Hunting Fool Magazine


Active Member
I have a deer story being published in this next issue of hunting fool and getting pretty excited about it coming out.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-28-10 AT 08:55PM (MST)[p]I have a few questions before I acknowledge, Mr. Carter.

1) Did you use trail cams?
2) Did you use chute planes?
3) Did you use a guide?
4) Do you judge the quality of a hunt by the photographs that magazine editors make their living from?
5) Did you gang hunt?

Just asking......
>AT 08:55?PM (MST)

>I have a few questions before
>I acknowledge, Mr. Carter.
>1) Did you use trail
>2) Did you use chute
>3) Did you use a
>4) Do you judge the
>quality of a hunt by
>the photographs that magazine editors
>make their living from?
>5) Did you gang hunt?
>Just asking......

LOL...Can he use a gun, binoculars and a four wheeler or does it have to be killed with his bare hands to count.

"You'll never get a big one if you shoot a little one"
LAST EDITED ON Apr-28-10 AT 09:08PM (MST)[p]no cams, no planes, no guides, a cheap digital camera, and 2 friends that helped when they could, lots of scouting (7 3-day weekends in a row)and a buck shot the 1st hour of the hunting season.
and a wife that was very glad when it was over
>AT 09:08?PM (MST)

>no cams, no planes, no guides,
>a cheap digital camera, and
>2 friends that helped when
>they could, lots of scouting
>(7 3-day weekends in a
>row)and a buck shot the
>1st hour of the hunting
>and a wife that was very
>glad when it was over

A few more, then.

1) Did you get published just cuz you promote and represent the things I mentioned?

2) Do you enjoy making others rich from your accomplishments....while you get only an ego trip and maybe a backpack or something miniscule?

3) Do you think every hunter is a buffoon and a fool?

4) Do you cater to dude hunters who don't have a clue and then act like they are real trophy hunters?

5) Do you believe that "the end justified the means" in trophy hunting?

Just continue to ask.......
2 dogs, wow dog did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed? What direction were you heading with those loaded questions? Just asking...
Congrats to the hunter.
>2 dogs, wow dog did you
>wake up on the wrong
>side of the bed? What
>direction were you heading with
>those loaded questions? Just asking...
>Congrats to the hunter.

No particular direction........just askin'......FOOL.

I wouldn't give a guy with 14 posts to his name the time of day. I'm sure he is a jealous person who has bad "karma" himself.

Congrats. and I am looking foward to your story. Hunting can be about more than yourself if you chose to share it with others.

Sounds like dog has a prob with Carter. He isn't the only one, but he sounds like an ass jumping on a guy he doesn't know. And yes dog it is obvious what "direction" you are going.

Go bash Carter...Not a brother hunter who is feeling good about a buck of a lifetime.

Not all. I'm simply asking questions just for my clarification and understanding.

Geeeez are some of you shallow and unperceptive. Just for you know-it-alls.........I've been a subscriber and a member of Carter's since 1997. No.....I'm not kidding.
Congratulations, I'll look for the story.
I enjoy Huntin Fool, I like stories by hardcore solo back country hunters, and stories about fat old men who get lucky roadhunting.
It's all good.
>Congratulations, I'll look for the story.
>I enjoy Huntin Fool, I like
>stories by hardcore solo back
>country hunters, and stories
>about fat old men who
>get lucky roadhunting.
>It's all good.

LOL, Anaconda.

Those very few solo backcountry hunters (oh wait....I mean photographers) certainly know how to pack and lug their most important piece of hunting equipment........their laptop and their 14x mega pix camera......
>wow. another simple post turned ugly
>amongst hunters. guys like two
>dogs should be banned from
>all hunting sites.

So what you're saying is that hunting is alllll about catering to egos.........and that anyone who disagrees with someone who is in it solely to cater to their ego......should be banned. Is this correct? PLEASE RESPOND.

