down due to a bad winter like 2016-2017, disease etc. and then the NR tags go down too. The OP could have hunted the unit that he's bitching about simply by putting it down as his third choice in the draw. Then there would have been one less tag moved to the NR side that he's complaining about because he didn't get a chance at the tag when he actually had it before the NRs did..