Hunting Fool Magazine

Good one isayNUNYA..
I do believe you said what i was thinking..
I might add that those are ok bulls,, but i doubt i would ever admit to wasting a LE tag on em...
At the rate you are gaining weight twodogs you're going to have to resort to hunting off of a quad and the use of a long range weapon soon. Just on observation.
So to be clear, the tried and true virgin olive 'purest' hunter, does not believe in advantage unless it is in the form of a 338RUM. Boy that is rich. I bet there are some archers who would argue twodogs is a hypocrite.
LAST EDITED ON May-02-10 AT 08:29PM (MST)[p]haha, I figured out who 2pups is...he went by whiskyman on the 24, he was ran out of there too.

I told you twodogs, you would get ur butt ran out of here posting the dinks you did on 24...that seemed to impress a few. You aint impressing anyone here.

You also forgot to add the tibbit about the bookcliffs LO tags you buy, and still kill dinks...being the purist you are, I figured you would throw that piece of info out there, lol.
Christopher, you didn't go and get yourself banned already did you? That might be a record even for you... Dang it, we didn't get to hear about your optics skills or elk calling techniques yet... I'm sure some of the guys might be interested... just saying.

WOW is his 15 minutes of Fame up already. LMAO

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Carterj16, congrats on your animal and your article coming up. I will look for it.

BTW it is still allowed that hunting can mean different things to different people. The same with trophy hunting. Every time someone gets self righteous about how they do it, and how it is better than how someone else does it just turn them off.


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
Congrats Carterj. Can't wait to see the pics.

So thanks to those for identifying twodigs. What a troll. Nothing worse than a phony s.o.b. If he thinks he's going to change peoples views on how they should hunt then he hasn't been in the field very much. It's a big ol world out there and lots of hunters. If laws aren't broken then enjoy yourselves out there.

I can't believe I read this entire thread.
I thought everybody that drew elk in limited entry units in Utah got nice bulls??? Bummer.
Two I've read on here many times...Life is so much easier when you quit worrying about trying to make other peoples values match your own.
"The notorius OSOK". man, I hadn't thought of him in quite a while. I really liked the guy, especially when he posted on RT.
Dang, You dudes are jes brutal.......dunno how much longer I can take your abuse.

Zigga.....suck it up man.....yer just not as good as I, period.

Kent, my average tenure on a forum is about 34 know this, man. are straying from my support, pal.....I'm disappointed.....

The Strip 13A, 1994.

Dang Twodogs for a while I thought you were playing us-now I realize you're just messed up.
two dogs, nice 202 buck, come back to earth man your washed up, let carter have his day, just be glad you can look out into the field and smell the daisys and not be the one pushing them up.
For everyone except twodogs: I am through arguing with him. That is what he wants and lives for. So up to now, we have been feeding HIS wants. So from now on, I will not respond to his posts and only give him what he deserves: my pity. Most of us haven't used his tactics since junior high. You remember him don't you? That guy in 8th grade that was "better" than everyone else? Fortunately, the vast majority of us have learned the the world is not just black and white. Unfortunately, he is beyond sending to the principal.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Can we get an IGNORE button that when selected...keeps all posts and replies from a person from appearing when we sign in and view the forum? Is not same as a ban from the forum but rather keeps me from having to wade through posts if I feel a person's future posts are not worth my trouble.
Congrats Carterj16 and WOW!

I'll bet you never expected a thread like this one when you originally posted

"I have a deer story being published in this next issue of hunting fool and getting pretty excited about it coming out."

Congrats. I don't subscribe to the fool but hope to come across your story sometime. Maybe you could post your story after it's published.

I'm surprised at all the back and forth that came from your simple statement. I thought that hunting forums like this one exist in large part to provide another vehicle to share hunt stories, advice, and share in each others successes. That said there is not a whole lot of difference in you posting a hunt pic up on the forum versus getting your story published. I think it's awesome that you will be published. I love reading stories from other successful hunters. Getting published is an extention of the thrill of the hunt. It perpetuates the great feelings you had each time you read your story or are reminded of it by someone who reads it.

We have taxidermy mounts done to remind us of the experience as well as show off the the awesomeness of the animal. Being published is just another way to be reminded and appreciate an awesome animal.

Enjoy your trophy, your mount, and your published story.
Well said. Congrats Carter, sounds like a hell of a buck! Love to see a pic sometime. Hopefully you're laughing as hard as I am at this thread.
A tag of a lifetime and he shoots a chili buck in the Strip. He is quite the trophy hunter. My 12 year old wouldn't shoot a dink like that. What were you thinking twodink dogs?
this message has me laughing, I was thinking I would get 10-12 post and it would be over in a couple days. 2 little doggy nuts sure opened a big can of worms. Hey doggy, i would tell you what hunts im putting in for next yr. but i dont want to hear any more from you.
I've got ol 2 bags figured out. He got into hunting late in life. Thought he was an expert after his first kill and has hunting "ALL" figured out. Now he's 50ish, shot a few animals and trashes anyone that doesn't hunt the way he killed something. I've taken guys like this hunting and chose not to do it anymore. It's exhausting.

Nailed it didn't I 2 bags???
Chris, you're not even close to mean... just a parrot... you've been yacking about those same rut rifle bulls and rifle strip buck, for how many bannings now?

You're a parody and joke is all... taking meds for Bi-polar or whatever you admitted you had... that's not mean, just chemically imbalanced.

Pretty soon all your secret admirers will be PMing you with ammunition against us... of course they don't want to be publically humiliated so stay in the shadows... right?

Want me to go through all your other MO's to save you the trouble of posting them in the future, they never change... Doood, dejavu...

LAST EDITED ON May-05-10 AT 11:01AM (MST)[p]>"The notorius OSOK". man, I
>hadn't thought of him in
>quite a while. I
>really liked the guy, especially
>when he posted on RT.

I am assuming this is someone other than myself.

Man, I guess I should have done some research before choosing a name huh?
I just got on and couldn't help but read some of the posts. It looks like the thing that triped his trigger was the name Carter. I never did see the answer if you were related to Garth and Jason.
my oldest boys name is carter, and i named him that before i knew about hunting fool, and no my other sons name is not eastman.
I don't think we have met Yet. But that is a good deer,But I'm sure I hunt a little bit different then you do, I like Southern style hunting with dogs,I like Horseback hunting, Climbing,walking,running(not so much any more) backwood hunting.If there's is a season I'm there.

"If it brown it's down, if it flys it dies,lead in the air is a good thing".That the way I hunt.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Good story Carterj & congrats on a fine buck.

TwoDogs, What a joke you are! Who are you to judge other hunters & their ethics? Guys like you just like to stir up crap no different than the anti-hunters. Seems to me you thrive on BS just to get attention! You're a legend in your own mind!

7 Mag
I hate bashing people like this on a public forum but "2 Extra Chromozones" is really killing me. I think everyone that has read this post thinks your a joke. Do us and your sad self a favor and go away.

Carter congrats on a great buck. Sorry your post was ruined by a hater.

Mac Davis.....singer, songwriter......didn't he have a song in the late 70's, early 80's???

Oh lord, it's hard to be humble.....when you're perfect in every way?
This just in from CNN. Twodogs wife has filed for divorce (mental abuse) and his kids have left him out to dry near a water tank in the middle of the Sahara Desert, And, his only friend Rainbow has left him for twocats. My bad, it actually was in the National Enquirer.

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