You've been a member of Huntin Fool magazine since 97 but have only 15 posts here? Since you've been a member for so long on HF you must like it and should appreciate there stories. Your questions are poor, very poor. Not one positive or supportive one in there. Hopefully you'll have better luck so you can post a story of your own someday

> Twodogs,
> You've been a member of
>Huntin Fool magazine since 97
>but have only 15 posts
>here? Since you've been a
>member for so long on
>HF you must like it
>and should appreciate there stories.
> Your questions are poor,
>very poor. Not one positive
>or supportive one in there.
>Hopefully you'll have better luck
>so you can post a
>story of your own someday
> Cabuck

Hey CA,

Have another one, partner.

The number of posts a person has has nothing to do with that persons credibility. That belief is soooo shallow and tired. You sound like BCBOY, BUCKSPY, and the notorious OSOK, all of whom drove this forum into the ground. my own bigguns and published stories and friend.
>wow. another simple post turned ugly
>amongst hunters. guys like two
>dogs should be banned from
>all hunting sites.

It is not just a "simple post", if viewed as a solicitation to get votes for best story and thereby receive prize from the magazine and personal gain.

I have talked to you before from carters member success pages.
Are the questions you ask how you have been treated by other hunters? Do you have knowledge that carterj16 has done any of the things that you have asked him to respond to?
Maybe your true calling is to sign-up as a moderator on this forum.


I must have missed the part where he asked us to vote for his story. Thought he was just alerting other MM members about a positive experience he had out hunting with friends. I suppose all hunting magazines would be pretty thin if they relied on you two for info

i shot a nice buck that i worked hard for and am proud of. i enjoy the huntin fool mag. and reading other hunters' stories. i simply hope that other hunters enjoy this story and that it gets them excited for the upcoming season
2 dogs, please get 2 nuts of normal size and not respond anymore to my post.
>i shot a nice buck that
>i worked hard for and
>am proud of. i enjoy
>the huntin fool mag. and
>reading other hunters' stories. i
>simply hope that other hunters
>enjoy this story and that
>it gets them excited for
>the upcoming season
>2 dogs, please get 2 nuts
>of normal size and not
>respond anymore to my post.

Alright Carter. But....ya came on here and bragged and promoted yourself like you accomplished something superhuman. I just asked some very basic questions, that's all. Mine are BIIIIG......including my animals.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-28-10 AT 11:23PM (MST)[p]

geez 2dogs.
got sometinhg against him? lol

why you giving the guy so much crap?

do yo know him?

did you see him hunting dirty?

are you jealous?

who are you what is your credibility?

do you hunt with your bare hands?

do you use trail cams,chute planes, etc?

just asking!
>AT 11:23?PM (MST)

>geez 2dogs.
> got sometinhg against him? lol
>why you giving the guy so
>much crap?
>do yo know him?
>did you see him hunting dirty?
>are you jealous?
>who are you what is your
>do you hunt with your bare
>do you use trail cams,chute planes,
> just asking!

Have another one, Ox.

Nope and yes....just askin' Oxman, Oxdude, Oxster, Ox-a-rama.
im not even sure what your gettin at man haha your nuts. almost wondering if stinky got another account on here lmao.
Maybe 2pups needs to wash the sock before he fills it again?

Crusty stokes make him cranky.

First it is BUCKSPY now it is Jake you are disrespectful to all in 14 posts.......

'Cut-n-Quote' if ya must..

hate Garth ...really hate him!
he f'up draw odds in more than a few spots because lazy road hunters can't do any thing themselves!
ya you did come across as gloating!

Looking forward to your article Carter. Sounds like a great hunt. Sorry your post went south on you.
Two dogs fornicating- You remind me of Hunt-lez/Weminuche/Troll. Go away.
Same here, looking forward to reading your story. What state?

Measure wealth by the things you have,, for which you would not take money.
Congrats! I am very happy when people post their stories in magazines. We wouldn't get to hear many if they didn't.
If he would've posted his story and pictures on here he would get nothing but congratulations and thanks for the post but if he submits it to a magazine he gets raked over the coals.

I personally subscribe to several hunting magazines including Huntin Fool for the stories and pictures. I love reading of others' successes and occasionally learn something new. Why do hunters have to kill their own sport with negative talk, we have enough anti's doing that for us. How about a pat on the back and a sincere congrats.

I find all of this talk about banning someone from the board troubling. I contribute on a couple of wine message boards and this has happened there too.

I think a message board is kind of like sitting around the campfire. If someone says something stupid, then he's stupid. Let him be stupid. If he's REALLY stupid, go build another fire and ignore him.

That's all I got.

If you (or anyone else on this site) takes issue with, or has questions regarding someone's post, why not use that interesting little thing called a "Private Message" to ask said questions. At least that way you'll avoid coming across as the biggest jackass on this site. Honestly, what's the point in attempting to belittle or embarass someone? No, you weren't "just asking".

By the your comments you accuse carterj16 of an attempt to pad his own ego. I'd go so far as to say you are guilty of this, evidenced by your attempt to hijack his post.

Now, maybe I'm being a hypocrite by publicly making harsh comments toward you. On the other hand, I could make the assumption that (in this case) it's fair to treat you as you have treated others.

carterj...I hope your published story is a good one!

Raghorn Hunting Services
[email protected]
TwoDogs is a troll, just here to stir up trouble, nothing more. Probalby an anti-hunter who is getting off on stirring things up. I'd suggest that everyone simply ignore this person.

Carterj, I'm looking forward to reading your story. I think they may also have a story in there about the pronghorn buck my son shot last year, so I surely fall into the camp that likes reading about people's hunts, and seeing other people's successes.

I have no respect for those who come on only to rip other people publicly. Those people really should find something better to do with their time. TwoDogs.......19 posts, all of them basically negative. I wish this forum had an 'ignore' function like they do on Accurate Reloading. That's a useful tool - to use on useless tools!
Got the HF yesterday and will read this weekend.

As for banning, I prefer an "ignore" button so in one "click" I can forever hide all posts from anyone that bores me or just wastes my time.

Can we get an "ignore" button, please?
>I enjoy Huntin Fool, I like
>stories by hardcore solo back
>country hunters, and stories
>about fat old men who
>get lucky roadhunting.
>It's all good.

You mean like Garth himself? Driving around on a private ranch...
Carterj, I've been a fool subscriber for a few years & i enjoy reading the stories & i'm looking forward to reading yours. Be proud of your trophy & you don't have to explain or defend anything! Congrats!!

7 Mag
Just got home from a long day at work and helping my brother move, was excited to see the magazine waiting for me at home. Thanks for all the support and the story reminded me of how fun this hunt was. Hope you guys enjoy this hunting story and I look forward to hearing more stories in a few short months.
Jake, the story was excellent and the buck is a true trophy. But, I've go to say the quality of your photos are outstanding! Congrats.

One other thing, I was on pins and needles as you described the harrowing experience when you were shooting out of the chute plane and nearly clipped that virgin cedar tree. I didn't realize that a guy could shoot so accurately cruising at 28 mph. That was a close one. hehe

Boy; you really seem to need some attention.

Well maybe me and some of the others can help you out.

Show us and tell us whats wrong, poor boy ( sticking my lip out here )

Do you need us to install a window in your grandmothers basement, where you have your man cave, and live thru your computer?

Please don't attack me cause I've never done anything noteworthy in my life just like you. Maybe we could buddy up and pool our allowance and buy something good.

Steve Cheuvront

Did you recently get neutered? As a vet, I just neutered two dogs the other day that match your description: snarling and biting.

What makes a guy post on a forum that has been "run in the ground"?

Are you angry all the time, or only when you are on here?

It is pretty obvious that you are not a newbie, but choose to post under a new name so you can stir the pot with anonimoty. Yes?

LOL. All in good fun, right?

Just asking.

Congrats on the buck and story. Sorry about the sidetrack.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
LAST EDITED ON Apr-29-10 AT 09:37PM (MST)[p]Steve Cheuvront,

Please respond here, okay?

Why in the world would you make a post like that when you don't know my accomplishments in this life? Why do you assume that I have none based on my few posts on this dead forum? Why do you do these things......while coming on here and asking for Arizona hunters to pledge $$$ to same Arizona cause? Your post is counterproductive. Do you know who and what I am? Do you know the damage that you do to your credibility as some kind of champion of Arizona causes? You and your ADA good-ol-boy buddies haven't been very successful lately, have you? Goooooo figure.....

To a few others (but not everyone),

My questions to the OP are right on point, and you all know it. They aren't directed at him.....but to everyone in trophy hunting who is in it for the wrong reasons. The truth hurts, don't it? Your responses here identify those of you who I just described. Your fragile egos and emotions have gotten the best of you, and you're fools to show it here. Maybe there's more to the title of "The Huntin' Fool" then you realize......

If I'm not allowed to disagree on this forum........then you all are not allowed to disagree with Obama, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, etc......period. This is still America, no thanks to you wonderful, upstanding 'ban the perceptive, outspoken one' citizens. You ought to be ashamed just to suggest such a thing. I'm proud to have the sack to call a spade a spade. I also call sheep........sheep.

Have a good night, sheepsters.
2 dogs it was just a bit harsh to rag on the guy with no explanation. your sure freee to feel how you do but maybe either fill us in why or PM the guy
"A peculiar virtue in wildlife ethics is that the hunter ordinarily has no gallery to applaud or disapprove of his conduct. Whatever his acts, they are dictated by his own conscience, rather than by a mob of onlookers. It is difficult to exaggerate the importance of this fact."

Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac

live free or die - Nevada Badger


You sound much different then the guy that helped me with my hunts that I drew several years ago. Would you enlighten us to your proper hunting methods. Everyone is not like you proclaim. You seem to judge everyone based on an obvious bad experience you've had. This forum was and is about hunters helping hunters. Maybe someone of your status and knowledge of hunting dosen't need help, but to demean people for doing something that you have done,i.e. send in photos to magazines just isn't right. When I talked to you about the Crawford Mtn. hunt in Utah maybe I should have asked you the same questions? Maybe you hunted private land on your Colorado unit 21 deer tag? Maybe you used a scope on your Nevada 071 muzzleloader hunt? It must be nice to know that you are the only saint when it comes to hunting ethics. Saint Chris, I don't care what kind of animals you have taken, people like you give the rest of us a bad reputation.

Cabuck, Don Perrien
I'm happy for you. And IMO your original post was not braggin or egotistical at all, just someone excited to see their story in print. I just wish my computer wasn't screwed up and I coulda read where you "asked for votes."
Being the HF's issue is out now, HOW ABOUT SOME PIC'S for the rest of us poor souls who can only afford this months cost of MonsterMuley's!!

What'da ya say, Let's see that Bad Boy!! :)

I don't think getting in a magazine is bragging or pompus. When I was 22 or so my Dad and I shot decent bucks in WY within seconds of eachother and within 500 yards of eachother. So we took a pretty nice picture together with them. It turned out so well I thought it would be cool to send it in to the Ca Hunting News or something like that. It was just a cheaper shiny pages or anything. It got published with a little story I had written about the hunt, I couldn't believe it. I was stoked!! You know the best part about it? I get to show my 4 kids that Daddy and Grammpa are in this magazine celebrating our hunt together and nobody can ever change that. I keep that one copy of the magazine I have locked up with all my other hunting pictures. For me, it is something that will be passed down. Get in as many magazines as you can....just for the right reasons. Congrats on harvesting a good enough buck to be considered for a magazine.

Certainly, you are allowed to disagree on this forum. But your tactics are junior highish (as was my first response), not adult. They convert no one to your side of the fence. So if your rant makes YOU somehow feel better, then go for it and we will just ignore you. If you really want to have people listen to your view, there are other ways that work.

I probably agree with some of what you believe, but you just make me automatically disagree because of your style and self rightousness. If that is what you are after, then you did it well.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
2DOGS post up those Hogs that YOU claim to have and lets see if you're a BS'er Troll or for real. Carter16 posted his up in a HF Magazine. WHERE IS YOUR stories posted.
Nice Buck Carter.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

Get a life

I have a few questions for you

1. Do you want to see Hunting go down the drain because you think everyone should hunt like you????

2. Do you think that someone making money off hunting is a looser?

3. Do you think that if someone is proud of what they have worked hard to do should not be able to say anything???

4. Do you feel Big when you get on the internet with your fake name and talk trash about others...

5. Have you ever worked hard for something and felt good about it when it came out like you planed and wanted to tell everyone...

6. DO you make a living doing something that you do better then most people....

7. If you could do something you love and that helps others and makes you all the money you would want would you do it ????

Clynt L Citte
Willard Utah

I must be nicer or I will get nuked again.

The reputation I have established over my life time is mine and I'm not worried a bit on what you think will ruin it.

The " GOOD OLD BOYS " as you call us have and are fighting for wildlife the best way we can. With our dollars, sweat and labor,
just like the sportsman in every other state. No better or no worse, just doing the best we can.

For your personal information, and you know this already, I did not come on the forum and ask for anything. One of my friends, in an effort to help me, started a post in an effort to gather funds for a survey in 13B. By the way we have 1/2 the funds we need and are proceeding with 1/2 the equiptment to get the ball rolling. So throw all the arrows you feel like and say what you want about me, only someone I respect could ever say anything to even give me pause.

Steve Cheuvront
You should not pick on 2dogs. He came from a bad life and no matter how hard he tries, he just doesn't get it. Being a smaller "dog" has bent his ego to the point of trying to impress much bigger "dogs." Please keep this clip in mind when dealing with small dogs with big egos like 2dogs.

Chris is a troll looking for trouble on purpose. He's been Whiskeyman on 24hour and banned the most recent, probably banned here in the past as he went by Muleyman and CHD on local sites, banned on all, he has referenced MM on other sites before his banning.

This is his MO, he likes the hostility, needs to get back on his meds.

Gotta go fishing Chris, we can get into it later and pickup where we left it before your last banning.

He also likes to claim great hunter status and use other people's pictures for posts, then claim he was just posting nice animals and not meaning they were his... blah...blah.

UThunting, answering the last couple questions in your group would be like answering a political survey, in other words, parts are missing. When you make money exploiting a limited public recource, you are really only helping yourself, there are only so many big game animals, only so much uncrowded public land, and only so many great experences to be had. Many times those that push to make their fortunes off of those increasingly limited things end up hurting more people than they care to acknowledge.
jake not that it matters just my own curiosity are you related to garth and jason?


has anyone seen my kittie

Well said, how about you quit hunting mule deer. I'm sure you have taken some nice ones, let everyone else have their turn. I have had experiences with outfitters and guides in area's that I was hunting. 99% of them were very respectful of someone on a d.i.y. hunt like myself.
If someone can make a living doing what we do as a hobby, that's great! I wish I could. Residents in B.C. will look at you like you've lost your mind when they can hunt stones sheep on their own, yet as US hunters the price is the same as a new truck. Most of the outfitters don't make what I would call a fortune.

>UThunting, answering the last couple questions
>in your group would be
>like answering a political survey,
>in other words, parts are
>missing. When you make
>money exploiting a limited public
>recource, you are really only
>helping yourself, there are only
>so many big game animals,
>only so much uncrowded public
>land, and only so many
>great experences to be had.
> Many times those that
>push to make their fortunes
>off of those increasingly limited
>things end up hurting more
>people than they care to

That's an interesting point, however this is a website based on a hobby which is driven by people (us) who desire to kill and consume the limited public resource you mention. Without that limited public resource, and our desire to kill and consume it, we wouldn't be here talking about it.

If you really feel that making money from it is exploiting it, then we all should abandon MM because they certainly make money from our desire to hunt, kill and talk about it.

In the same vein we should all stop visiting Cabela's, Gander Mountain, Midway USA, stop reading Eastman's, Huntin' Fool, Field & name it. All make money from our desire to "exploit" the limited Resource. Oh, and those ventures wouldn't exist (much like this website) if we all (to some degree) didn't want recognition for what we accomplish, be it monetary or otherwise.
>jake not that it matters just
>my own curiosity are you
>related to garth and jason?

Still no photos of TWODOGS Monster Bucks and Bulls.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
ANYONE who has taken the time to read this lengthy thread already knows you are a deusche bag........ why would Gator or anyone else bet on that?
LAST EDITED ON May-01-10 AT 01:06AM (MST)[p]ok 2 dogs why dont you quit holding off who you are and maybe lets see some of your trophies! never heard of chris darnell in the hunting world! you sound like a jealous guy.did carter shoot the buck you were after and your bitter or what? come on fill us in.
LAST EDITED ON May-01-10 AT 01:29AM (MST)[p]>LAST EDITED ON May-01-10
>AT 01:06?AM (MST)

>ok 2 dogs why dont you
>quit holding off who you
>are and maybe lets
>see some of your trophies!
>never heard of chris darnell
>in the hunting world! you
>sound like a jealous guy.did
>carter shoot the buck you
>were after and your bitter
>or what? come on fill
>us in.

Nope, no jealosy. Jake Roberts (Carter) whacked a really good one. I'm happy for him. I just think he's been brainwashed by the trophy hunting craze that is propagated by the magazine owners and video-makers and he doesn't know what REALLY matters in trophy hunting. What really matters is the things I discussed in my questions to him. I hope he considers them deeeeply.....and becomes a trophy hunting purist. The deeeeep satisfaction of doing it the moral way is immeasurable......

My 2003 LE Utah public land bull.

My 2009 LE Colorado public land bull.


My 2004 LE Utah public land bull.
LAST EDITED ON May-01-10 AT 01:27AM (MST)[p]sweet bulls. dont see any weapons in there guess you killed em bare handed eh? lol any good muleys? so do you know him personally or just assuming those are the things he has done.
Them are my bulls, studly. Same as I told you before. You asked to see ' they are......take it or leave it. Believe it or not....I whacked em with an atlatl....LOL. Or maybe a .338 RUM Rem M700LS.

Lots of great muleys and pronghorns from 6 states, incl one of the top 10 in Utah.
I have a few questions before I acknowledge, Mr. TwoDogs.

1) Did you use trail cams?
2) Did you use chute planes?
3) Did you use a guide?
4) Do you judge the quality of a hunt by the photographs that magazine editors make their living from?
5) Did you gang hunt?

Just asking......

"The deeeeep satisfaction of doing it the moral way is immeasurable......"

What a oversized backpack load of caca. Unless you rode a horse to all those locations and harvested them with a bow and arrow you made from scratch, your moral high horse is arbitrarily set, by YOU. That is OK for you and yours, but you made you Lord and told you where to set the bar for all the rest of us.

Do I think all that goes on in the name of "trophy hunting" is right? No. But People who tell me their way is the only Moral way, don't even get consideration of their ideas.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
I hate rainy Saturdays.......
Other wise I wouldn't be reading this drivel.
Well, at least I hope I wouldn't be.
Those are some great elk Two Dogs. You hunted limited entry Elk two years in a row in Utah. Just Curious How did you get limited entry elk tags two years in a row in Utah. Did you buy one at an auction or draw at the Expo, ??? Just curious.
LAST EDITED ON May-01-10 AT 05:24PM (MST)[p]Oh come on, he's just doing it to help people, after all his latest quote in bugle magazine says " apply, apply,apply," and then he says "if you get a tag, hunt like its the last one you will ever get" ( cause it might be) LOL
>"The deeeeep satisfaction of doing it
>the moral way is immeasurable......"
>What a oversized backpack load of
>caca. Unless you rode a
>horse to all those locations
>and harvested them with a
>bow and arrow you made
>from scratch, your moral high
>horse is arbitrarily set, by
>YOU. That is OK
>for you and yours, but
>you made you Lord and
>told you where to set
>the bar for all the
>rest of us.
>Do I think all that goes
>on in the name of
>"trophy hunting" is right? No.
> But People who tell
>me their way is the
>only Moral way, don't even
>get consideration of their ideas.
>venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore
>I am)

Do ya feel strongly about that, tx?
"Those are some great elk Two Dogs. You hunted limited entry Elk two years in a row in Utah. Just Curious How did you get limited entry elk tags two years in a row in Utah. Did you buy one at an auction or draw at the Expo, ??? Just curious."

I hunt all over the west and I'm networked with a number of older, old-timey, trophy hunters who share my beliefs and philosophies. What I've learned is that trophy hunting purists who hunt the moral way I described here have MUCH better success at drawing these hard-to-get tags. I've spent an extensive amount of time studying the math......

Lord Chris (formerly Saint Chris)

I would love to see your antelope in Ut. I am hooked myself and would like to know the horn configuration on your buck. E-mail me if you like

>I hunt all over the west
>and I'm networked with a
>number of older, old-timey, trophy
>hunters who share my beliefs
>and philosophies. What I've
>learned is that trophy hunting
>purists who hunt the moral
>way I described here have
>MUCH better success at drawing
>these hard-to-get tags. I've
>spent an extensive amount of
>time studying the math......

TwoDogs you can study the math all you want but that does not explain the two LE elk tags in Utah in two years. You either pulled a rabbit out of a hat and got drawn at a banquet, a DH tag, got a tag from a land owner etc. You can't draw two tags in Utah in two years by studying math! That is not possible with the 5 year wait. So it's luck or money and not math! But I guess we can assume you achieved ?deeeeep satisfaction of doing it the moral way...??

I don't get how you can claim:" my own bigguns and published stories and friend? while chastising another for getting a ?biggun? and publishing a story just like you claim to have done.

If you know for a fact the original poster has broken a law not hunted in a ?Moral Way? than post up some facts. If not tuck tail and run little dog!

I guess I am asking who decided that you are into trophy hunting for the right reasons? How do we on MM know that you are not a person into ?trophy hunting who is in it for the wrong reasons.??

I am sure you will have a quick come back as to how I must be a sheep and all but if your response is negative I guess ?The truth hurts, don't it?... ?. Looks like your fragile ego and your emotions have gotten the best of you, and you're a fool for showing it here!
Two Dog,

Are you affiliated with the Horrocks that own the Two Dog Huntin' operation over near Vernal/Diamond Mountain?
LAST EDITED ON May-01-10 AT 10:27PM (MST)[p]>Two Dog,
>Are you affiliated with the Horrocks
>that own the Two Dog
>Huntin' operation over near Vernal/Diamond


But I've been all over that terrific country. Enjoyed my relaxing "after the kill" time in Vernal last October, although the eats were pretty lacking. The Colo bull I posted here is from unit 10.
LAST EDITED ON May-01-10 AT 10:31PM (MST)[p]Utah400,

Just how do ya take yer meth?

My articles were for not-fer-profit wildlife conservation orgs.

My animules were taken just as I professed quads, no trail cams, no gang hunting, no chute planes, no private land, no guides, no 1000-yard rifles, no yellowness. WHAT PART OF THIS DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?

You dudes will not catch me in a double standard here.

You said: "What I've learned is that trophy hunting
purists who hunt the moral way I described here have
MUCH better success at drawing these hard-to-get tags."
You then went on to say: "I've spent an extensive amount of
time studying the math......"

I will ask again. How has studying math helped you DRAW two LE elk tags in two years. It is not possible! Your line about trophy hunting purist having a MUCH better chaqnce of drawing must be a joke.

What non profit conservation organizaton did your stories get posted in and when?
>You said: "What I've learned is
>that trophy hunting
>purists who hunt the moral way
>I described here have
>MUCH better success at drawing these
>hard-to-get tags."
>You then went on to say:
>"I've spent an extensive amount
>time studying the math......"
>I will ask again. How
>has studying math helped you
>DRAW two LE elk tags
>in two years. It
>is not possible! Your
>line about trophy hunting purist
>having a MUCH better chaqnce
>of drawing must be a
>What non profit conservation organizaton did
>your stories get posted in
>and when?

It was a sarcastic joke. Cabucks latched right on to it, why can't you.

Never said I drew 2 UT LE tags in a row. Also, I've never been a UT res, partner. But I whacked those Bookcliffs bulls same as I'm sitting here....

Check Arizona Deer Association (The Deer Times) mags the last several years.
Attention all serious hunters. 2dogs have been spotted. He is seen here in an exclusive video. Although a small fello, he makes up for it in effort.

>Attention all serious hunters. 2dogs have
>been spotted. He is seen
>here in an exclusive video.
>Although a small fello, he
>makes up for it in

That is funny sheet, HK! It don't get any better, partner.....

Were did the Utah resident issue come from? Glad that you are a hunting elitest who only hunt the moral way. Best of luck to you.
>Were did the Utah resident issue
>come from? Glad that
>you are a hunting elitest
>who only hunt the moral
>way. Best of luck
>to you.

Cuz......Utah residents who don't get drawn=Waaaahhhhhhh.

Utah non-residents who cannot EVER get drawn=get out the check book.

Am I to guess that since you are forced to buy your tags than you are not hunting a trophy hunting purist who is hunting in the moral way? Again, good luck to you in your future tag purchases. I bet one day there is going to be a a big fall from your high horse.
>Am I to guess that since
>you are forced to buy
>your tags than you are
>not hunting a trophy hunting
>purist who is hunting in
>the moral way? Again,
>good luck to you in
>your future tag purchases. I
>bet one day there is
>going to be a a
>big fall from your high

Tag acquisition techniques have nothing to do with purism. Scouting and hunting techniques most certainly do.

I'll never fall, partner. My fondest hope is that somebody on this forum hears me......and stops the obscene, vile, filthy, bullcrap that permeates and destroys the hunting scene.

A redeeming quality?

I have not agreed with anything you have said until you talk about scouting and hunting making the hunt. To me, trophy hunting is more about the means and not the ends.

But that's JMHO
CDH...ah...Muleyman....ah...Whiskeyman...ah... Twodogs... well whatever you call yourself now... Chris, what happened? Buy a new computer so you have a new IP address and can get back on sites with a new name until you are banned again.


Will you congratulate me also because I get it?

Kent....take some more meth, partner. Sheeeesh.

Having said do seem to become more manly...with each passing day. Congrats, man.

FYI....they can't ban anyone.....only an IP address. All forum managers seem to miss this crucial concept.
Doood!!! that's what I just said... go to this link...


Allright... a new computer so you can make all the rounds again... maybe you'll show those 3 rut rifle elk and the 2 mulies you claim to have gotten, again for the umpteenth time and claim trophy hunter status... can't wait... again.

Got anything fresh? like the last couple years.

Oh wait, I forgot about all the pics of huge mulie mounts and sheds. Everyone can congratulate you for getting them and you happen to omit they had nothing to do with you, just pics taken or copied off the net... oh that's right , you never said they were yours... just didn't say they weren't till confronted.

What was your original handle here on MM, maybe the guys would remember you... it was before my time probably.

Talking of drugs, glad to see your kinda staying on your meds... thought maybe you harmed yourself or something.

Could this be "Dr Death" when Founder first started this site many years ago? Anyone remember him? At that time there were only about 20-25 members.
Two Dogs, Douche bag auditions are down the hall. What gives you the right to pass judgement on anyone. I believe you are jealous and upset you will never make it in a hunting magazine. You kill dink $hit and take $hitty pictures. Take your pud elk and go. Have a nice day cowboy.

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